Chapter 184 Chapter 180

Venice, Italy.

By the lake, countless purple tentacle monsters broke through the lake and attacked the humans on the shore. These tentacles have big mouths of blood basins and an erect eye.

Fighting this water monster is the alien race, the alien queen Medusa, the alien crystal, the alien hellfire, and the alien Karnak.

“Hellfire, Crystal, Karnak, once we have cleaned up this area and rescued ordinary people, we will immediately use our full strength. These monsters must be eliminated.” said the Queen Medusa.

“There is only one water monster in front of us. All the heads are from the same torso and are hidden under the water.” Kanak said.

“What?” Hellfire couldn’t believe it, all they had dealt with for so long was a monster. He sprayed flames in his hand and rushed towards the head of an attacking tentacle.

“In other words, what we are dealing with is not a group of relatively large monsters, but a super large multi-headed monster.” Crystal said.

“We have to end this battle as soon as possible.” Queen Medusa looked at Karnak, the stranger, “Did you find a weakness?”

“It’s not that simple.” Karnak, the stranger, looked up to the sky, and saw a blazing shooting star hitting them down.



Here is a huge virgin forest. In the forest, the fog is filled with vines crisscrossing like a giant python, and towering old trees stand tall.

Doctor Strange Stephen and Levy came to this forest, and as the two of them progressed, various strange plants came into view.

This is a land off the beaten track, without humans, it presents the most perfect natural state.

“Eye of Agamotto told me that the answer is here.” Doctor Strange said.

As the two moved further and further away in the virgin forest, a cave with huge amounts of black and lacquered appeared on a steep mountain wall.

“Some mysterious ancient ruins.” Doctor Strange and Li Wei walked into the cave. The two arrived and disturbed the residents inside. After a sound of “sand”, a group of bats flew out.

As the two went deep into the cave, some ancient patterns appeared on the wall.

“These patterns seem to tell us something.” Li Wei scanned the wall one by one.

“Yes, the doomsday befalling us.” Doctor Strange looked at the primitive patterns on these walls, “As long as humans were still studying fire and wheels, some people had expected it.”

On the walls, there are some simple monster patterns, and the monsters attacked are some little people like ants.

“Monsters ravaged the earth and flattened the indigenous world on the earth, holding the name of some kind of evil force, and making other monsters awe-inspiring monsters.”

“The King of Trolls!!”

“Maybe it’s our mistake to ignore the warning. In the epic of human self-defense battles, there are different versions of the battle for salvation. If you are not careful, you will lose their clues.”

Stephen was stroking while talking about patterns, his gaze focused on a pattern.

“What is this? A symbol, a summoning card, and a hieroglyph.”

“Monsters, are summoned by the lord of trolls and descended on this world.” Stephen said with a heavy face.

“Lord of trolls, listening to this name is definitely not something to deal with. Moreover, more and more meteors pierce the sky, monsters will constantly appear on the earth.” Stephen said.

“So, the heroes fighting all over the world can’t resist this disaster.” Li Wei said, “Perhaps we want to unite them all to command the battle.”


“Let’s divide our troops, doctor, you continue to look for clues to summon monsters, and, to unite all the heroes.” Li Wei said.

“Good.” Doctor Strange nodded.




“Monster disasters are still going on. Hero teams are resisting these monsters that fall from the sky all over the world. It is currently impossible to predict where these monsters will appear. It seems to appear randomly, but it seems to be premeditated.”

On the TV, a live news broadcast of heroes resisting monsters is playing.

“Now that we have entered a state of global alert, citizens are advised to stay at home and follow the evacuation instructions issued by the authorities.”

“The rescue center began to resettle civilians who were homeless due to the monster incident.”

“If you just started watching, now dozens of monsters have launched attacks all over the world, and the number of monsters is still increasing.”

At the table, the boy stopped his drawing pen, he put away the drawing book and went downstairs.

“Kyu, is that you?” Hearing the sound of the stairs, a woman’s voice sounded in the living room.

“Yes, mother.” The boy replied.

“You won’t go out, it’s not a good idea.” The woman said, “It’s very unsafe outside now. You know what your father will say.”

“Safety comes first. Safety helps you avoid the pain and sorrow of illness.” The boy murmured.

The next moment, the woman said: “Safety comes first. Safety helps you avoid the pain and sorrow of illness. So today, can you stay at home?”

The boy opened the door and he went out.

“It’s done, mother.”

After the boy walked out of the house, he ran into the woods beside the road.

The boy raised his head and he could see meteors in the sky.

“Kawate Kei!!”

Suddenly, a sound with a deep roar sounded behind the boy.

The boy stopped, he turned to look, but the next scene scared him to sit on the ground. Because behind him, there are a few huge amounts of monsters.

Over the entire forest, a huge head appeared, a bit like the head of the evil dragon in the movie, even if it was just a head, it occupied the sky of the boy’s field of vision.

Under the head of this evil dragon are monsters, there are gorilla-like, Toad-like, shark-like creatures, countless.

“Follow my warning, child.” The evil dragon’s head spoke, shaking the boy’s eardrums with throbbing pain.

“No matter what you think you are doing, no matter what your purpose is to summon us, you are playing an extremely dangerous game.”


Xavier Youth Talent Academy.

X-Men has set out to fight the invasion of monsters all over the world, and now there are only a few scattered students in the college.

Li Wei enters the academy, and at the far door, Professor X is already sitting there and looking at him. The professor already knew that Li Wei was coming.

“Professor, I need your help.” Li Wei walked over quickly.

“I know, this disaster is no longer personal will be able to resist, you can just say it.” Professor X said.

“This disaster will soon become a wave of monsters sweeping the world, and the hero teams are still fighting on their own. I need to unite them and accept a unified command. This will help us resist the monsters.”

“So, I need the professor to let everyone of them hear me.” Li Wei said.

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