In the palace of the Kingdom of Solbe.

A guard next to Bekoli reported to him:"King, there are ships from the Kingdom of Tahama near the port! Could they be sent by Doflamingo? After all, Doflamingo has always cooperated with Tahama!"

After listening to the guard's report, Bekoli laughed:"With the arms provided by Doflamingo, I can implement my plan faster! The Kingdom of Solbe does not need waste, and the southern region is unnecessary!"

"I used this to curry favor with the Celestial Dragons, and Doflamingo, the former Celestial Dragon, is no longer worth mentioning to me!"

"Besides, the Celestial Dragons have set their sights on that woman named Ginny, so search her hard! If I can curry favor with the Celestial Dragons, I will be able to ascend to heaven in one step!"

"The CP9 people from the Tahama Kingdom will handle it. After all, our Tianshangjin is not paid for nothing!"

After hearing this, the guard saluted to Bekoli and trotted towards the prison.

After all, the CP9 people are in the prison. They are sent by the Celestial Dragons to assist King Bekoli, and the woman named Ginny is also there.


""Master Stusi, would you like to smoke a cigar?" Ares asked, looking at the corner of the prison.

At the corner of the prison, a slender figure suddenly appeared, wearing high heels, making a tinkling sound.

"Ares, I have high hopes for you, but as my excellent subordinate, you really disappoint me!"

At this time, Stussy was still charming and charming, and her mature charm made Ares admire her.

"Master Stussy, I used to be a dog of the Celestial Dragons, but now I just want to be a good person!"

"But this won't affect our cooperation! After all, some secrets are not good for everyone."

Ares threatened

"Of course it doesn't affect me, but can you let me know your intentions? Can you hand over the beautiful lady beside you to me?"Stusi said with a smile, not angry at Ares' words.

As the leader of the spy organization, Stusi had already turned his expressionlessness into instinct.

"Do you think it's possible?" Ares said bluntly.

Stussy sighed, lit the cigar handed to him by Ares and said,"I knew it wouldn't be that easy, but this really makes it difficult for me!"

"It's difficult, so don't do it!"Aris said as he attacked Stussy.

It wasn't the first time he and Stussy had worked together, so he knew what Stussy meant.

Of course, he couldn't let Stussy be the bad guy in the current situation. It would be very useful for him to keep Stussy in CP.

In order to stabilize Stussy's position, it would be very unreasonable for them not to fight each other at this time.

"Lucci, Enelu, follow the manager to rescue the bear!"

As Ares finished speaking, Gin Lucci and Enelu instantly left the team.

However, they were greeted by the other members of CP9. Although CP9 was not a weakling on the sea, they did not have Haki, so they were defeated by the natural Enelu and Lucci who had the Float-Float Fruit.

"Flying Finger Gun!"

Stusi's figure suddenly disappeared, and a finger gun stabbed out quickly, pointing at Ares' chest.

Should I say that CP people like to greet people with the Navy Six Styles? Did they pay patent fees to the Navy?

However, Stusi's flying finger gun seemed soft. Of course, he knew that he was not Ares' opponent. Fighting here was just a reason for him to report to his boss!

After all, this guy dared to kill even the Celestial Dragons, and the Warring States Generals didn't catch this guy. He was just a small CP9 leader, and he couldn't do anything about this guy. Isn't this reasonable?

Stusi's flying finger gun was blocked by the scabbard of Budu Yuhun raised by Ares, and Ares grabbed Stusi's hand tightly.

Seeing this, Stusi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this guy's growth speed is really too fast!

"Forget it, I'm no match for you!" Stussy looked at the subordinates around him who had fallen down, and pretended to fall down too.

Looking at Stussy's poor acting skills, Ares couldn't help scratching his head:"You... forget it!" Ares walked in the direction of Lucci and others, and saw the man he had been thinking about, Bartholomew Bear of the Bakanni tribe.

Bear's face still looked childish at this time, and his clothes were tattered, but you could see that he was happy at the moment. He kept comforting Ginny beside him. It was obviously Ginny who came to save him, but Ginny was the one crying instead.

"Ginny, it's great to have you here!"

""You big-headed ghost! If I were fine, why don't you agree to my marriage proposal? Now I'm favored by the Celestial Dragons, and no one else dares to marry me except you!"

Ginny put her hands on her waist and wiped her tears, then criticized the bear.

Bartholomew Bear could only lower his head and said with a smile:"As long as the Kingdom of Solbe survives this disaster, we'll get married!"



Just when Ares was about to have a chat with the bear, he suddenly felt two strong auras.

The Kingdom of Solbe is really a vortex. Why are so many people staring at this place?

"So you two aren't coming out yet?"

""Ala, have we been discovered? I thought we were hiding well!" A resolute male voice came out.

"Bear, Ginny, after we parted at the Valley of the Gods, do you still remember me as your companion?"A man wearing a cloak came out from the corner. As soon as he appeared, small whirlwinds formed around him. Next to him was a curly-haired man wearing stockings and pink suspenders!

"Dorag and Ivankov are two famous figures! Ares stared at the two of them.

""Eva!" the bear suddenly shouted

"Little Eva!"Ginny said.

Ares looked at the scene in front of him. It turned out to be a companion from the Valley of the Gods!

His whole aura relaxed. It was good that he was not an enemy.

"Long time no see, Xiong, Ginny. Ivankov smiled and greeted the two.

Ginny patted her chest and then looked at���Ivankov's strange outfit:"Little Eva, why are you so abnormal now? But it's great to see you!"

Xiong looked at Dogra calmly and asked:"Eva, who is the person next to you?……"

"Dragon, the current leader of the Self-Valiant Army!"

"Hey, Big Bear, if you are still the same as you were back then, come with us and change the world!!!"

