Chapter 188 Punk Hazard

Time: 1517 in the Haiyuan calendar

Location: New World—— Punk Hazard


The scenic Punk Hazard Island should have been as usual. After getting up early in the morning to wash, the chief assigned patrols or daily training, but the sirens suddenly spread throughout the island, awakening many animals still in their dreams. .

“Boom! Boom!”

A port in front of Punk Hazard was suddenly covered by heavy artillery fire.

“There is an intruder!”

In the sudden attack, a large number of Marines stationed at the base responded quickly and went to the port to provide support.

“Where is the intruder!?”

Outside the base, a Marine school-level officer grabbed the collar of the seaman who fled to the base and asked loudly.

This Marine said with a trembling voice: “Invading… the invaders in the inner waters of Port One…”

The Marine officer asked sharply again: “Who is the enemy!”

“The enemy, the enemy is…” The soldier trembled all over, his nose and tears were streaming out, and he suddenly shouted.

“It’s the [Scarlet Pirates Group]~~!!!”

The sudden loud noise resounded throughout the P1 building, and all Marines stopped one after another, looking at the soldier who was yelling in surprise.



Just when many Marines were sluggish in place, a violent explosion sounded again from Port One, and the dense vibrations could be felt from the ground here.

“Don’t give me a daze! Hurry up and support Port One!” A Marine Vice Admiral dressed in a black suit suddenly fell from the sky from a building tens of meters high and shouted at Marine who was present.

“It doesn’t matter whether he is Four Emperors or something, this is the most important scientific research base of the World government.”

“There must be no mistake, let alone being occupied by a pirate!”


After all, it was Marine’s elite. After hearing Vice Admiral’s words, the Marines responded in unison, their momentum rose again, and they took up their weapons and rushed towards the port that was dissatisfied with the war.


Marine Vice Admiral’s burly body strode towards the soldier who was already limp on the ground, grabbed the opponent’s collar and held it in front of him, looking at the opponent’s snotty and tearful face, with a murderous look.

“You immediately go to the P2 building and let them send someone to guard the P1 gate!”

“As for you, after this war is over, you can go away. Marine doesn’t need your waste!”

After speaking, he pinched the soldier’s collar and threw it away, and ran towards the port with a long knife in his hand.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

With the scattered gunfire sounding, the artillery fire has gradually weakened, but this does not mean that the attack is over, on the contrary, it has just begun.

“This is what the World government secretly hides…”

A figure suddenly appeared on the top of the watchtower on the wall of the port city, with daggers hung on the tips of both fingers, spinning quickly with the turning of the fingertips, with a funny face like a clown, squatting down and looking at the beautiful scenery Punk Hazard, at first glance, the trees are lined with trees, the lakes and mountains are full of spring, and the scene is full of vitality, and on the farther hills, you can vaguely see the buildings surrounded by towering ancient trees.

“Not bad, Jie Hehe…”

Federsack looked at the distant buildings with interest, remembering what Gulant had said on Thalia Island a few days ago.

“Will there be something the captain wants?”

“Someone up there!”

“Bang! Bang!”

Suddenly, a lot of gunfire sounded, a lot of bullets attacked him, looking down, hundreds of people inside the city wall were raising pistols, rifles and other weapons to shoot at him, including Marine in sailor suits, and World government agents in black. .

“It’s an intruder, shoot at him!”

“I was discovered so soon.” Federsack chuckled lightly, and then jumped directly from the top of the tower.

“He has entered the gate!”

A Marine soldier’s muzzle moved with his figure, shouting loudly.

“Encircle him!”

The densely packed Marines gathered towards the place where Federsack landed.

“Jiehehe, come on, the more you come, the better…” Federsack did not move a step after landing, stretched his arms, and laughed out.

“The more you come, the more you kill, and the more you kill, the more troops you have… The battlefield is my best stage.”


As soon as the voice fell, the wide gate a dozen meters high behind Federsack suddenly shattered, and countless fragments of small rubble flew towards Marine, causing a lot of damage.

“Moo roar~!!!”

A huge roar blows away the dust and fog, and a red-eyed monster with the appearance of a bull head first appears at the shattered gate.

“It’s so noisy, you bison, it’s messing up here.” A young man with a Madara dotted hat and two golden earrings on his ears appeared next to it, carrying a handful that was nearly two in length. Mi’s Tachi walked out, frowning slightly.

“Obviously, as long as I rely on my ability, I can easily solve it.”

He raised his left hand and raised his index and middle fingers. A transparent semi-circular barrier spreads around him, instantly enveloping everyone at the gate.

“Be careful! It’s a capable one!”


Someone in Marine only had time to remind him, and saw a flash of white light, and hundreds of people in front of him were instantly divided into two, but it was strange that none of them died, it was just that their bodies were cut apart by something.


Hundreds of doubtful and fearful voices were uttered. With Luo retracting his ability, hundreds of limbs and severed arms fell to the ground neatly.

“Hey, that’s my hand, don’t touch it!”

“Hey~? What about mine?”

“My head, my head, where did my head go?”

“You idiot, how do you talk without a head!?”

“Ah, I mean, where did my upper body and lower body go~!!!”

The entire battlefield suddenly painted one side, countless bodies wriggling on the ground, a large number of stumps and broken arms crawling wildly, the scene was weird, like hell.

“Jie Hehe, Luo…”

Suddenly, a gruesome smile appeared on Luo’s shoulder, and laughed strangely.

“Just now, you really wanted to kill me!”

“If you die like this, it means that your path has come to an end.” Luo was not polite, and the sword he was carrying was slowly pulled out.

“At this time, don’t fight inwardly.”

A tall figure appeared behind the two of them, followed by a group of pirates of different sizes and heights. They were the cadres of the Scarlet Pirates group. Luo’s face was startled, and Taito was taken back, and Federsack was also the same. Withdrawing, he no longer clings to Luo’s back.

And behind a big tree a little farther away, a Marine soldier in a sailor suit with the Marine logo was holding a phone worm and hurriedly calling at the other end.

“This is the gate of port number one! This is the gate of port number one!”

“Notify the sir and the guards of the island troops! This is the gate of Port No. 1, request a reply!”

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