Chapter 135 Chapter 132 [This distance is either a kiss or a fight]

“But you are not the only ones in the universe.” Nick looked at Thor, “You are not the only threat. There are many people in this world who cannot find their opponents. They will not be controlled by others, so it is very likely that they will Cause trouble.”

“You know, if a powerful person like you creates chaos, this kind of mess is very difficult to clean up.”

“Like you control the Rubik’s Cube?” Steve interrupted Nick.

“It is because of your research on Rubik’s Cube that Loki was attracted.” Thor said, “For other planets, this is a signal that you people on Earth are ready for high-level warfare. You will be attracted by this. More powerful enemies.”

“High level war? You took the lead, we have to have an emergency…” Nick said.

“Like nuclear deterrence.” Tony interrupted Nick, “This trick calms everything down.”

Director Nick spoke to the confucianists. He turned to look at Tony and said, “Then you are talking about, Mr. Stark, how did you make your fortune? Your Stark industry is the world’s largest weapon manufacturer.”

“Not anymore.” Tony said.

“If he was still making weapons, he would definitely not let us know.” Steve said.

“Wait, why did the spear point at me again.” Tony stepped forward.

“Isn’t it always facing you?”

“I thought the people on earth could be more civilized,” Thor said.

“We didn’t go to your planet to do anything wrong.” Nick looked at Thor.

“You have so little confidence in your teammates and allies?” Thor said.

“You people are really naive.” Natasha Romanoff looked at the people who were about to fight red. “S.H.I.E.L.D is just monitoring potential threats.”

“It turns out that the heroic Captain America is also a potential threat.” Banner folded his hands in front of his chest.

“Are we all?” Banner did not forget what Loki said, that the big cage made by S.H.I.E.L.D was originally used to keep him.

“It looks like you are on the list.”

“Are you ranked before or after the angry bees.”

“Stark, listen, if your mouth is nasty again.”

“Intimidation, naked intimidation, I was threatened.”

“Please be respectful.”

“Respect what.”

Suddenly, all the people present, except Li Wei, who was calmly eating fruit, were all blushing, as if they were about to fight.

Li Wei also showed no signs of dissuasion, and looked at everyone with interest.

Anyway, in the end they will change their minds and deal with Loki’s threat together.

No one knew that beside the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier, a fighter plane was slowly approaching.

“Cargo Ship 66B, there is your information on the computer. But without your voyage record, what kind of cargo you are transporting, that’s it.”

On the fighter plane, an inquiry from Helicarrier sounded.

“Weapons and ammunition, over.” The pilot said.

On the fighter plane, a group of elite soldiers are preparing to launch an attack on the S.H.I.E.L.D Helicarrier. Hawkeye is among them.


“You said you want order, it’s not a mess now,” Thor said.

“This is his management method.” Banner said, “Are we a team?”

“I don’t think that if we mix together, we will only create chaos, like a time bomb.”

“You should calm down, Dr. Banner.” Nick looked at Banner.

“Why can’t a man vent properly.” Tony added fuel and jealousy to the side.

“Are you afraid there will be no chaos? Mr. Stark, I think you should go away.” Steve said.

“I want to see how you let me go.”

“Yeah, be a hero by hiding in armor.” Steve looked at Tony, “What are you without armor?”

“A genius, a millionaire, a playboy, a philanthropist.” Tony scrambled.

“A lot of people who are nothing, ten times better than you, I have seen more.” Steve stared at Tony and said. “You will only work hard for yourself. You are definitely not the kind of person who can sacrifice himself.”

“You are definitely not the kind of person who lays on the wire fence and lets your comrades pass by yourself.”

“I think the barbed wire should be cut short.”

Steve smiled disdainfully. “You always have crooked ideas. Maybe you are not a threat, but you better not think of yourself as a hero.”

“Hero, like you?”

“You are just an experiment, Rogers.”

“All your abilities come from a small bottle.” The two looked at each other.

“This distance is not to fight or to kiss.” Li Wei said suddenly from the side.

“Put on your armor and we’ll be singled out.” Steve stared at Tony and said.

“Hahaha, you guys are so stingy, so stingy.” Thor laughed from the side.

“Yes, this is the team.” Banner said.

“Natasha Romanoff agent, please take Dr. Banner to his…”

“My room? Didn’t you lend it to Loki?” Banner interrupted Nick.

“Dr. Banner, that’s just in case.”

“In case you need to kill me, that’s impossible, I know, I tried it.” Banner interrupted Nick again.

“I was disappointed because I couldn’t see the future. So I fired a shot at myself, but the other one spit out the bullet.”

“I try to help others, but I can’t.”

“Until you brought me to this freak team and put everyone in danger, do you know my secret? Do you want to know how I stayed calm?”

“Dr. Banner…” Nick stared at Banner, his hand on the pistol on his trouser leg, “put that thing down.”

Banner looked into his hand, Loki scepter had been held by him for some time.

Just when the atmosphere was extremely tense, the computer rang.

“Found it, it’s the Rubik’s Cube. It has been positioned to the Rubik’s Cube.” Banner walked over.

“Tesseract belongs to the realm of God, humans cannot control it.” Thor said.

“Boom.” At this time, the Helicarrier suddenly vibrated violently, and the side of this room exploded, and everyone was shocked to retreat.

Nick was flew out directly, the ground was overturned, Natasha Romanoff agent and Banner fell down.

“Hill, what happened?” Nick connected the Hill agent communication.

“There was an explosion outside, the No. 3 engine stopped running, and we were attacked.”

“Can it be repaired?” Nick asked.

“The turbo is basically fine, but as long as we are still in the flight, it is impossible to send someone out to make repairs.”

“We have to send someone to fix it. If the other engine is also damaged, we will fall.”

“I’ll fix it.” Tony said at this moment.

“Phil Coulson agent, open the defensive blockade in the enclosed area. Then go to the armory”

“Natasha Romanoff agent?”

“I’m fine.” At this moment, Natasha Romanoff and Banner fell into the lower floor, and she was already pinched by the falling machine on one leg.

And Banner, being attacked inexplicably, he felt that Hulk seemed to be coming out.

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