Di Mu walked casually on the path in the forest, but when he was only halfway there, he suddenly stopped and looked at the empty place less than ten meters away.

“This feeling, and this obviously invisible, but can sense life fluctuations, can’t be wrong!” Di Mu suddenly became gritted his teeth, and his eyes appeared more ferocious than ever.

Arashi foot~!

Without any hesitation, Di Mu suddenly kicked towards the open space where he gritted his teeth, and a huge chopping wave roared out instantly.



It was obviously an empty place, but suddenly there was a scream and sound, and at the same time blood splattered.

In the rear where the sound was made, the chopping wave violently rushed out, and instantly rushed into the woods, tearing and chopping off more than ten large trees.


Invisibly, at the distance of the place where the chopping wave was attacked, while making a sound of landing, a broken arm that was still bleeding appeared out of thin air, and a rocket launcher should be fixed on the broken arm.

When Di Mu saw this scene, the ferocity in his eyes became even stronger, and even a hideous smile appeared on his face, and a terrifying murderous aura permeated from him like a tide, making the gloomy forest even more gloomy.

“You know, although I always longed to get a Devil Fruit to make myself stronger at a faster speed when I was still very weak, this idea was not so eager after I gradually became stronger because I considered the side effects of the Devil Fruit!”

“However, there is a devil fruit that I have been entangled with for a long time, and I even thought for a while that if I really encountered it, even if I turned into a dry duck, I would eat this devil fruit, and this devil fruit is a transparent fruit!” Di Mu had a green tendon on his forehead, and angrily pulled out the ‘ink blood’ behind his back.

Although he couldn’t see it, he sensed that there were life fluctuations close to him just now by relying on the insightful ‘Killing Realm’, and associating with the place where he was, Di Mu knew the identity of the other party almost instantly, that is, the hateful transparent fruit ability, Absalom, one of the three eccentrics of the terrifying three-masted sailing ship.

For this enemy who took away one of his dreams, except for a certain imp in the new world, Di Mu’s anger and hatred for him can be said to be the second most important.

Under the fury in his heart, kicking off one of the opponent’s arms now is just the beginning, he must concoct the other party well and vent the pain in his heart.

“Abominable bastard, dare to break my hand and look at the hand of my dead!” The panting sound like a wild beast soon echoed in the forest, and at the same time, the sound of breaking the air followed, and a cannonball rushed towards Di Mu at an astonishing speed.

“Go back to Lao Tzu!” Di Mu was in a state of rage, and the ‘Killing Field’ instantly saw the incoming shell, and kicked the cannonball in anger, kicking it back at a faster speed.

“How come! Yes~! The muffled panting sound soon turned into exclamations and screams, and Abu Salom, who was hidden not far away, was directly hit by the kicked back shell in horror, and was blown out directly with the explosion of the roar.


Di Mu saw that a big tree not far away suddenly seemed to be broken by something, and he immediately smiled viciously and carried his sword and was about to walk over.


Suddenly, a white ghost shadow came from behind Di Mu, and suddenly passed through Di Mu when he was too angry with Abu Salom to neglect his vigilance.

Di Mu’s body froze, and with a clang, ‘ink blood’ slipped from his hand and fell to the ground, and suddenly knelt on the ground with a pop, lowered his head and supported his hands on the ground, and his body seemed to become gray.

“I’m really too weak, if there is an afterlife, let me become a grass!” Di Mu muttered to himself full of sorrow and negativity.

“It’s so dangerous, it almost scared me to death just now, sure enough, this existence that was offered a reward of 450 million Bailey is terrible!” The sky, surrounded by ghosts, Perona, who was floating in a spirit state, patted her sizeable rabbit with a palpitating face.

After being informed by Moonlight Moria, Perona left the castle with Absalom and found the place.

It’s just that what Perona didn’t expect was that Di Mu would actually be so terrifying, although the terrifying murderous aura released by Di Mu just now was aimed at Absalom, but the aftermath also made Perona have a terrible feeling like hell just now.

However, at the same time, Perona was triumphant again, and what about the reward of 450 million Bailey, she was not defeated by her negative ghost.

“Oh ho luo, just blow you up and seriously injure you before taking it to Lord Moria!” Perona smiled proudly, clapped her hands, and suddenly created a huge ghost.

Super Ghost Kamikaze Bomb~!

The huge explosion ghost, which was different from the negative ghost, suddenly rushed towards Di Mu, and as if swallowing Di Mu in one gulp, it produced a violent explosion in an instant.


The deafening roar reminded me of the earth tumbling, the rubble splashing, and the surrounding trees shaking by the air waves generated by the explosion.

After a few breaths in the past, the dust raised by the explosion slowly dissipated, but the originally triumphant Perona’s face was stiff, and her small (mouth) grew up.

“How is it possible!” Perona let out an exclamation, an incredulous expression on her little face.

In the place of the explosion, a large pit was formed in the ground, and inside, Di Mu, whose clothes were somewhat tattered and had an extremely ugly face, was holding ‘ink blood’.

Although the clothes were badly damaged, just like a beggar’s costume, the bare places on Di Mu’s body did not have any scars, but had perfect muscle lines.

However, although his body was not injured, Di Mu now had an urge to die of shame.

What did he do just now, not only did he make the low-level mistake of losing his vigilance because of anger, but he also said such humiliating words, which is simply a great shame and a stain that cannot be erased for a lifetime.

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