
The swords collided, a ring-like shock wave like sword qi swept in all directions, the buildings within a radius of 100 meters were broken in half, and a whirlwind rushed into the sky, rolling the nearby rubble into the distance, and the pirates were almost torn apart by the aftermath, and bloody corpses could be seen everywhere.

Sparks splashed, Smoogie took a step back, his feet sank into the dirt, but his hands were tightly gripping the hilt of his sword, holding the ‘ink blood’ to death.

Di Mu’s eyes showed a touch of surprise, the other party was actually still Jianhao, he originally thought that the sword behind the other party was just an ornament, but he didn’t expect it to be really a weapon, and it seemed to be a famous sword.

When Di Mu was surprised, Smuji’s eyes were full of cold light, and he suddenly held the sword in one hand, and grabbed Di Mu who was nearby with lightning with his right hand.

“Not good!” Di Mu was secretly in his heart, and his face changed slightly, and he quickly retracted his sword and retreated, but he still took a step slower, and his shoulder was wiped by the other party’s hand.


A strange scene appeared, Di Mu’s shoulder touched by Smoogie actually splashed a lot of water droplets, and these water droplets actually looked like juice.

Di Mu quickly retreated more than ten meters away, glanced at his shoulder, although there was no injury on his shoulder, he knew that he had indeed been hit just now.

Smoogie is a Devil Fruit powerhouse, and is also a Superhuman juice ability, able to squeeze juice from living and inanimate objects.

Of course, this juice is also more ferocious, such as the water droplets splashed on Di Mu’s shoulder just now, which are actually formed by the water and blood in his body.

Smoogie very seductively took the juice on his fingers in his mouth, and through the gap between his lips, he could even see the snake head twisting inside.

“It’s really sweet and delicious, and the juice squeezed by Nanabukai is really the best quality!” Smoogie took his finger out of his mouth and smiled seductively at Di Mu.

Di Mu licked the corners of his mouth, and had to say that Smuji’s actions just now made him feel very much, and even the shameless Shi was even more powerful, and the power of the flood was boiling in his body.

“Juice sister, you better be glad that you don’t fall into my hands, otherwise I will let you know how unwise it is to seduce (seduce) a man!” Di Mu showed an evil smile, and his eyes were like hot light looking directly at the other party.

Smuji swept her gaze, and naturally saw the yurt under Di Mu that held up her pants, her brows frowned slightly, and her eyes suddenly showed disgust.

Charlotte Lingling often uses her children to marry powerful forces, and for this method, Charlotte Lingling’s son is okay, but her daughters are not rejected.

Smoogie is one of the people who are repulsed, which is why she became a general star, because only by becoming the top combat power in the family, Charlotte Lingling will not easily let her in

As the rejection of marriage accumulated, Smoogie even began to become a little misogynistic, especially men who wanted to make decisions about her.

Di Mu’s physiological reaction is undoubtedly very unhappy with Desmuji, although this proves that she is very attractive, but the disgust will not disappear, and it also makes her want to kill Di Mu even more.

“Die!” Smoogie shouted angrily, and his strong leg force directly smashed the ground, rushing straight out and slashing out towards Di Mu’s fierce swing of his sword.

Di Mu was stunned, not understanding why the other party suddenly became so angry, but in the face of the incoming attack, he still reacted in an instant.

The blade of the sword was like a dragon stabbing out of the sea, and Di Mu’s sword accurately withstood Smuji’s slash with the tip of the sword, so that the nearby air could not withstand the sword pressure and churned and roared.

Smooji’s slash came to an abrupt end, but she did not give in, but quickly swept towards Di Mu violently.

Di Mu didn’t dare to determine whether the other party’s Devil Fruit ability could only be used with his hands, or if he could do it all over his body, naturally he would not resist hard, and the step under his feet was to rise up into the sky to avoid the kick of the long leg.

The figure spun rapidly like a dart, and Di Mu was carrying the power of rotation, and a sword fell from the air, bursting out a huge brilliant sword qi.

Smuji immediately stopped her long legs, stepped heavily on the ground, and quickly avoided to the side, only to see that her original location was immediately torn apart by the sword qi, forming a narrow crack that was more than a hundred meters long.


Di Mu stepped in the air, zigzagging and swooping like lightning, but he quickly caught up with Smooji, and before coming to the other party’s sky, he did not hesitate to cut the opponent’s head with the ‘Hollow Trace Lightsaber’.

Although the beauty is good, but victory is more important, Di Mu will not show mercy to his subordinates because of physiological reactions, on the contrary, as long as he has the opportunity, he does not mind killing the other party at all.

Di Mu’s attack was very fierce, so that Smuji did not have time to dodge again, so he could only quickly raise his sword to block, holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, and holding the sword body where the tip of the sword was with the other, condensing his own armed color domineering energy on the sword body.


The sword qi was fierce, the impact was as heavy as a mountain, and Smuji’s feet were directly plunged deep into the ground, bending his knees to unload.

Even if it condensed the domineering spirit of the armed color, Smuji’s sword still bent significantly under the fierce slash of Di Mu.

Smooji’s arms bulged, and she didn’t expect that the other party’s slash would be so heavy, making her a little overwhelmed.

She naturally didn’t know that Di Mu had practiced kendo in a terrifying hurricane, and his slash contained the majestic power of a hurricane, and he would naturally feel heavy when he resisted.

Of course, the power of the slashing force cannot remain unchanged, especially since Di Mu is still in the air without a foothold, and under the continuous weakening of the slashing power, Di Mu’s body immediately bursts out with strong electricity.

‘Thunder Hell~! ’

The brilliant current energy fell from the sky like a tide, and Smuji’s domineering face changed greatly, gritted his teeth and gave up resisting, and the side sword was avoided to the side.



The electric energy hit the ground, and Di Mu’s slash also burst into a violent sword qi that tore the earth apart, producing a violent roar and shock.

The earth shook violently, raising a large cloud of dust, and Smoogie stood not far away and gasped, his left shoulder to chest was bright red, and blood was constantly spilling. _

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