The windmill village near the Donghai Goya Kingdom has been peaceful and tranquil, and the villagers are all working with smiling faces, because there is a Lieutenant General Karp in their village that everyone admires, so they have always lived like this, and this world is very beautiful.

But today they saw in the harbor that their admired Vice Admiral Karp had returned, but they did not care because they also knew why they had returned, because in the house of the village chief Up Slap now lived, two cute little babies.

One named Monchi D. Luffy, one named Monchi D. Lucifer’s twins, Luffy is the older brother and Lucifer is the younger brother.

They all look alike, but his brother Lucifer’s eyes are red, and he looks more cute, so he should be a little with his mother.

Karp looked at the port in front of him and did not wait for the warship to enter the port, directly stepping on the moon step and going to the village chief’s house, while the soldiers watched the first to leave Karp Lieutenant will continue to do their own thing, you must know that if you want to be a soldier on the dog-headed warship, you must do it, no matter what you encounter, don’t panic is the foundation.

Ran directly to the door of the village chief’s house, directly pushed the door open, probably in a hurry, the door was directly pushed out of a big hole!

And the people in the house, the proprietress heard this and held the child ready to fight, she thought that she was discovered, you must know that if these two children are exposed, they will be called the bloodline of the world’s evil murderers, and fortunately, the village knows a lot about Dorag, and the people who know what he does are the village chief and the boss lady.

So she also directly held the child and prepared to fight and escape, but a voice dispelled her thoughts, and she listened to the door outside, Kapu laughed and said, let me see my baby grandson, and walk directly into a strong old man!

Seeing that only the proprietress was holding the two children alone in the house, he strode directly over, but just about to hold his grandson, he let the proprietress kick and fly! At this time, the sub-door was also directly destroyed, and he was knocked out of the personal hole by Karp!

The proprietress said with some anger, bastard, be quiet, after speaking, put down the two children, and wait for the person who was kicked by her to come back.

Karp, who got up, was much quieter this time, ran directly over and looked at the child on the bed, grimaced, laughed at the two little babies, teased for a while, looked at the boss lady who had been ignored by him and said, hey! Madame! When did you get here?

He forgot who kicked him, and he only had his grandson in his heart and didn’t pay attention to other things, but the lady looked at the emotions in front of him and couldn’t control his emotions, Karp also said helplessly, it has been here since the two children were sent here.

And this is a letter for you, the brother with black eyes is called Luffy, and the brother with red eyes is called Lucifel!

Karp took the letter and read it carefully, and his expression was a little strange! I looked at the child who was sleeping peacefully on the bed again, and wondered, is this really the case?

The proprietress wanted to smoke a cigarette and just lit it, and remembered that there were children here, so she bit the cigarette and said without lighting it, I was shocked when these two children just delivered the letter and did not see it, brother Luffy is not much of a problem, but brother Lucifer is unconsciously exuding a domineering and domineering attitude.

The expression was a little strange, it had no effect on his brother Luffy, and even his brother Luffy’s laughter actually made his younger brother Lucifer’s overlord domineering slightly stronger.

The proprietress said very seriously, these two children are obviously natural overlord-colored domineering owners, and they may increase each other’s power, but this should be the first time this has happened in this sea, right? Even if you and Dorag are overlord-colored domineering who turned on in their 20s, right?

It’s worry and sighing, and Lucifer only unconsciously emits its faint overlord color when he wakes up and laughs with Luffy, as for Lucifer’s sight, the reason is also innate, the reason can only show the strength of your family’s bloodline, and the rest can’t be explained.

Karp also knew the seriousness of the matter and put away his funny expression, listened to the boss lady’s words very seriously, and said, are you worried that your brother Lucifer often exudes overlord color and seeing and smelling color and causes his body to collapse?

The proprietress was worried, yes, even if it was very weak, it was also consuming mental power, he would fall asleep every time he played for a while, and he was not full of spirit like his brother Luffy.

Karp’s old face also pulled down and worried, a little anxious, isn’t this the rhythm of his little grandson dying? Because the qualifications are so good? So he can’t accept this kind of thing?

The proprietress bit the flue, it seems that Dorag can’t solve this situation before sending him back, otherwise even in danger will stay by his side to raise, the qualifications of this pair of brothers, I have not heard of it, I have seen it more, even Little Ace is inferior.

Karp is a little crazy, muttering, devil fruit, only devil fruit, the mental consumption is too large, use animal or superhuman line, supplement body energy, more or less can increase the spirit, especially that is several top superhuman line demon fruit, illusion, spirit spirit, yellow spring, memory fruit, are all demon fruits that can greatly increase spiritual power and accelerate the recovery of spirit.

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