Tahama is my second hometown. I still remember that when I first came to Tahama, I had no relatives. Now I have brothers Ares, Barrett, Beckman, Leah, Stella, Tezoro, and many, many relatives."

"Brother Ares has been leading Tahama to become the world's number one power. Under the reforms of Tahama's top leaders, Tahama is now far ahead in military production!"

"We are constantly recruiting scientists from all over the world. Brother Ares once told me that science and technology are the primary productive forces. With everyone's efforts, Tahama has become a country where everyone has food to eat and clothes to wear, although this is just above the passing line."

"I believe that in the near future, through our efforts, we will be able to make this country even greater!"

Lucci became more and more proud as he spoke, and unconsciously straightened his chest.

When Ginny heard that everyone had food to eat and clothes to wear, she couldn't help but shine with gold in her eyes.

"The people there are really happy, but isn't there any taxation in the Kingdom of Tahama?" Ginny asked. Enel said proudly:"This is the kingdom where Brother Ares is! It seems that I have to work harder!"

After all, in Ginny's cognition, the upper class of the kingdom is the so-called nobles. To satisfy their endless selfish desires, they can only constantly extend their hands to the lower class people.

Using all kinds of exorbitant taxes, all the oil and water are drained out.

After listening to this, Lucci rolled his eyes at Ginny:"Why does the Kingdom of Tahama collect so much taxes from the people when it has the military industry as a cash cow?"

"But what you said is also what Brother Ares is worried about. In Brother Ares's view, taxation is a system that robs the rich to help the poor. High taxes should be collected from the rich to subsidize the poor!"

"But I don't understand either, I'm still young!"

After getting the answer, Ginny nodded with satisfaction. This was more like the organization she and Bear had joined, not like Beckley in the Solbe Kingdom, who only knew how to endlessly demand from the people.

"Lucci, don't think about it, come on, let's duel!"Ai Aidu pulled out the Sakura Ten and the Dead Tree in his hand, and invited Lucci to fight.

The two grew rapidly in the battle. Although Enel started a little slower than Lucci, because Lucci had not yet fully mastered the armed color, and he had the natural rain fruit, he would not fall into a disadvantage.

Beckman was talking to his wife Nora on the Den Den Mushi at this time, and he was alone in his cabin.

However, the sour smell of love still reached the location of Ares and Mihawk.

"Mihawk, you must be envious of other people in pairs, why don't you find one?"Ares asked Mihawk with a smile.

Mihawk listened to Ares' words and pulled out the black knife from his back without saying anything, pointing at Ares:"Come on! The battle in Water Seven is almost over!"

Ares: Damn, you dare to say that you don't want to cut me because of envy.

But after making Mihawk wait for so long, we shouldn't drag it out any longer, just treat it as a competition between partners!

Then the two jumped up and jumped from the giant steel ship to the golden city of Shandora. Only by being down-to-earth can one show his strength. It doesn't matter even if Shandora is smashed or broken, after all, what we want is only the gold on it.

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