The sharp trembling of the s!!warm of "


insects continued to reverberate in the sky above the crimson star

for a long time.

They stared at the Terran soldiers in the distance.

The body trembles and is irritable.

Their emotionless eyes

are filled with endless ferocity and violence.

It seems that it only takes the Juggernaut to show a little bit of attacking and killing intent.

They would pounce on them with all their ferocity, tearing

those Terrans to shreds.

They felt the wrath of the Dominator.

They were also taking in this boundless rage!


Bess lips trembled in the sky.

He looked horrified at the swarms on the ground that were already on the verge of eruption.

He looked at the war insect that was staring at him coldly, his

expression was shocked and pale.

He couldn't imagine that such a creature could exist in the universe.

The lord of the swarm in front

of him, or the supreme leader of the race as he understood it.

It can be a certain bug, and

it can actually be incarnated into every bug.

This means that the

other party cannot be killed

unless its entire population is exterminated.

But this is clearly not possible.

He didn't think that the entire race of the other party would only have the millions that had entered the Crimson Star.

Inside that open wormhole,

there must be more.

Beth's body began to shake violently.

He knew he had made a fatal mistake.

Face a powerful alien unknown race.

He actually relied on his own narrow and pitiful cognitive concept.

Attempt to kill the master of the swarm in order to

destroy the other party's command system and

win the war between the races.

Try to calm the fear in your heart, in

order to save the terrible results caused by the mistake.

Beth pleaded in her heart

, "Your Excellency, this... All of this is a misunderstanding, it is really a misunderstanding! I apologize to you, ask for your forgiveness, the request comes from your pardon, as I said before, we can sit down and discuss, perhaps, we can accept your request..."

"No, I don't accept it!"

Qin Tian passed out his consciousness.

The sneak attack didn't kill him, and

an apology would be over?

According to the normal script,

Qin Tian should burst out of his boundless will at this time.

Poured out all the war insects of the Zerg Tribe

, including the entire Martian and other ordinary insects, and

completely wiped out the Terran of the Crimson Star.

Make them pay for their stupidity,

and make them feel the tremor of angering a Zerg master.

But for the feasibility of the plan to hunt space creatures, and for the

faster evolution of the population, space species were developed.

He endured.

Came to his senses.

You can't just waste your time on this for the sake of personal emotions and

regardless of the development of the ethnic group



, if you do not punish yourself, you

will appear too weak

and put yourself in a disadvantageous position for the rest of the negotiations and your position in the future.

After a little thought

, Qin Tian opened his mouth and continued:

"You have offended me, I can't forgive you.

"But I am merciful.


" "I give you two choices.


" "I can accept that this is your personal mistake as the Supreme Commander, and at the cost of it, you will pay with your life and take the initiative to enter that spatial passage."


"My immeasurable race will vent my wrath, and the war will go on endlessly until your total extinction!"

"You have only ten minutes to think about it.

After Qin Tian finished speaking, he controlled the Destroyer War Worm and retreated.

Two choices

, in fact, there is no choice.

The death of one person and ten thousand lives

, in any race,

is a matter that does not need to be considered.

Sure enough

, just a few minutes,

Bess came alone.

There were no soldiers with him.

"Your Excellency, I hope that my life will appease your anger.

Bess bowed down and bowed


Turning to leave,

he flew towards the direction of the passage with the red shield around him.

There was no fear of imminent death on his face.

On the contrary, it is full of a touch of righteousness and fearlessness.

In a war

, if you have to die,

heroic righteousness

is the most glorious fate in the heart of every general.

On the ethnic group,

it will be infinitely enlarged.

The demise of one person

will be exchanged for the continuation of the entire race.

With the figure of the bass into the space passage.

Under Qin Tian's will, all the war insects

retreated like a tide and returned to Mars in an instant.

Not long after,

a black dragon guard walked out of the space passage.

A few days ago,

Qin Tian ordered the mother emperor to

breed a group of black dragon guards and parasitic queens.


, for the needs of the outside world, I had to continue to expand my own power.

Second, it

is also for the purpose of engaging and negotiating with scientific and technological civilizations now and in the future.

The appearance of the Terran guarded by the black dragon

can reduce the estrangement caused by different species.

The negotiation venue

, according to Qin Tian's requirements,

was chosen in the nearest floating city.

At the same time,

it also commands that all forms can be simplified.

Even so.

The Black Dragon Guards controlled by Qin Tian were still received with the highest standard.

This is the sorrow of being weak.

was slapped in the face,

not only could not shout pain, but also had to pay for the smile.

In the huge conference room,

representatives of the two negotiators sat down.

On the Crimson side,

except for the female consul who had just arrived and sat at the top.

There were also ten people,

each sitting in the row on the left hand side of the table.

On Qin Tian's side, only the Black Dragon Guards sat directly opposite the female archon.

But the other party was very interested in reserving a whole row of empty seats on the right-hand side.

People can not send redundant representatives,

but they cannot help but make such a humble gesture.

"Huh. Qin

Tian looked through the perspective of the Black Dragon's personal guard.

Looking at a pair of tangled and complicated stares staring at them.

He smiled, and

his consciousness fell into the minds of everyone present:

"You can try to think that this is my essence to kill me.

"Maybe it worked?"

"You can take a gamble."

"Isn't it?"

"When I die, the race loses its master, and it will fall into ownerless chaos.

"You will have eternal peace. Hearing

this, the

crimson star representative looked nervous.

The female archon opposite immediately said in her heart:

"Your Excellency, you have misunderstood, and I once again express my deepest apologies to you for our stupidity. Immediately

, the female consul stood up, and

a group of representatives of the Crimson Star followed suit.

With his right hand placed on his chest

, he bent down and bowed his head,

and performed the highest courtesy to the Demon Dragon Guard, who was sitting in the first place to represent Qin Tian.

"Alright, let's get started.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency. The

Archon took her seat:

"While I wonder why you know about our inferior technology given your level of technology, I will answer any questions you may have.

"First of all, what is your technology focused on? This

is where Qin Tian is most puzzled.

"Genetic research, like the genetic warriors you see, is our greatest achievement. The

consul replied.

"Genetic warriors? Like Bess who can form a red shield outside his body and fly into the sky?

"Yes, our planet has a very special ore called Crimstone, which contains a huge amount of energy, and according to our countless years of research, we have combined the energy of Crimson with our genes, so that we have the ability to fly, and our weapons, which are also the energy provided by Crimstone. "

The combination of energy and genes?


when I go back, I

can let the mother queen experiment.

Qin Tian thought for a moment.

Something seems to have come to mind.

Suddenly asked,

"What did you use to sneak attack me?"

Qin Tian remembered that those arc-shaped red rays came from the sky.

The female archon pursed her lips

and said with a wry smile:

"Your Excellency, it is a space weapon that guards the Crimson Star, called the Crimson Scythe, which can achieve extremely accurate targeted strikes against enemies on the ground, and its energy also comes from Crimson. "

Qin Tian was stunned,

space-based weapons?

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