The creators who settled in Pingxi will

be uniformly arranged in the five major cities in the country.

They are:

Wangcheng, Zhuxian City, Demon Killing City, Exterminating Alien City and Lin'an City.

The names of three of the cities are all taken with due meaning,

corresponding to the

three major countries today.

Although a little unrealistic, even ridiculous.

But it also represents the lifelong wish of King Pingxi and his old man to dominate Daxia.

In addition to the more stringent requirements of the royal city, the

three powerful civilization creators in the biological civilization such as Warcraft, Winged Man and Ocean will be assigned to these three major cities.

And Lin'an City, located in the easternmost part,

is the concentration of weak creators under the barbarian beast civilization.

As a Zerg civilization.

Qin Tian was assigned to Lin'an City without any accidents.

There are three major academies in the city: brute beasts, plants, and zergs.

Under each college,

there are many branches.

"Fellow students, welcome to the Eighth Branch of the Lin'an City Zerg. "

I am the instructor of this year, my surname is Xu, my name is Xu Jian, and I am the creator of the Ice Crystal Giant Scorpion Civilization. On

the podium,

a sturdy middle-aged man was introducing himself.

He looked at the young faces below, and there

was a hint of relief on his slightly rugged face.

"Compared to previous years, this year has been the most prosperous.

"Our Eighth Branch alone has allocated 308 Creators.

"There is no shortage of powerful races among them.

"For example, this Liu's ghost-faced mantis. "

And that one-horned golden beetle of Student Zhao.

"Maybe there will be some new unknown insects this year that haven't been listed.

"The world says that our Zerg civilization is weak and has no development potential.

"But I don't think so, no civilization is inherently inferior, and no civilization is inherently limited in potential. "

Inferior, that's a race that hasn't yet discovered its infinite potential.

"Limitations, the possibility of devouring a species at will will break the shackles of potential.

"So, fellow students, don't be discouraged in order to merge with the civilization of the Zerg planet, let alone be decadent because of this.

"Because, there is no weak civilization, only a weak creator!"

As soon as these words came out, they

immediately aroused a strong resonance among the students.

Even some people who were a little sluggish couldn't help but nod their heads again and again.

"Hahaha, yes, my life is up to me!"

"The instructor is right, there is no civilization that is inherently weak.

"As long as you work hard, anything is possible!" watched

a group of young people rejuvenate their spirits.

The corners of Xu Jian's mouth couldn't help but show a smile.


, he reached out and pressed it,

signaling everyone to be quiet.

"Alright, let's get down to business

," "I'm sure you've all known the rules of the Sorting House, but I still have to remind you.

"Three days later, it's the first test.

"This is about everyone's future, so please take it seriously and work hard to build your own planetary civilization. When

the students heard this, their

emotions immediately cooled down.

Most people are worried.

The Preliminary Examination is the first assessment of the Academy.

To put it simply,

it is to identify the strength and weakness of each Creator civilization race in a practical way.

After all, some unknown insects appear every year.

Finally, according to the results,

the elite school and the ordinary school are divided.

Once you enter the elite academy,

you will not only get the college's key care and resource inclination, as well as higher treatment.

It will also directly affect the future career of officials.

After graduating from the academy, the Creator

is generally assigned to various yamen in China.

And those who come out of the elite academy will basically be entrusted with important positions.

"There are too many people this year, and according to the practice of previous years, we have to eliminate three rounds in the first test this year.

"Three rounds are three rounds, you are a top twenty sand scorpion clan, you can definitely enter the elite academy."

"The first round should be fine, but I'm afraid that the last two rounds will meet a stronger race.

"That's stronger than me, I'm really hanging, the weakest demonized flying ant in the Zerg civilization, no one can beat it."

"Don't be frustrated, maybe?"


On the podium

, Instructor Xu interrupted the noisy discussion below again, and


, "Let's start distributing teaching materials,

" "You can first understand the characteristics of the major Zerg civilizations. "

The so-called textbooks

are actually the information of each Zerg collected over the years, and

then ranked according to their strength.

To put it bluntly,

it is an encyclopedia that collects many zergs.

Qin Tian, who was sitting in the back row, took the textbook and

began to look at it.

When he turned the first page, he was stunned, thinking he was dazzled.

When he turned the second page, he frowned slightly, his face full of doubt.

When he turned the third page, he couldn't help himself and raised his hand.


"This student, what's wrong?" Instructor

Xu walked over and asked.

"My textbook seems wrong. "


?" Instructor Xu picked it up and looked at the title of the book, and

flipped through a few more pages:

"That's right, this student, what are you referring to?"

"Uh... Well, I was mistaken.

Qin Tian seemed to understand something, and didn't ask any more.

After a while,

he looked at the textbook called 'Ten Thousand Insect Spectrum' again speechlessly in his hand.

Ghost-faced mantis

ranking: 1Body

type: 50 cm

Combat power: 58 (primitive body)

Characteristics: Flying insects, short range bounce, sharp forelimbs.


Unicorn Golden Beetle


: 2Body Type: 46 cm

Combat Power: 52 (Original Body)

Characteristics: Flying insects, strong strength, hard carapace,


Tabby tarantula


: 3Body type: 40 cm

Combat power: 48 (primitive body)

Characteristics: Spit cobwebs, fast movements, paralyzing and poisonous.


"What is this?"

Qin Tian looked at the zerg in the textbook whose body size was measured in centimeters, and their combat power was even more miserable, and the

whole person was stunned.

In the past year

, he has basically learned about the stronger civilizations among the three major civilizations, and

he knows very little about the Zerg civilization.

But according to his conjecture

, plus those Zerg on his own planet as a reference

, he originally thought that

no matter how weak the Zerg civilization was, there was a certain limit,

at least it would not be out of the category of 'monsters'.

But the encyclopedia in front of me

has completely overturned this perception.

Qin Tian put down the textbook

, no wonder the world looked down on the Zerg civilization, and

no wonder the envoy of the Four Kingdoms reacted so strongly when he learned that he was fused with the Zerg planet.

Because, in everyone's cognition, the

Zerg civilization...

It's really just some slightly bigger bugs!

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