Doflamingo's forehead was bulging with veins after hearing Ares' words, but he knew that this might be Ares provoking him.

Finally, he calmed down and said,"I don't deserve to be a Celestial Dragon!"

Ares was also moved when he saw Doflamingo's attitude:"If you ask me, most of the Celestial Dragons are trash, but you and I admire them!"

Doflamingo would not lose his way just because of Ares' words.

"Without further ado, I came here specifically to see you. There seems to be some misunderstanding between us, but I still hope to get in touch with you to discuss cooperation!"Doflamingo smiled and said

"Oh, I'm very interested in this!" Ares showed a curious look

"There seems to be some unpleasantness between us because of a merchant ship. But I have a channel, the Tahama Kingdom has goods, and I hope to get enough arms from the Tahama Kingdom!"After listening to Ares' words, Doflamingo also drank and slowly revealed his plan.

Ares couldn't help but admire Doflamingo.

At this age of thirteen or fourteen, Doflamingo could actually suppress the fire in his heart and choose to cooperate with such a guy who will surely become a great man in the future.

"Of course, as a token of sincerity, the things on the merchant ship are a small gift to you!" Doflamingo continued.

A person who can bend and stretch is a good businessman, and Ares brought him a kind of pressure, so he dare not turn his face directly.

Besides, business is originally a friendly thing.

After listening to Doflamingo's words, Ares also smiled and said:"Young master is generous, but what if I don't agree?"

As soon as Ares finished speaking, Rum Peter quickly grasped the weapon in his hand, as if as long as he said fighting, the two of them would rush up.

Seeing this, the people of the Don Quixote family also secretly prepared themselves, as if as long as they made a move, a big battle was about to come.

"Fufufufufu, even if the deal doesn't work out, we can still be friends!" As Doflamingo finished speaking, the smell of gunpowder in the air faded.

"I always like to be friends with generous people. It is my good fortune to be friends with someone like you, Dover. However, you have to talk to the queen of our Tahama Kingdom about cooperation. I can give Dover a private signal, you just need to contact her."Ares also said with a smile. Doflamingo couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard Ares's changeable name for him.

Before the cooperation, he was Doflamingo, and after the cooperation, he became Dover.

Doflamingo thought he was thick-skinned enough, but he didn't expect Ares's face was not much thinner.

Sure enough, being thick-skinned is a necessary skill for a strong man!

"Hahaha, I'm so lucky to get Queen Leah's exclusive Den Den Mushi signal!" Doflamingo licked his lips with a smile.

Ares looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but remind him:"Don't have any bad thoughts, otherwise Barrett will make you a nobody. Believe me, he can do it."

Doflamingo originally had a pursuit of beautiful women in his heart, especially those who could help him. He originally had some bad thoughts, but now after listening to Ares' words, he instantly adjusted his mentality.

After all, the guy who can be called the Gemini with Ares, even if he is weak, he is not that weak. Judging from the collision of the domineering color just now, he is slightly inferior.

"By the way, Doflamingo, I have something to ask you too!" Ares leaned towards where Doflamingo was sitting and said

"Small problem, as long as I know, I will tell you everything I know!"Doflamingo was very satisfied with the cooperation that had just been reached, and said proudly

"Dover, to be honest, I'm looking for an island called Holy Beast Island. It's said that this island is somewhere in the North Sea, but I have no idea where it is. I wonder if you have heard of it, Dover?" Ares asked.

"Hahaha, what did I think it was? If you go to the intelligence market to buy intelligence, maybe they don't know it, but I do know something about this Holy Beast Island!"Doflamingo kept it a secret after hearing what Ares said.

After hearing this, Ares, Rum and others' eyes lit up. It turned out that they had made the right decision to come to Doflamingo.

It seems that they have made friends with Doflamingo. As expected, they are very destined to be friends.

As he spoke, Doflamingo snapped his fingers and said to Torre Pol beside him:"Torre Pol, go to the file library of the family's residence and look for a special sea chart? Bring me the one about the Holy Beast Island!"

Torre Pol nodded repeatedly after hearing this.

Then he walked towards the Don Quixote family's residence with his snot covering his body.

Seeing that Doflamingo was so loyal, Ares came over and gave Doflamingo a big hug, but the strength in his hands was quite strong, which made Doflamingo breathless.

"Dov, you are my lucky star."Ares hugged Doflamingo and patted his back hard.

Doflamingo had to struggle repeatedly, and then gasped for breath. He seemed to be frightened by the hug just now.

If Ares and his friends had not just ordered a few women with revealing clothes and decent faces, Doflamingo would have thought that Ares fell in love with him?

Did he have any special hobbies?

"Ares, but I have to remind you that the Holy Beast Island is not so easy to find."Doflamingo said after taking a deep breath.

Ares frowned and asked after hearing what Doflamingo said,"Is there any special trick here?"

"It's not that magical, but it is said that the Holy Beast Island is an island covered by sea water. It only emerges briefly for one or two hours with the help of the tide on the full moon night of each month."

"Moreover, in the North Sea, there are actually sea kings in such a place, and there is nothing special about that place, so it has been gradually forgotten by people!"Doflamingo continued to shake his red wine glass and took a sip.

Ares was relieved after hearing this, thinking that there were some special conditions.

It's just such a small request, it's not a problem.

As long as there is one day every month, I will stay there for three to five months, I don't believe that I can't turn this island upside down.

"Dov, it's just a small problem. Sea kings are just a meal!" Ares said with a smile.

Doflamingo thought about his own strength and compared it with Ares. Then he smiled and said,"For real masters, sea kings are indeed just food, but don't underestimate the giant sea kings in the Calm Belt. After all, they are the masters of this world, right?"

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