: Fighting the Pacifists

“You are already stupid enough to lie to others.”

“You guys who were deceived are so lucky.”

“Everyone, please come with me,”

Zhan Momomaru shouted to all the pirates.

He didn’t expect that someone would pretend to be the Straw Hat Kid.

Just pretend, you have to have some strength.

How dare you pretend to be someone who has no strength at all?

The pirates who were deceived were helpless for a while.

The pacifist giant stepped forward, just when everyone didn’t know what to do.

Zhan Taomaru spoke again.

“By chance, the real Straw Hat Boy is also here” ”

PX5 sensed it as soon as it entered this area”

“PX5, aim at that guy”

Zhan Momomaru gave the order to the pacifist.

After a scan, the pacifist opened his mouth and pointed the laser at Straw Hat Luffy.

At this time, Luffy and Rayleigh had finished watching the fun and were about to leave.

A laser shot out of the pacifist’s mouth.



A huge explosion sounded in the distance.

The moment before the laser is emitted.

Luffy’s Haki has already been sensed.

Before being hit, Luffy had already jumped out of the way.

However, it was precisely because of jumping away.

Luffy’s disguise fell down, and his beard also fell down.

The whole person is directly exposed to everyone’s eyes.

Straw hat, red vest, blue shorts…

“This, this is exactly the same as the straw hat on the wanted poster”

“This is the real owner…”

The moment he saw the real straw hat boy, the pirate They were all completely stunned.

Got deceived by a bunch of fake people.

But accidentally discovered the real Straw Hat Boy.

This reversal and dramatic scene made them lose control of their expressions instantly.

Lei Li on the side was very helpless.

It’s just a little bit close to successfully pretending.

“Straw Hat Boy”

Zhan Momomaru raised the battle ax in his hand and shouted at Luffy.

“You’re hindering me again”

“I’m still preparing to go to sea”

Luffy shouted dissatisfied.

Two years ago, it was that guy and Kizaru who ruined his own affairs.

Unexpectedly, two years later, he would appear here again.

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“Don’t worry, you don’t need to go to sea anymore.”

“Unlike two years ago, I have officially joined the navy.”

“I want to arrest you now.”

Not long ago, Zhan Momomaru officially joined the navy under the recommendation of Kizaru.

And, he could continue to lead the pacifists.

Having said that, Senmomaru once again gave the pacifists the order to attack Straw Hat Luffy.

After receiving the order, PX5 fired several laser beams in succession.

Luffy has already activated his Haki.

He moved his body slightly and easily avoided the laser.

“Too slow”

Luffy said coolly and coldly, holding his hat.

After two years of training, he has already mastered the domineering power of the Overlord.

He has already seen through the pacifists’ attack methods.

After several consecutive laser beams were dodged, PX5 rushed forward again, heading straight towards Luffy.

“Second Gear”

Luffy stretched out his left hand, and a stretch of elastic muscles traveled on his arm, followed by red steam coming out of his whole body.

Before the PX5 could get close to Luffy, Luffy was already in the air.

The punch landed and hit PX5 directly.

But PX5 flipped twice in the air, and then hit the ground heavily.


The ground within tens of meters collapsed.


“Straw Hat Boy has learned to use Haki?”

Zhan Momomaru was shocked.

Two years ago in Shampoo Land, Luffy didn’t know how to use this move.

During the war, Luffy only used Haki accidentally.

Compared with Luffy two years ago, he could already feel Luffy’s growth rate…

Defeated the pacifist with one move?

All the pirates suddenly opened their mouths.

You know, pacifists can kill hundreds of millions of pirates in one blow.

Now he was killed by Luffy in one blow.

This strength is so terrifying.

It turns out that this is the real strength of the Straw Hat boy.

“Luffy, you have made a lot of progress.”

Among the crowd, Rayleigh was very pleased to see Luffy’s achievements.

After jumping down, Luffy came to Rayleigh’s side.

“Let’s run”

Luffy shouldered his backpack again.

Prepare to run away again.

Now, he just wants to get together with his friends as soon as possible.

Riley looked embarrassed.

Does he want to run with him?

After so many years at sea, he had forgotten the last time he escaped.

At such an old age, running away with a kid.

Rayleigh couldn’t do it.

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