In the academy,

a group of students stared at the black monster in the light curtain stupidly.

The slender and smooth body that was as streamlined

as a machine, the slender limbs

as sharp as a knife and spear, the sharp barbs that covered the whole body,

and the huge body as tall as a house.


What the hell is this

TM? Which bastard said it was a parasitic worm

? This TM has a little bit to do with worms?

The strong contrast

made everyone's heads fall into a long freeze at this moment.


Inside the battlefield

, Qin Tian stood in mid-air, and

a group of killer war insects below had already assembled.

There are not many of them,

only ten.

But this also means that

each one's combat power is several times that of the tabby tarantula.

The moment they appeared in this strange grassland, a

group of war insects immediately stared at the group of tabby tarantulas opposite.

In their simple perception

, there is no friend or foe, and

any other creature is prey in their eyes.

There was no need for Qin Tian's order, and

the next moment,

ten Killer War Worms pounced fiercely.

The neighing of war insects that made people's scalps tingle

resounded on this battlefield in an instant.

It wasn't until this moment

that Xiong Hanlin woke up suddenly,

and panicked and ordered the tabby tarantula under his command to meet the enemy.

But apparently it was too late, and

the two sides had already closed no more than a few dozen meters,

which was tantamount to depriving him of the last chance to struggle.

Of course,

it's just a struggle.

The spider webs sprayed by the tabby tarantula can play little role against the war insects in the high-speed sprint.

Even if entangled in it, the

six blades can easily cut through the webs.

Tens of meters away, in the blink of an eye.

More than a dozen tabby tarantulas in the front row were immediately disemboweled.

But the group of killer war bugs did not stop hunting the other prey next to them, and still kept moving forward at a high speed.

Their attack is not by biting, but by

six sharp limbs like knives.

From the moment it was born, the

Warbug knew its strengths.

And when hunting,

you can take this advantage to the extreme.

It's an instinct that's carved into our genes.

Ten killer war insects

, like meat grinders running at high speed,

sliced into the swarm of tabby tarantulas like tofu blocks.

In the blink of an eye

, the juice flowed sideways, and the stumps were everywhere.

In just two rounds of sprinting back and forth,

more than 50 tabby tarantulas were slaughtered.

On the huge field

, it is almost impossible to find a complete corpse

, some of which have been cut into several pieces, and some

of which have become a fuzzy puddle of meat

under the back and forth of the killer war insects

! .............

Inside the school,

there was a deathly silence.

Everyone looked at the light curtain in a daze, and was speechless for a long time.

Some hadn't even reacted from the shock they had when they first saw the black bugs.


, in the blink of an eye

, the battle ended like this?

Xiong Hanlin was also glazed-eyed

, and even withdrew from the planetary consciousness and returned to the outside world,

still looking demented.

"How could it be

...", "How is it possible..."Xiong

Hanlin muttered and looked up.

Staring at the group of tabby tarantulas in the freeze-frame frame, which were no longer distinguishable from their shapes, and had almost become a puddle of pulp.

For a moment,

he simply couldn't accept this cruel fact.


The initial examination was temporarily suspended for the first time in history.

After Xu Jian announced in public that Qin Tian was directly promoted to the Elite Academy and did not have to participate in the next two rounds of battles, he went back to the instructor's room directly.

Closing the door

, Xu Jian, whose face was flushed

, could no longer suppress the surging emotions in his heart, and

laughed out loud from time to time.

From time to time, he swung his fist a few times excitedly, and the

whole person seemed to be crazy.

There is no room for him not to be so excited.

After waiting for five whole years, he

was extremely satisfied with a genius like Xiong Hanlin.

Unexpectedly, an

existence that could slaughter Xiong Hanlin's species suddenly appeared with a wave of his hand.

This kind of person

can no longer be described as a genius,

it is simply...


Hurry to the table.

In a pile of case files,

Xu Jian turned out Qin Tian's naturalization file.

The information in the archives is very simple, and

it is difficult to tell the origin of his family history.

At that moment,

there was a knock on the door.

Xu Jian immediately closed the case file, quickly

got up and walked over and opened the door.

"Instructor, are you looking for me?" Qin

Tian said as he stood outside the door.

"Yes, come in, fast forward. After

letting Qin Tian into the house,

Xu Jian personally moved a chair and

sat next to him.

And he took Qin Tian's hand very kindly, and

asked with a smile:

"Where is Brother Qin's family, and how are your parents at home?"

Qin Tian withdrew his hand without a trace.

The brow couldn't help but furrow.

This kind of nondescript title

made him subconsciously think of the scene when he first met Fan Yixian, the envoy of Zhenbei Kingdom.

But he still replied immediately:

"The people of the capital are orphans, and they have no father or mother. "

Haha, that's a good feeling... Oh no, I mean, in the future, our eighth branch of the Zerg will be your home.

Xu Jian spoke incoherently excitedly, and

his heart was simply happy.

If you don't come from a family, or even have a family, you won't have any ties.

Just like white water,

you can better make friends.

"Thank you, instructor.

"Well, that's right.

Xu Jian barely stabilized his emotions and

got down to business:

"The annual college competition, you know, right?"

Qin Tian nodded.

This was the main purpose of his coming to Pingxi.

In three months, there

will be an annual college competition held by the Castle Shoufu of Lin'an City.

The first test

is actually to prepare for Dabi.

During the game, the

three major academies of Lin'an City, Zerg, Plants, and Brute Beasts will all select their own strong ones to fight.

First, it is to test the achievements of the new Creators.

Second, it is also to create some revenue for Lin'an City, which is not wealthy.

At that time

, not only will the people of the surrounding towns flock to Lin'an City, but

there will also be countless families of all sizes and envoys from the royal city to come to observe.

The huge flow of people

will directly boost the city's economy.

Of course

, Qin Tian didn't care about these,

but Dabi's reward.

According to the rules of previous years

, the highest reward for Dabi

is a knighthood,

which is a title that can make ordinary creators jump directly to the aristocratic class!

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