Chapter 61 atoms door! Super black powder doubled version!

Kai led the army to participate in Oare majority of the time.

Almost all sectors of human and summer country.

We are for this service.

Mineral process laboratory stone is located.

Usually pretty popular attention.

But this time.

Almost no one paid attention.

Shi Cheng is a somewhat bookish research scholars.

Other scholars more or less.

This time will focus on fighting the Wild Army.

And Cheng Shi ……

But it is still a headlong into the lab.

The entire lab now he was a man still working properly.

Other scholars.

Or was transferred to the logistics group.

Or to other sections of channeling the door.

this day.

Cheng stone still as usual.

Six p.m.

get off work.

When he drew the lab door.

When ready to close.

Glimpse inside corner of the eye test.

Bloom in a metallic iron in the glass.

Irradiation of outside light.

Exudes a faint light.

This is a trace of light projected to process stone eyes.

Let his head suddenly a flash!

all the time.

Research and conjecture about the origin of matter there are people who perform.

Because Jiang Fan of six questions.

Kai is also very seriously.

Term elements had already been put forward person.


For a long period of time inside.

Many scholars Summer country.

Regard the elements considered simple substances can not be divided by chemical methods.

Those substances is no longer a simple matter decomposition is known.

Called an element!


Put the two elements and elemental concepts confusion or equated.

They understand the origin of the composition of matter is through the observation of objective things or conjectural way to solve.

With the rise of the experiment later.

Experimental data accumulated some material change.

Only preliminary results from the chemical analysis to solve concept of elements or simple substances.

Stone-do is a job so boring.

It is to study all kinds of metal!

However, due to the lack of precise experimental material.

Exactly which substances should belong to the elements.

Or exactly what the substance is no longer a simple matter of minutes.

This problem can not be settled.

For example.

Elemental oxygen and oxygen is not the same thing!

The former is an element.

The latter can be used as a simple substance.

And now the country in summer.

Almost all are the oxygen as elements!

But the way the stone is an exception.

all the time.

He not only of metal, these studies have also oxygen, nitrogen and sulfuric acid.

Long-term research and testing.

Let Cheng Shi think ……

This division is not accurate.

Looking metallic iron distribute glow!

Cheng Shi suddenly enlightened!

He thought once seen under a microscope biological cells!


Metal, the elemental oxygen.

Whether it is formed by a simpler, single thing?

This kind of thing ……

It should be the elements.

The thought here.

Cheng Shi very excited.

No time to go home.

Direct re-enter the lab.

Turn on the lights.

It was confirmed in the brain guess.

A few days off.

Cheng stone is almost without food or drink.

We have been constantly experiment, think, experiment, thinking ……

Almost no attention to Cheng Shi exception.

Except Jiang Fan!

While taking part in a large majority.

Jiang Fan from time to time but still concerned about the development of the Blue Star.


He believes that those who have the potential to scholars.

Cheng is one of a stone ……!

When you see the stone path exception.

Jiang Fan also carefully observed for a few days.


Jiang Fan could not help but praise one.

In Jiang Fan envisioned in.

The true concept of the element.

According to past lives statement.

Chemical element that is ……

A collective name of the same type of atoms in a nuclear charge number.

Element is the result of quantitative and qualitative changes result in the occurrence of atomic number of protons.

It should not be this era can be found.

But this process stone.

He has done.


Limited conditions of the times.

Cheng Shi experiments can not fully support his vision.


Jiang Fan knew.

The current condition of the country in summer.

Even the extracted metal elements are very difficult.

In a sense.

Cheng Shi also born in the wrong era.


Cheng Shi is still a huge contribution.

Near the back.

Cheng stone pioneered the concept of “atom”.

And thought to be composed of the smallest unit of matter!

In fact, this statement is not accurate.

But laid the foundation for the later development of chemical and chemical elements of the discipline!

This is something.

CHENG stone.

The most practical is –

Black powder upgraded version ……

Yellow powder!

Is a modern explosives.

Early stage of history! !

……………………………………………… ……….

PS: During the new book, the data is very, very important.

Flowers was almost broken twenty thousand, also pass on to fifty the number of poor.

Members bigwigs help lift a hand.

Ask for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets…all kinds of tickets.

……………………………………………… ……….*

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