It has been three days since Ares's animal-type devil fruit awakened.

They also put their minds at ease and went on vacation in Bica.

Enel had seen the strength of Ares and Beckman, and began to learn from Lucci. After all, you have to strengthen your body as early as possible.

Lucci is a genius in physical skills, and Enel feels that learning from Lucci will definitely be very rewarding.

Of course, he will also think about how to develop his devil fruit on his own. After all, his natural system is different from Lucci's superhuman system.

As Enel's predecessor, Lucci naturally trained with Enel.

As long as he knew it, he also taught it to Enel.

It can be said that he experienced the feeling of being a senior. Kalifa and Kaku joined the team with him, and they did not have the happiness of the predecessors.

In recent days, Ares and Beckman suddenly became interested in the shellfish farming technology and cloud material technology of Sky Island.

As a modern person, Ares knows that business is nothing more than selling things from one place to another.

And the shellfish and cloud materials on Sky Island can undoubtedly be sold at a high price in Qinghai.

After all, these things can only be produced on Sky Island, and it is a seller's market.

The big bed made of cloud materials can be taken to Qinghai to be sold as a high-end luxury product to the Celestial Dragons and the luxurious nobles of those big countries, and they will be plundered.

As for the strange shells and impact shells on Sky Island, they can also make a lot of money in Qinghai.

After all, although there is a golden city of Shandora, there are many places to spend money, and opening up new sources is undoubtedly extremely important.

His partner Doflamingo has the channels, and he has the means of production. The two of them will work together to plunder the wealth of the Celestial Dragons, which is very exciting.

"Urouge, how about going to Qinghai to learn about Qinghai’s Buddhist knowledge? If you become my partner, you will need domineering devil fruits and the like!"Ares looked at Urouge who was supervising him and invited him again.

Urouge has also been discussing the cooperation between Bica and Tahama with Ares these two days. After all, cooperation is beneficial to both sides.

Although Bica has these strange materials, the biggest constraint on the development of Sky Island is undoubtedly food.

If there is enough food, the population of Sky Island can double in a few decades. The reason why Bica gave birth to orphans like Enelu is undoubtedly that food scarcity is a big problem.

As a native of Bica, Urouge must consider his hometown.

"Is this the flower kingdom you mentioned where the saying"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but remain in the Buddha's heart" was born?"Urki certainly has a strong desire to explore knowledge. He also has a strong desire to explore the flower kingdom that can bring up the saying"Wine and meat pass through the intestines, but remain in the Buddha's heart."

"You know what I can do if I study alone. Only by discussing with many masters can I truly understand the mysteries of Buddhism! And didn't Buddha say to save all living beings? How can you save all living beings on Sky Island?"Ares continued to tempt him. Wuerji was already a little tempted to go to Qinghai. He only needed to be given another fierce fire.

"Yes, Buddha was discovered through exploration step by step and step by step!"

"I agree to join you, but if there is a crisis in Bica, I also hope you can help!" After Ares's temptation, Ulqui has agreed.

Ares laughed after hearing what Ulqui said, then patted Ulqui on the shoulder and said:"Of course, if you join our Bica, it will be our territory. I will show no mercy to those who dare to harass our territory!"

"Congratulations in advance on becoming a true master of Buddhism!"

Ares actually wanted to see what it was like when Sengoku and Volgi discussed Buddhism.

Sengoku: Big Buddha Shock Wave!

Urouge: Karma!

After listening to Ares' words, Urouge nodded:"My current strength is still too weak!"

Urouge is a guy with a strong self-esteem. Although he agreed to join Ares, he also wanted to get rid of the dilemma of lack of strength as soon as possible.

Ares waved his hand and said:"This impact fruit is handed over to you. Of course, the choice of whether to eat it is yours?"

"There will be more devil fruits in the future! You can wait a little longer if you don’t eat it now!"

Urouge saw Ares’ sincerity and said in silence:"Give me a few days to think about whether I should eat this fruit or not!"

Ares patted him on the shoulder and said:"Don’t be stressed, it’s just a devil fruit, right?"


In the next few days, Urouge decided to eat the Impact Fruit.

After all, the development potential of this fruit is not small, and eating it can also help to improve his strength.

Urouge also officially decided to join Ares. Of course, Urouge still needs to get the consent of their god Gandy.

Gandy agreed. After all, after seeing Beckman, with those panda eyes, he couldn't disagree.

"Hahaha, what happy news! Let's have a party. Welcome Urouge and Enel to join us!" Ares said with a big laugh, and then everyone started singing and dancing.

The atmosphere was very lively, and Beckman was so happy that he even went down to perform a happy dance for everyone.


Ares looked at the somewhat tipsy Beckman and couldn't help but sigh that Beckman's alcohol tolerance was getting worse and worse.

Lucci was drinking milk on the side, but his eyes were fixed on the wine glasses in everyone's hands.

It was obvious that he wanted to drink like a man, but he and Enel could only drink milk.

Enel was not particular about what to drink, he just held the bottle and started to drink.

After all, it was very nutritious and helped his body develop.

Ares sat down next to Enel and Lucci.

""Enelu, have you really decided to become a dual-sword swordsman?" Ares asked Enelu.

Speaking of which, ever since Enelu saw Ares fighting Beckman with the Budō Yuhun, he has also become fascinated with swords.

He has practiced with two wooden swords very well, and he has two fewer devil fruits than Ares, so he wants to make up for it with the swords.

Speaking of which, Enelu has a talent for swordsmanship, and he has practiced well in a short period of time.

Enelu put down the bottle and heard Ares' words. He nodded and said in an affirmative tone:"I will definitely become an excellent dual-sword swordsman!"

It's interesting to think about a natural sword with a famous sword!

Ares carefully took down the Sakura Ten and Kurumi hanging next to the Budō Yuhun, slowly touched their scabbards and said:"These are two large, invulnerable swords. Speaking of which, my swordsmanship was taught a lot by their masters. Now these two swords are handed over to you. I hope you don't let them be covered in dust!"

Enelus stretched out his hands solemnly and took the two knives.

Although he was not much taller than the two knives, he felt a sense of responsibility and mission after receiving them.

"I will definitely make them famous again!" Enelu vowed.

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