“Less arrogant, who wants to join your Black Light Pirates, cut!!”

Of course he heard Lola’s words, but what made him angry was what the group of people were saying self-righteously, and it was not difficult to guess, probably against him joining or something.

Heck, he hadn’t said he was going to agree to join them, a bunch of arrogant imps. Smogg almost didn’t bite off the cigar smoke, and his face was black.

His ships were about to catch up with them, and they still had their own minds to communicate, and the group of guys didn’t know that there was a navy chasing them.

Several accomplices of the Black Light Pirates were all on the ship’s board, and no one was left to steer the ship ?? Let it drift with the wind ??

It’s too casual, I have to say that their ships are a little powerful, and the speed of their naval warships is not blown, but they always keep a certain distance from them.

Of course, Smog could not have known that the “Apollo” had been modified by Kisuke Uragen and could be controlled remotely by remote control. The remote control was also something new that he had never seen or even heard of.

Unless in greater danger, Kisuke Uragen needs to personally go to the cockpit to operate the “Apollo”, and at other times, as long as he moves something big in his hand, he can turn around, accelerate, and even shoot at will.

These are too shocking existences for Smog and the people of this world, and they are also quite confidential, and no one knows about them except for the several leaders of the Black Light Pirates.

Of course, he was one of the people who didn’t know, and seeing that he couldn’t catch up with them, Smogg turned his back to the group of naval soldiers behind him.

“All the crew accelerated, ready to shoot, don’t let them run.”

While the two ships rear-ended, Laura still did not give up that idea. Smog and his G-5 unit wanted to be included in his command.

If you can’t solve the problem with your mouth, then use force to solve it, violence has always been the fastest and most effective means to solve the problem, although it is too cruel, but the ultimate goal can be achieved.

Several loud artillery shots sounded, dozens of shells flew towards the Apollo, and Smog did not give Laura extra time to think about anything else, and opened fire first.

“It seems that the world looks down on our captain, so let him taste this.” Uragen Kisuke teased.

“Flame Dragon Extinguished!!” After speaking, press the remote control in your hand.

At the stern of the “Apollo”, a hot red light gradually condensed, and the red light gradually turned yellow.

With the sound of “Peng”, it was as if the dragon’s cry could be heard, and a huge flame that was 100 meters long hit the following ship.

At the same time, the “Apollo” instantly dashed several hundred meters away due to the inertia of this blow.

“Not good, all the staff pull the rod, the ship tilts forty-five degrees to the southwest, fast!!” Takmoko ordered loudly in a hurry.

It was already impossible to retreat, their ship was accelerating, they could only dodge, if they hit this, they would all die at the bottom of the sea.

As Smogg’s chief trusted officer, he is naturally very good at all aspects, otherwise he would not be able to achieve this position.

The arc of the hull was too large, there was an uproar on board, and some soldiers fell from a height and smashed into the fence next to the ship.

Some of them clung to the things in their hands and barely stabilized their bodies, and a few weak ones almost fell into the sea and were caught in Smogg’s smoke.

And Smogvins did not move, and the mouth holding the cigarette did not change a little.

No one knew what he was thinking. Only he knew that when Laura was gone, the hanging life of the Navy soldier of the G-5 unit finally landed, and he could not fight happily.

Their ship dodged the blow, but could not catch up with Lola’s ship.

Looking at the surface of the sea, a line was burned by the raging fire, and even the water in the air seemed to be burned out.

And the fire was still burning, blocking their way.

“What is this fire made of, and it can actually burn on the surface of the sea without extinguishing it??” The Navy soldier who was saved could not believe his eyes.

Of course, they didn’t know that it was Pugen Kisuke who made it with a special material, which was naturally different from ordinary flames.

“Damn, let them run.” Takmoko said angrily.

On the Apollo…

“This is a new skill I have studied, Yanlong Juxuan, how about Lola, cool.” Kisuke Uragen wanted to show Laura the pride of a man. No one replied to his words for a while, and he turned his eyes curiously.

“Huh?? What about Lola?? There was no one beside him, and he glanced at the people on the boat again and found that there was one missing.

“Wasn’t it with you just now??” Erina.

“I know, but…” In the blink of an eye, no one was seen, and Uragen Kisuke pouted and did not speak.

This kid went to the warship called Vice Admiral Smogg alone.

On the warship where Smog was …

Just now, after Takmoko finished speaking, Laura quietly appeared in front of them.

“Smogg, join me in turning the world upside down.”

Well, to be honest, when the ship of the Black Light Pirates moved away, Smog breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. But Laura reappeared on his ship and brought back the heart he had just put down.

“You die this heart, Lieutenant General Smog will not go against his original intention and join the pirates.”

Once again, Dusty stood in front of Smogg, protecting him behind him like a hen guarding a chick.

“Hey, the original intention?? Just like the original Demon Slaughter Order?? As soon as Laura mentioned the Demon Slaying Order, Smog immediately drank it.

“Shut up!!”

The Demon Slaying Order had always been an inextricable knot in his heart, and Smog cared a lot, and the deepest memory buried in his heart was so breathless to be mentioned at this moment.

Seeing that Smog still had a trace of conscience, Laura continued to unravel his scar.

“The massacre of all the innocent people on the island of archaeology, adults and children are not left, this is also the original intention??”

“Even if you don’t want to admit it, it’s already a fact, does the so-called justice have to come back to the demon slaughter order again? ? Last time it was O’Hara, next time I don’t know where it will be. Laura continued sarcastically.

Even he didn’t know that when he talked about the demon slaughter order, he actually brought in feelings, sympathized with the deceased, and couldn’t help but sympathize with Robin.

O’Hara is really too wronged, Robin is too pitiful, those who died can not leave quietly, Robin was exterminated and he was charged with the son of the devil.

The initiator of all this is the world government behind the navy.

“Lieutenant General Smogg!! Is this true?? Dusty couldn’t believe her ears.

“I’m bored, tell you to shut up.”

Smog chewed on his cigar and suddenly hit Lola, without even answering Dusty’s words.

“Lieutenant General Smogg!!”

Dusty exclaimed, where could Smog hear her in anger.

I saw that his lower body turned into a white smoke and rose into the air, and his arms also turned into two huge white smokes, striking towards Lola.

“White Snake!!”

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