Kill the vaccine people at the peak of the dragon level and save people from fire and water, Jiang Hao’s ranking rises again.

Because this time it directly solved a big problem for mankind, squeezing out the top ten from the original S-grade seventeenth and squeezing the original pig god to the eleventh.

In the ranks of the S-class, it seems that the difficulty of the ranking has also increased a little, or maybe there are not many people in the S-level itself, this time it is only seven places, which is not so exaggerated compared to before.

However, what Jiang Hao noticed was that being a hero is becoming more and more similar than being an idol.

Under the relentless publicity of the Hero Association, Jiang Hao gained great fame, at least in the hearts of most people in City Z and City A, Jiang Hao was like their savior.

As the main active area, it is natural that City Z will have super high popularity, and as for the popularity in City A, thanks to the appearance of vaccine people, everyone in City A feels desperate.

Solving the vaccine person, whether it is points or other aspects, Jiang Hao has obtained a lot.

Then this caused that every time he went out, soon after going out, there would always be a large group of people following him, and they would not get too close, just hanging so far away, so that Jiang Hao could not remind them of anything.

“Aren’t these people afraid to follow me and meet weirdos?”

Jiang Hao couldn’t stand thinking that he was honestly very happy that he was popular, but the performance of the fans made him a little helpless.

He is a hero who appears on the street not to hang out, but to find out if there is someone to be weirdo.

These people follow him, if some powerful weirdos appear at that time, aren’t they afraid of being affected?

Or did they really think that Jiang Hao was free to take care of them?

He didn’t want to respond to their expectations, not because Jiang Hao was pretending to be cold, but he could only keep his distance from them in this way.

“Senior, Guian!”

The chance encounter with Juhean greeted Jiang Hao respectfully, with a different light in his eyes than before.

Jiang Hao didn’t notice this small detail, but when he met someone he knew, he greeted Juhean: “I haven’t seen you for a few days, how is your practice?”

As if he showed the appearance of being a senior in front of Juhean, Jiang Hao was becoming more and more skilled.

“It’s still like that, but compared to my affairs, senior’s things are worth paying attention to!”

“What’s wrong with me again?”

Ihean’s subtle tone seemed to be saying what happened to Jiang Hao again.

“The senior is not only superior in swordsmanship, but also a superpower, and the thunderstorm in City A was made by the senior!”

Iai-an said in a surprised tone.

Because the atomic samurai was also called because of the vaccine man’s problem, but because the vaccine man has been solved by Jiang Hao, the atomic samurai also specially took his disciples to understand the details.

When they found out that Jiang Hao not only had super high swordsmanship, but also had the power to control thunder and lightning, their master Atomic Samurai was so shocked that he couldn’t speak.

A person has two sword techniques at the same time, and then a person is both a sword master and a thunder king, just like the ruthless man in the RPG game.


Jiang Hao frowned, he didn’t quite understand what Juhean was talking about, when did he become a superpower?

Could it be that others regard his Thunder Fruit’s ability as a superpower and have added a superpower to his resume?

The power of the Devil Fruit cannot be summarized in the category of superpowers, which is a more mysterious existence.

However, Jiang Hao did not intend to explain, how others misunderstood.

“If you continue to patrol and practice in the next step, you won’t continue to harass you!”

Juhean saw that Jiang Hao lacked interest in this, so he chose to leave in understanding.

Jiang Hao nodded and did not retain, after separating from Juhean, he felt that Z City was extremely peaceful today, and simply began to ask the Hero Association if other cities needed his help.

“Are you already busy enough to start helping other cities?”

I don’t know if I said it all today, first I met Juhean, and now I met Chuixue when I contacted the association, and Jiang Hao felt that today must be a good day to meet acquaintances.

Although I usually encounter it often in Z City, it is not so frequent, and I should have come to her specially to see the blowing snow.

After letting the association pay attention to it, Jiang Hao turned his gaze to Chuixue and asked, “What’s wrong, you actually have time to come to me?” ”

“Who said I came to find you?”

Chuixue still wanted to deny it, but she couldn’t hide any thoughts in front of Jiang Hao.

“Haven’t you already shown that there is something I can do to help you?”

If Chuixue has something to help him, Jiang Hao will not refuse, after all, they are all so familiar, and everyone’s relationship is quite good.

Chuixue sighed and replied a little helplessly: “It’s not because my sister, after returning from City A, she has been asking me about you, I said Jiang Hao, when did you become a superpower again?” ”

After returning from City A, Dragon Scroll began to investigate Jiang Hao, who she regarded as an opponent.

For Jiang Hao’s ability to control thunder and lightning, the tornado can be said to be seen once and can no longer be forgotten, and now she has been nagging to crack Jiang Hao’s superpower, it seems that in her opinion, the reason why Jiang Hao was able to make her superpower invalid in the past must be related to Jiang Hao’s ability to control thunder and lightning.

The last failure was still in Tornado’s heart, but Tornado always thought that one day he would be able to wash away the shame and make Fuyuki change his mind.

“You are also not easy…”

Jiang Hao saw Chuixue’s mood at the moment, and couldn’t help but sigh.

The way Blowing Snow is worried about now looks more like being an older sister than the tornado.

However, as an outsider, he is not good to say anything, after all, the affairs of their sisters can only be solved by themselves.

“Also, I want to ask you something, I hope you can give me some attention!”

Chuixue’s face suddenly straightened, and his expression became much more serious, as if he wanted to say something important.

Her attitude made Jiang Hao couldn’t help but become serious, and at this moment he pricked up his ears to hear what Chuixue was going to say next.

Chuixue took a deep breath and slowly spoke: “Actually, I plan to be promoted to Grade A, but I just don’t know if this decision should be made…”

Upgrading to Class A?

Jiang Hao was stunned, and just wanted to say something when his mobile phone rang.

“Let’s answer the phone first, maybe it’s the news of the association, it’s more important there.”


Jiang Hao silently connected the phone, and it was really from the association as Chuixue thought.

“Sir, a supergiant has appeared in City B, are you ready to go over?”

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