Ivankov took the opportunity to tempt

"The world is sick now, and it needs a revolution! Our Self-Defense Forces need talents like you, come and help me and Drago!"

Ares had to stand up when he saw the scene in front of him.

"Hey! We have to follow the order of precedence. I came here first, so I should be the first to invite you!" Ares stared at Ivankov and his domineering color suddenly burst out.

Ivankov felt a terrifying power, and cold sweat broke out on his head. Then he dared not say anything more.

Dogra stood in front of Ivankov, a domineering color emerged from his body, and then he looked at Ares and smiled:"What a scary guy! This matter is not authentic on our part, but I, Dorag, invite you."

"This world needs a radical reshuffle. Ares, I need your strength to help me!"

"I refuse! Although I won't join, we can cooperate!"Ares raised the cigar in his hand and threw one to Dorag.

Dorag took it without hesitation, and the cigar was lit with a flash of lightning.

"A person with special abilities? I knew you would refuse, but I didn't expect you to be so thorough!"

"Are you really not going to reconsider it?"

Ares shook his head and said,"Bear, Ginny, in the name of Tahama, I invite you to join us!"

Bear and Ginny began to struggle after hearing this, after all, both sides were what they believed to be righteous organizations.

From the perspective of intimacy, they naturally tended to the Self-Defense Forces, after all, their little friend Ivankov was there.

But Bear did not intend to make such a hasty decision, he still planned to ask:"I wonder what we can get by joining your country?"

"And where is the way to salvation for this country, or even this world?"

Ginny didn't say anything, but just looked at Xiong quietly.

After all, Xiong's decision was her decision, and she had already decided to become one with Xiong. After all, she was going to be Xiong's wife, the closest person to Xiong in the future.

Ares's expression was a little surprised, but when he thought that Xiong would join the revolutionary army in the future, he was relieved. After all, the ideals of these people were great and lofty.

He didn't have such great ideals as theirs, but he could help others as much as possible within his own scope.

But this did not prevent him from admiring guys with noble character.

After watching Xiong being rescued, Ares took out the Bible from his arms and walked towards him. He took the Bible in his hand and said,"The way to salvation is in it, at your feet?"

"I know most people in this world are waiting for the so-called Joy Boy to come, why can't we become Joy Boy ourselves and bring joy to people?"

"My ideal is to be the king of the world. How about becoming the new Joy Boy to help me?"

The people around felt a sense of heroic spirit when listening to Ares' speech. Bear was no exception. It seemed that he remembered what his father said when he was a child that Joy Boy would definitely appear again, dancing that strange dance to bring joy to the world.

Was Dad wrong? Is it realistic to wait for the so-called Joy Boy?

If Joy Boy really exists, why is there still so much pain in the world after so many years.

Bear touched his chin, as if he had made up his mind:"This Bible is given to you! But when I find that one day you are not working for the welfare of the world, I will leave!"

Ares looked at the Bible handed over by Bear and smiled. He knew that Bear had been taken under his command

"Of course! Although I am not a good person, I don't mind making this world a better place if I can!"

Seeing this, Dorag blew out a smoke ring and sighed:"This trip is in vain! But we can't just leave the people of this country alone, let's have a vigorous revolution!"

Ares became interested and said:"I wonder how you, the Self-Valiant Army, plan to save this country?"

Everyone's eyes turned here.

"We must lead the people in an advanced revolution and let the revolutionary spirit penetrate deep into this country. We need weapons now, and I wonder if we can buy some from Tahama at a discount!"

"After all, the biggest consumption of our self-defense army, besides food, is weapons and equipment!"

Ares shook his head after hearing this:"This is tantamount to letting the lower-class people of this country die. Although there will be awakening only with sacrifice!"

"But I have seen the power of the Demon-Slaying Order. Ideas can spread slowly, so leave it to me this time!"

"Bekoli and I have some personal clerks to deal with!"

Dorag nodded after hearing what Ares said:"What about weapons?……"

Ares took out a Den Den Mushi from Lu Qi's bag and said,"Go talk to Leah! This Den Den Mushi can contact her."


"Ivan, let's go. We'll leave this to Ares!"

"But Ares, I will not give up. I will make you join me willingly!"

Drag shook his cloak and left without looking back.

Ivankov said goodbye to Ginny and Xiong.

"Eva, can't you stay a little longer?" Ginny was a little reluctant

"We will meet again. I will definitely attend your wedding. This is my personal phone number. Leave it to me." Ivankov took out his Den Den Mushi and exchanged signals with Ginny.

""How do you think the world can usher in peace?" Ares suddenly asked.

After hearing this, Lucci wanted to show his intelligence and quickly raised his hand and said,"Bear, Ginny, you are latecomers, and as a senior, I will show you that I have a deep understanding of this."

Ginny and Bear looked at Lucci in front of them and couldn't help but smile bitterly

"Only absolute martial arts���Only coercion can bring true peace to the world, and those who hold absolute force must be kind people!"

Ares smiled after hearing this. This is indeed Lucci's brain circuit, a realist.

"Bear, what do you think?"

Bear touched his chin and thought for a while before saying,"What Lucci said makes sense, but a person who has the power to overwhelm the sea cannot guarantee that he will always be wise. Only when the lower-class people have a certain ability to resist can we usher in true peace! Of course, these are just some immature opinions."

Ares nodded after listening, and what he said made sense.

"That’s right, but in my opinion, perhaps only great material satisfaction, coupled with the restriction of power, can truly usher in peace!"

"But how can peace be so easy?"

Before crossing, the development of science and technology was not slow, but it still could not satisfy the ambitions of some people who were unable to fill the gap.

Peace has always been just a beautiful yearning. The world has never been peaceful, but some people are carrying the burden forward.

"Let’s go! It’s time to settle accounts with Beckley."

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