One Punch Hunter

Chapter 26 Two-headed Spiritual Python


This punch hit the head of the centipede directly. With a loud bang, the huge body of the centipede suddenly stopped while running, and the centipede's head was smashed into pieces!

Not only that, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground below the centipede's head!

However, the centipede's body continued to move forward due to inertia, and the whole body was squeezed into a ball, like a train that had a rear-end collision.

After this punch, the entire limb where the centipede's head was located was smashed to pieces, leaving only juice and fragments in the big pit.

Bai Ye stood up from the body of the centipede, holding two dark purple beast cores in his hand.

One of them was from the blood-eyed demon ape. When it was swallowed, Bai Ye took the beast core from it directly.

After getting the beast core of the centipede, Bai Ye already had two beast cores of lord-level wild beasts in his hand. It is very rare to get two lord-level beast cores at once.

The only thing that made Bai Ye unhappy was that it was really disgusting...

After wiping off the mucus on the watch, Bai Ye found that the quality of this watch was indeed good and there was no malfunction.

It was just that the smell on the body was too strong, and Bai Ye couldn't stand it for a minute.

I originally wanted to use the watch to contact the fat guy Su Ye, but the problem was that Bai Ye forgot to exchange the watch number with the fat guy...

"Forget it, let's find a place to take a shower first. I remember seeing it on the fat guy's map. There is a lake in the southeast..."

Bai Ye stomped on the ground directly, jumped out dozens of meters in an instant, and rushed to the southeast at a very fast speed.


Nearly ten minutes after Bai Ye left, the four combat mechas finally arrived.

The pilots of the four mechas were all looking at everything in front of them with shock.

The headless body of the centipede was too shocking, and this huge pit was like a super bomb.

However, these soldiers also knew that it was impossible for a super bomb to directly blow the head of the centipede to pieces.

"Report, report to the commander, the alarm is lifted..." a mecha pilot said stutteringly.

Inside the military base, everyone looked at the battle images sent back by the combat mecha with an incredible expression...

The commander slapped the table and said, "Send more mechas immediately to search for the whereabouts of the unknown figure nearby!!"


This attempt was doomed to be futile. At this time, Bai Ye had already run several kilometers and entered the vast jungle.

After running for a long time, Bai Ye finally saw a small lake in front of him. He didn't care about so much and dived into the water directly.

After a long time.

Bai Ye got out of the water, and the blue mucus on his body was finally washed off.

However, this blue mucus is also very corrosive. Although the clothes of this era are made of special fiber materials and are not easy to damage, they still can't withstand the corrosion of this mucus and are full of holes.

"...This is my favorite outfit."

Bai Ye was so angry. If the centipede hadn't suddenly emerged from the ground without any warning, he wouldn't have been swallowed and made such a mess.

The clothes he was wearing were ordinary clothes, not special combat uniforms, so they were quickly corroded.

If it was the combat uniforms that the little fat man and Zhou Ruoling wore, this level of acid would basically not cause damage to the combat uniforms.

The problem now is that Bai Ye and the little fat man are separated. It would not be easy to find the little fat man in this vast jungle.

The more urgent problem is that Bai Ye is hungry.


Rubbing his rumbling stomach, Bai Ye opened the map on his watch and located the location of him and Su Ye before by memory.

Roughly estimated, this distance is not too far. After all, the centipede was killed not long after it swallowed him, and the whole process may only take ten minutes.

However, Bai Ye took a long detour to find this lake, and took a lot of time to take a bath.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting dark, and visibility dropped rapidly.

"Forget it, let's find the little fat guy first. The body of the silver-backed frost wolf is still with him."

When Bai Ye thought of the silver-backed frost wolf, he became even hungrier.

However, just when Su Qi took two steps, four balls of blue flames suddenly ignited in the depths of the jungle.


Bai Ye was slightly surprised, but the next second, a gust of fishy wind blew in his face!

"Hiss, hiss, hiss...!"

The huge two-headed python suddenly jumped out of the jungle!

The size of this python is much smaller than that of the centipede, and its body length is about two hundred meters.

However, there is an obvious bulge on both heads of this python, and the fangs are as sharp as a long sword!

"Damn, again?"

Bai Ye will not be swallowed this time. He jumped to the right at a very fast speed and avoided one of the two-headed python's heads, but almost in an instant, the other head bit down again!

Bai Ye jumped forward, raised his right foot, and kicked the two-headed python hard on the jaw!


With a loud bang, the head that was hit was raised high, and even the body of the giant python tilted backwards.

But unexpectedly, the head of the giant python did not explode, and the kick did not seem to cause any obvious damage.

"It's quite powerful."

Bai Ye was a little surprised. It seems that although the size of this two-headed python is not as big as the centipede, its strength is far superior.

This two-headed python is one of the few beast king-level wild beasts nearby!

Although it is only a low-level beast king, it is enough for it to dominate this area.

However, this two-headed python has a certain amount of wisdom and basically has not harassed Hanhai City, so it can survive until now. It lives in seclusion in the wilderness area. When it is unhappy, it digs holes and drills the ground. Humans have no way to deal with it.

As for this time, it happened to meet the hungry Bai Ye when it was hungry.

The giant python shook its head that was a little dazed by the beating and attacked Bai Ye again.

Its snake skin is very tough, and its defense is second only to the armor of the iron-armored dragon, and its flexibility is even better. Ordinary hot weapons can't do anything to it. Even human awakeners holding alloy swords can hardly cause damage to it.

Therefore, it thinks that the person in front of it is unarmed and will not pose a threat to it at all.

"… Forget it. Without the silver-backed frost wolf, I'll just use snake meat to deal with it."

Seeing the two-headed python's bloody mouth biting towards him, Bai Ye jumped high, came to the top of the two-headed python, and then punched it!


A terrifying shock wave spread from Bai Ye's fist, and one of the two-headed python's heads that was directly hit by this punch was directly smashed to pieces!

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