Chapter 278 Five Eldersx Command

Fujitora’s frowning brows trembled slightly, and “looking at each other” with the green bull beside him, and said in a deep voice.

“Calling at this time is probably not a good thing.”

Green Bull embraced his arms and leaned his back against the ship’s rail, grinning.

“there is always a solution to a problem.”

When Fujitora heard the words, the corners of his mouth were also raised slightly, and he smiled.

“This sentence should be for the enemy?”

Green Bull didn’t respond, but raised the corners of his mouth, revealing his big White Fang teeth and a silent smile.

The soldier in charge of contact was seen sweating his head.

These two people didn’t put the world’s highest rights in their eyes at all. Wouldn’t it be bad for him to watch too much? How many will be affected?

Not paying attention to the liaison officer’s psychological reaction, Fujitora and Lu Niu glanced at the pirate fleet that was dealing with the meteorite group, then turned and walked towards the communication room.

“Da da……”

Heavy footsteps rang in the quiet communication room, attracting the attention of the white telephone bug, and looked up towards the door.

“I’m Fujitora.”

Fujitora grabbed the microphone placed on the phone worm shell and said his code name.

“Fujitora, why do you want to evacuate the Marine fleet?”

The white telephone worm raised his eyelids and asked Fujitora with a condescending attitude.

“Are you… afraid of evil?”

When Fujitora heard the words, a pair of thick eyebrows lightly frowned, and said in a heavy and mission-conscious voice.

“Justice will never fear evil.”

Five Elders on the opposite side of the phone worm heard the words, was silent for a moment, and continued.

“So, can you explain what you are doing now?”

Fujitora let go of her frowning brows, picked up the phone, brought it closer to her mouth, and said.

“I am thinking for the soldiers of Marine.”

“Now that you know the movements of our army, you should be very clear.”

“With the current combat power of our army, it is simply not enough to contend with the fleet of the Scarlet Pirates. If this is the case…”

Before Fujitora’s voice fell, he was immediately interrupted by Five Elders.

“Since you are a justice, you must fight evil as your bounden duty, and you must have the determination to fight the pirates at any time!”

“The justice of the world government does not allow you to back down at any time!”

Fujitora’s hand holding the microphone trembled slightly, and there was a “creaking” sound in his hand. Obviously, the current Fujitora was very angry.

“Even if it is human life, is it justice in exchange for!?”

Five Elders certainly heard the anger in Fujitora’s voice, but he still didn’t care, his face was calm, and said.

“Justice is never just talking about it.”

“From ancient times to the present, true justice has been paved with the blood of countless soldiers.”

“Fujitora, don’t forget who you are now.”

Fujitora stopped talking, and Five Elders didn’t care, and continued.

“The Naval Headquarters fleet has already set off for the Mainzm waters.”

“You have to hold back the Scarlet Pirates, and delay enough time for the reinforcements that are about to arrive.”

Fujitora’s closed eyes opened a gap, revealing a pure white, and said in a deep voice.

“If this is the case, then I and Lu Niu can also delay them.”

“not enough!”

Five Elders retorted Kaidō.

“I want you to do your best to delay the fleet of the Scarlet Pirates.”

“It’s not the full effort of the two of you, but the full effort of the entire Marine special search fleet!”

“If you dare to let the Scarlet Pirates escape Marine’s round up because you disobeyed the order!”

“Fujitora, Green Bull.”

“You two, just wait to go to the military court!”


Before Fujitora could answer, the phone hung up.

Fujitora held the microphone in her hand, was in a daze, and put it back on the phone worm’s shell.

“The justice of the world government…?”

Fujitora slowly uttered a word, turned and walked towards the door of the communication room, and the green bull walked side by side.

“Mr. Yixiao!”

Outside the door, a Marine Commodore stood at attention and saluted, asking for instructions.

“Your meteorite offensive against the Pirate Fleet is nearing completion.”

“What should I do next?”

Fujitora and the green bull stepped on the deck and came to the bow of the warship.

The pirate fleet was already raging red. Several large three-masted sailboats were hit by meteorites, the hull caught fire, and the sails were burned.

On the surface of the sea, bubbles continue to be generated and burst, and a steady stream of water vapor rises from the sea surface, making the cold air that was originally caused by the torrential rain and violent winds to become hot and humid.

“It hurts, it hurts me to death ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!”

Many pirates rolled around on the boat, and a large amount of water vapor scalded their skin into blisters.

At the same time, the scorching sensation brought by the meteorite is mixed with the damp heat of the sea water being burned and boiled, making it difficult to breathe, and even the air seems to be hot.

With every breath of air, the nasal cavity and trachea are painful.


On a large pirate ship, all three masts were covered by fire, making a series of “creaking” noises.


As the three masts broke, the hull made a loud noise, and the keel that had been broken by the meteorite broke directly, and the entire pirate ship fell apart.


“It’s hot, it’s so hot~!!!”

The pirates fell into the sea along with the disintegrating hull, but were tortured by the hot water, and lost consciousness after a wailing and screaming.

The crew of the other pirate boats looked at those who were struggling in the sea, with fear in their hearts, accelerated their movements, and desperately put out the fire.

This was like a scene from hell, and Fujitora, who was about to issue an attack order, breathed a sigh of relief.

“At least this way, it should be able to reduce part of the pirate’s combat power?”

Sighing over, Fujitora ordered Commodore behind him.

“Notify the Marine fleet, assemble and attack the pirate fleet!”


Marine Rear Admiral stood at attention and saluted, ran to the communication room, and gave the order to assemble the attack to the twenty Marine warships three nautical miles away.

“Originally, you were supposed to do it when they were dealing with meteorites, but now that time has passed.”

Fujitora smiled at the green bull on the side. This will be his last smile today.

“There are so many opportunities.”

Green Bull didn’t care and said with a grin.

“I prefer to be direct and beat up their “emperor” in front of them.”

“Of course, it’s best to kill him.”

When Green Bull said these words, he looked at Fujitora and his voice was low.

“I will do whatever it takes.”

Fujitora’s face was solemn, and she put her right hand on the handle of the knife, and said solemnly.


“The old man has no choice but to cooperate with you as much as I can.”

At this time, [Royal Sea Parrot], at the top of the palace.

Gulant looked at the sea of ​​fire in front of him, listening to the ubiquitous pain, his expression gloomy.


Unexpectedly, just a meteorite attack would cause such severe damage to the Pirate fleet.

If Marine suddenly launched an attack on the Pirate Fleet at this time, the outcome of this war would be unpredictable.

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