Chapter 99

Although it was only sensed in the range of seeing and hearing, Arthur knew immediately that the person who came was probably a Marine Admiral.

In this world, everyone’s breath is different.

Especially the breath of the strong will be more obvious than ordinary people, with strong personal characteristics!

Therefore, now that Arthur is approaching Observation Haki, which is approaching the peak, he can easily perceive the personal characteristics of such a strong man.

Arthur now has a wide range of sights and colors, but this is a bonus of Thunder Fruit. The higher the degree of development, the larger the range. But before the peak, and even the awakening of seeing and hearing, there is still a way to go.

Perceiving these two breaths, although he had never seen contact before, Arthur immediately guessed that the strongest breath like ice is probably Admiral of Headquarters, Aokiji!

Knowing that Marine had arrived, although he didn’t know what the purpose was, Arthur immediately called the meeting to a halt.

“Okay, the meeting is over! Some guests are here, I am afraid it is Marine Admiral Aokiji. Everyone, go back, business as usual, wait until the other party comes here, I will notify you, you will come back.”

“As for Visalia and those astronomical scientists, I will solve it.” After speaking, Arthur disappeared in the hall.

On the Island of Gods, above the vines, on the island cloud that belonged to Arthur, Arthur appeared in the shrine.

In the palace, Jessica was taking Nami Nochigo in the bath, and Arthur appeared at the door and knocked on the door.

“Jessica, Admiral from Naval Headquarters is here. Come out.”

The frolic inside was stagnant, and then Jessica wrapped her bath towel, exposing her beautiful figure, and walked out wiping her hair.

“Admiral from the navy headquarters?” Jessica asked strangely. This is a sky island, how did those people come? What are you doing here again?

“Yeah!” Arthur nodded. “Just three hundred kilometers away, you have to help me move Visalia away from the Angel Island. Move to an altitude of 18,000 meters near Bikka, and then cover it with flowing clouds.”

“Okay!” Feeling Arthur’s seriousness, Jessica nodded quickly and flew directly to her room.

In the bathroom, Nuoqigao’s face was red, and even his breathing was much lighter. But Nami didn’t care at all, still humming happily.

“You wash slowly, Jessica has something to do now. After washing, you just wander around here. Jessica will be back in at most three hours.” Arthur said to the inside of the door, holding back pushing the door. The impulsive thought of entering, teleporting away.

On the second layer of the island cloud, there is a special palace that belongs to Arthur’s office.

In his office palace, Arthur used radio waves to transmit his voice to Vine Island.

“Braham, you brought up a team of elite war angels!”

On Vineland Island, Braham was inspecting the angels of the Ten Legion Reserve. Hearing this, he immediately called up the twenty angels who were able to travel forward among these angels and flew to Apayado.

Five minutes later, Braham came to Arthur.

“Braham, this direction, about 250 kilometers away, Marine’s messenger is here. Go and meet you! Remember, don’t let them discover the Angel Island. Don’t be impulsive, the other party is Marine Admiral, I Powerful at this level!”(Read more @

“Yes, God!” Braham nodded when he heard the words, and flew out with a team of angels.

An hour later, at a distance of 200 kilometers from Apayado, Lieutenant General Crane and Aokiji stood on the bow and looked forward.

“Twenty-one people who are not weak have come here. They are very fast.” Although Aokiji’s knowledge is not as good as Arthur’s, it has a range of more than ten kilometers.

Lieutenant General Crane nodded and said, “It seems that the child sent someone over after he noticed us. It feels like there is nothing malicious in it.”

As a person with the ability to wash fruits, Lieutenant General Crane has a very strong perception of the good and evil of others.

Not long after, about ten minutes later, Braham flew over with thirty angels.

Lieutenant General Crane, Aokiji, and the Marines were surprised when they saw Braham and others.

“Wings…what’s the matter! This is seriously inconsistent with the record.”

“Is there a way that kid can make angel wings bigger in batches, so that they can fly?” Lieutenant General Crane clasped his hands, frowning slightly.

“Are you the Marine messengers that God said?” Braham flew to thirty meters from the warship, fluttered his wings and stayed in the air, and then asked.

“The old man is a lieutenant general and staff officer of Naval Headquarters. He is Admiral Aokiji of the headquarters. This time I came to meet with your god.” Lieutenant General Crane is here, although his rank is second. But as far as status is concerned, that is the proper first.

Even Akainu and Kizaru show considerable respect when facing Lieutenant General Tsuru.

“That’s it, God asked us to come to meet you and lead the way for you. Please go from here. This is the direction where the only gate of heaven that can lead to the White Sea is located.” Braham nodded and directed towards the heaven. The direction of the door pointed out.

Lieutenant General Crane nodded and told Marine to follow Braham’s direction and talk to Braham at will. But it seems random, but it is collecting some basic information.

As a wise general who is not inferior to Sengoku, and even slightly stronger, Lieutenant General Crane is very skillful in chatting. It didn’t take long before she had never seen the world, and Braham, who was honest, learned a lot from her mouth.

However, it’s just not important basic information! No matter how honest, Braham knew what to say and what not to say.

From what Braham knew here, Lieutenant General Crane determined a part of the matter.

Two hours later, Lieutenant General Crane looked at Apayato, the island of dreams, even if he was well-informed.

“It’s a beautiful place, boy, can you let outsiders live here?”

“As soon as the old man sees this place, he feels that there is a place for old-age care after retirement.”

“Of course! You are welcome at any time, Ms. He!”

It was naturally not Braham who responded, but Arthur who appeared on the warship at the moment when Lieutenant General Crane spoke.

Arthur’s abrupt appearance caused the seamen to be quite frightened, and all of them became vigilant for a while.

Only Aokiji and Lieutenant General Crane and the angels were present, not surprisingly.

“That’s great!” Lieutenant General Crane turned slightly and looked at Arthur, who was five or six meters away.

“What a handsome boy, but you have made a lot of movement below that makes Naval Headquarters care.”

Arthur smiled slightly and said, “Well, it seems that I went to the East China Sea and I was noticed by you. Haha, I just want to experiment with a new move. Unexpectedly, it has shocked you.”

Arthur knew about Marine’s intelligence system. I am afraid that part of what he wanted to be in Qinghai was known. However, knowing what to know, whether to admit it or not is another matter.

Arthur only thought that Lieutenant General Crane had a lot of meaning, just talking about going from the Grand Line to the East China Sea.

“This is Admiral of Headquarters, Mr. Aokiji, right? Hello! Aokiji Admiral!” Arthur looked at Aokiji who was one meter taller.

Arthur’s height is more than two meters, but Aokiji is more than three meters.

Speaking of Marine Admiral, each of them is not short. The shortest Akainu, who is also three meters tall, can’t help Arthur’s tongue.

“You came from a long way, and I didn’t prepare in advance, so I had to find some special fruit desserts from the sky island temporarily. Please move to taste it, please here!”

Arthur made a please gesture.

Then he said: “As for the Marine fighters, please stop the ship first, follow Braham, and have a special banquet for you elsewhere. Please forgive me for the shabbyness!”

Lieutenant General Crane turned to face the seamen who looked at him and nodded, then said, “I really trouble you, my child.”


Coming to the world of One Piece, in the eighth year, Arthur met for the first time with the representative of Marine, the most violent organization of the World government.

And this time, it will bring no small changes to the sea!

[PS: The next content may be different from what many people think, or some people have guessed it. But whether you guessed it or not, this book will only become more and more exciting! Please rest assured to subscribe, no eunuch, after all, I have to eat! Then, I still ask for all kinds of tickets! Please support me, thank you! 】.

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