“What happened!?”

At this moment, the mosquito woman’s face changed greatly, and her flower turned colorless.

Just as Kenos thought, after she escaped from the House of Evolution, she began to manipulate mosquitoes to suck blood and become stronger.

Because of her talent, in just a few days, she manipulated a large number of mosquitoes and secretly abused in Z City.

At the beginning, the mosquito woman did not dare to be so ostentatious, but as the blood increased and her strength increased, her confidence became more and more sufficient.

By now, she has completely controlled the mosquito population in Z City, and even begun to expand ambitiously to surrounding ABCD and other cities.

The mosquito woman is very confident that in the near future, as long as her mosquito population is spread in more cities, the amount of blood obtained by that time will definitely allow her to be fearless of the threat of the Evolution House.

When the time comes, Kinos will send someone over, and she will be able to fight back, even the guy who is currently the strongest in the House of Evolution!

Of course, in addition to the quantity of blood, blood quality is also important.

The mosquito woman just heard that a super giant appeared in D City not long ago.

So she began to consciously control the mosquito swarm in Z City, expanding in the direction of D City, and if she was lucky, getting the blood of that super giant might make her stronger faster!

It’s just that!

Just as the mosquito woman began to implement this idea, an unusual situation appeared!

At this moment, the mosquito girl was shocked to sense that the mosquito group she left behind in Z City began to extinct on a large scale!

What’s going on!?

The mosquito woman was furious.

Although she has begun to expand to other cities, there are still many mosquitoes left in Z City, which is still very important to her.

But what is the situation now?

Why did mass extinction begin?

What happened!?

The mosquito woman wondered.

Could it be that there is a reasonable mosquito swarm?

But who exactly? How is it possible to clean up so much at once?

“What’s that?”

And next, the mosquito girl subconsciously looked towards Z City, and suddenly saw the white fog that covered the sky and covered the entire city.

I don’t know why, for that white fog, she unconsciously developed a strange sense of disgust.

“Is it a hero?”

Subconsciously, the mosquito woman thought of heroes.

Of course, she also knows about the existence of heroes.

In fact, the reason why she is in a hurry to suck blood and become stronger, in addition to guarding against the Evolution House, there are also reasons to guard against heroes.

Kinos implanted the knowledge she had to understand her position as a weirdo.

If someone like her doesn’t do anything, I’m afraid that if she is discovered, it will cause a hero’s attack, right?

All in all, the mosquito woman knows herself and must become stronger as soon as possible.

And now, apparently, her plans to become stronger have been thwarted.

And the culprit is likely to be the hero.

As soon as she thought of this, the mosquito woman’s eyes suddenly became gloomy and flickered continuously.

After a while, seeing that the white fog over there began to become thin, the mosquito girl’s eyes suddenly froze, as if she had made some decision, and suddenly opened her mouth and hissed.


In the next instant, a strange sound wave came out of the mosquito woman’s mouth.

A magical scene has appeared!

As the mosquito girl opened her mouth and hissed, the surrounding void suddenly appeared small black dots.


A buzzing sound followed.

The little black dots are tiny mosquitoes!

At this moment, the number of mosquitoes gathered was extremely large, and in an instant, a thick black cloud was formed, enveloping the figure of the mosquito woman!


The mosquito swarm came and went quickly, and in the blink of an eye, the mosquito swarm split and scattered.

Only the mosquito woman was left in the same place.

At this time, the mosquito woman has changed a lot.

Originally, her body armor was only light red, but at this time, it showed a bright red color.

The insect-like lower limbs also began to shimmer with a metallic texture.

The most amazing thing is her appearance, originally looking ordinary, but at this time she is also radiant and gorgeous!

The mosquito woman stopped in the air, silently felt her own changes, and nodded secretly.

“Not bad…”

Those mosquitoes just now are all the mosquitoes that she expanded into the surrounding cities.

And the mosquito swarm gathered just now was also summoned by her.

In order to collect the blood collected from those mosquitoes.

And after this wave of blood moisturizing, she was obviously much stronger than just now.

The change in appearance is only secondary.

On top of that, her attack and defense have improved a lot.

Sensing this, the mosquito girl no longer stayed, turned around in mid-air, and turned back towards Z City.

Suddenly encountered the abnormality of Z City, she did not ignore or escape, but decided to face it head-on.

After all, if it is really the hero’s doing, then it means that the hero has noticed her!

In this case, there is no need for mosquito women to expand, because in other cities, they may also be blocked.

In order not to be attacked left and right when you get it, and be attacked on all sides, the mosquito woman thinks that it is better to go back to Z City first.

If it is only a small number of heroes, or weak heroes, she can completely devour the other party, thus increasing her strength again!

And if the other party’s strength is too strong, she can also detect it in advance and make more responses.

All in all, let’s take a look first.

In this way, the mosquito woman, whose strength had increased a lot, directly turned into a red shadow and swept towards Z City.

And by the time she arrived in Z City, the strange white fog had disappeared.

It’s just that there is still an unpleasant smell in the air!

“What does it smell!?”

Smelling that smell, the mosquito woman actually had a feeling of nausea and wanted to vomit.

This situation made her face can’t help but become solemn.



No man’s land in City Z.

Sniffing the fresh smell in the air, Saitama laughed.

“Teacher Xia Ning is really powerful, at this moment, there should be no mosquitoes.”

And at this moment, the hell blowing snow next to him, smelling the fresh breath that permeated the city, couldn’t help but be shocked.

Just now, after that “god-level mosquito” was solved by Hell Blowing Snow, Saitama seemed to be still puzzled.

After breakfast, he actually snapped up a lot of harmless mosquito repellent sprays mentioned in the news to repel mosquitoes.

But because he was too troublesome to get it alone, he begged Xia Ning for help.

Hara Hekufuyuki thought that it was just a simple use of spray, and he also wanted to help.

Instead, he turned on all the spray, and then compressed the special mosquito repellent water to form a bear’s paw air mass and hit the sky.

As a result, there was a white fog that shrouded the entire Z City!

Obviously, under such a white fog, the mosquitoes in the entire Z City have definitely suffered a catastrophe!

Realizing this, so much so that the white mist dissipated, Hell Blowing Snow was still shocked.

Looking at Xia Ning, who was always light and breezy next to her, she couldn’t help but ask: “Xia Ning, what kind of move are you?”

Xia Ning suddenly smiled slightly.

“It’s called rain shock.”


PS: Wow, which big guy voted 20 to urge change, kneel!

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