“Hey, why are there so many people over there!” Di Mu, who had completed the warm-up exercise and was ‘electrode strengthening’ his body, stopped his cultivation and looked in surprise at the large number of people coming towards this side in the distance.

On the other side, the people of the Black Widow merchant had also seen Di Mu, and some of them were directly frightened by the name of the Seven Wuhai and their trembling legs trembled.

“Commander Afri, Dark Sword Hao is ahead, are you really sure we are fighting each other!” A person from the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce couldn’t bear the fear in his heart, and nervously caught up with Efry, who was walking in the front, and reminded nervously.

“Well?! Dark Sword Hao?! “The town is also some distance away from Di Mu’s cultivation place, and at this time, after walking for so long and the scorching sun, the alcohol in Aifuli’s body has also dissipated a lot, and he suddenly became conscious when he heard the words of his subordinates.

Looking around, Di Mu, who was not far away, was looking at them, and Ai Fuli looked at Di Mu not far away, and his heart jumped wildly without warning.

I lean, what is the situation, how could Lao Tzu be here, isn’t that Qi Wuhai, wait, I seem to have said that I was going to slaughter the other party before.

Cold sweat oozed from Efry’s forehead at a speed visible to the naked eye, and his calves trembled slightly.

At this time, he can’t wait to slap himself twice, you said that there is nothing to drink so much wine for, now it’s okay, if he doesn’t want to lose face in front of his little brother again, he has to fight with Qi Wuhai, isn’t this going to send people’s heads.

“Commander, you won’t be afraid, will you!” The younger brother saw that his regiment leader had not spoken, but his face turned pale, and even his legs seemed to be shaking, and he couldn’t help but be curious.

“Open, what kind of joke, how can Lao Tzu be afraid, but it is just a seven martial arts sea rising, look at Lao Tzu’s few words to let the other party honestly leave Pokhara!” Aifuli, who was weak in his heart, was immediately embarrassed and angry when he was poked in the center, and slapped the little brother down, so he said loudly and strongly.

Aifuli didn’t know that although he was still at a normal distance between him and Di Mu and could not hear his voice, Di Mu, who was curious about how so many people would come, was coldly listening to the movements and conversations on his side with a domineering look.

“Well?!” Di Mu, who heard the conversation, immediately turned pale, the other party’s courage is not small, he can actually let himself escape by saying a few words, which is clearly contemptuous of himself.

Di Mu, who was not very big-eyed, directly understood Aifuli’s original words of ‘a few words to let the other party leave Pokara honestly’ into ‘a few words scared his ass to run away’.

Di Mu’s face showed a grin that represented the slash, and while getting up, he raised his hand to grab the ‘ink blood’ that he had placed on his side, and hung it on the buckle around his waist.

At the same time, on the opposite side, Afri, who did not want to ‘lose his majesty’ in front of his subordinates, was also beating wildly and took a group of subordinates to the near place.

“Ahem, Dark Sword Hao, I am one of the nine leaders of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce, the Yanjing Vein where you are now belongs to our Chamber of Commerce, uh, don’t draw your sword, I haven’t finished talking yet, ah, I vote..!” Aifuli was just about to want to intimidate Di Mu in the name of the Chamber of Commerce, but before the words were finished, he saw Di Mu expressionlessly pull out the sword on his waist, and he was immediately frightened and hurriedly surrendered.


Before the word ‘fall’ could be spoken, a huge sword qi that rolled up a roaring wave of qi had already been violently slashed out by the murderous Di Mu.

The terrifying sword qi slashed through Aifuli, who had not finished speaking, and a group of subordinates near him in a flash, and then rushed out more than a hundred meters before dissipating.

There was no suspense, all those who had been cut by the sword qi were cut off by the waist, the upper body fell to the ground, and the lower body was constantly splattered with enchanting blood.

“Ah~run away~!” Those who were not slashed by the sword qi all turned pale all of a sudden, frantically fleeing into the distance under the scream, without the slightest courage to fight Di Mu.

“Bah, bah, almost let out the laughter of the big devil!” Seeing those fleeing, Di Mu was just about to sneer, but found that his laughter was wrong, quickly stopped, muttered for a while before chasing after him.

Although Di Mu did not let out the laughter of the big devil again, for those who were in the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce, there was no difference between Di Mu and the big devil.

The figure flickered continuously, Di Mu easily caught up with the fleeing people, and then swung his sword to kill, occasionally encountered those who wanted to resist, and even cut a few more swords on the other party.

However, after a while, none of the people who followed Efuri escaped, and all of them died under the murderous Di Mu’s sword.

“Can you come out after watching it for so long, or do you think I can’t find you!” With a flick of his sword, the blood stains on the ‘ink blood’ flew to the ground, and Di Mu, who was standing next to several corpses, calmly turned to look at a huge rock not far away.

As Di Mu’s words fell, an old man with an old figure, but wearing a tight leather jacket, and a bald old man with the letter ‘G’ in the middle of the leather belt walked out.

Di Mu raised his eyebrows, it was actually this person, but it was also, the other party was also a family cadre who occupied one of the three major forces of the Yanjing Vein.

“Dark Sword Hao is really powerful, I am a Cube Army cadre of the Don Quixote family, Rao G, there is no hostility in coming this time, just to say hello to Your Excellency! “Rao S. G saw Di Mu turn the sword in his hand, and the blade was faintly aimed at him, and quickly said.

While talking, Rao S. G also felt a burst of horror in his heart, the other party was able to become the Qiwu Sea like the young lord, it was really not a fluke, but he ascended the throne by force.

Like the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce, as the supreme leader of the family on Pokhara, Rao M. G also sent someone to investigate immediately after learning that Di Mu appeared, and even came to inquire about the situation after learning that Afuli, the head of the Black Widow Chamber of Commerce, had brought someone to Di Mu’s place.

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