When the crowd dispersed, everyone got busy and participated in the rescue of the heroes.

Ling Feng walked up to Saitama: “Is this really good?” ”

“It’s nothing! It’s just killing a seafood king, the guy you just hit…”

Although others did not sense it, Saitama sensed it clearly, and in the depths of the ocean, an indescribable terrorist war broke out before.

“It’s a guy who claims to be the ruler of the ancient deep sea!” Ling Feng said.

“Boom! Deep Sea Dominator? Is it strong? ”

“Hmm! It’s kind of interesting, but I’ve solved it! ”

Although Ling Feng said it was easy, the energy that had been diffused before could not make Saitama easy at all!

“It seems that there are still many real enemies hidden in this world! I have to work harder! Saitama looked at his fist and said to himself.

Three days later

Genos was also restored, and according to reports, the injured heroes were properly treated.

Just as Ling Feng and Saitama were walking home from grocery shopping, a drone dropped in front of them.

“What is it?” Saitama asked curiously.

“Teacher, it looks like an email!” Genos opened the box, which was filled with various envelopes.

“Did you send it from the post office?” Ling Feng next to him asked.

“It was sent by the Heroes Guild! The letters inside are sent by ordinary people to heroes! Probably the kind of admiration and other letters! ”

“Let me see!” Saitama searched for a while in the letters, and even found several for himself.

“Huh? There was even a message sent to me! Ling Feng, yours too! Take it around and take it back! ”

When I got home, I opened the envelope and sent letters of affection to Genos mostly from girls.

However, when Saitama opened the envelope, it was full of vulgar words.

“Scumbags, trick-trick guys, won’t cheer you up!”

“Hero out of character!”

“Stop being a hero… Fuck off! ”


“These guys … It’s too much, I’ll check the shipping addresses of these people! Genos on the side was angry, he actually slandered Saitama-sensei like this, others don’t know, but Genos is very clear, if it weren’t for Saitama’s move, I’m afraid I don’t know how many people would die, but these guys are now repaying virtue with grudges, which is simply hateful.

“Forget it, it’s okay!” Saitama said indifferently.

Ling Feng also opened the letter sent to him, and couldn’t help but show a wry smile, it seems that he has also harvested a batch of little fans!

“Depend, Ling Feng, someone else shows you love! Go on a date! Saitama smiled cheaply.

“Fuck off! Am I that kind of person? Boom! “Having said that, Ling Feng still feels quite happy! It’s like being recognized!

At this time, Saitama opened a letter again: “Huh? Thanks! ”

I saw a big thank you written on the envelope.

“Is it someone you know?” Saitama looked surprised.

“Ah, it should be someone who was saved by the teacher before! Sure enough, there are still discerning people in the world! Genos next to him laughed.

“Wait, there’s another one! Saitama gave it to you! Ling Feng pulled out one from the letter.

“This is! Sent by the Heroes Guild! ”

“The Hero Guild? Is it a notice to fire my squid? I don’t care anyway! Saitama opened the envelope, and inside was a grading table.

“C-grade first?”

“Wait, there’s another notice for me to go to the Heroes Guild? Do? Saitama gave a puzzled look.

At this time, among the hero association

“The impact caused by the Deep Sea King has been minimized! The mood of the population has also been pacified! Everything is going according to the emergency rescue plan! ”

At this moment, a figure hurriedly walked in.

“Director, here’s a satellite image! About the shaking from the depths of the Western Hemisphere Ocean the other day! ”

“Play quickly!” The director with glasses next to him nodded and said quickly.

The picture is not clear, even full of distortions, only the spread of a cloud of light can be seen.

“What the hell is this?” The director’s face changed slightly.

“Director, we detected energy fluctuations that exceeded the limit at the target location before!”

“How big?”

“Enough to destroy the planet!”



Ling Feng returns to the underground House of Evolution, where Killos is conducting new research with a group of clones, and when he sees Ling Feng’s arrival, he quickly salutes.

“Kilos, how is the research on the sample I brought back yesterday?”

“Boss, this thing is so weird! The cells made up of the body are very ancient! Kiros said with a solemn expression.

“Ancient? How old is it? ”

“More than a billion years! The cells that make up this tissue are like the most primitive cells, and they are full of energy! Even if he left the main body for three days, he still maintained full vitality! Saying that, Killos opened the lid next to it, and in a special glass cover, inside was a wriggling mass of flesh and blood.

“Boss, this thing is still trying to repair itself, if you give it enough energy and time, it will even grow into a new individual!” Killos said.

“And, boss, this thing always seems to be attracted to something!” With that, Killos pointed in one direction.

Ling Feng turned around and narrowed his eyes, that was the direction of the ocean.

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