“Come with me, I still have some things to take before I leave, I think you will need it,” a strange flash flashed in Urahara’s eyes, and he slowly turned and walked towards the back room.

“I think you’ll surprise me, Urahara!”

Recalling the name of Kisuke Urahara, the director of the Technology Development Bureau of the Corpse Soul Realm, Lola’s eyes were full of smiles, and she followed with great strides without hesitation.


With a burst of old mob. Silting, Kisuke Urahara quite skillfully pulled out a secret door on the floor of the back room and walked down the stairs.

“Oh, is it the basement?”

Looking at the entrance on the ground, Laura nodded and walked down the stairs with her own care.

After a brief darkness, a blinding light came…

What appeared in front of Lola’s eyes was a huge square, with thick clouds on all four walls, and the white expanse looked extremely depressing.

A behemoth tens of meters long is towering. Standing in the center of the square, it is not inconspicuous in this white environment.

“Welcome to my private country— Urahara House,” Urahara Kisuke stood on top of the behemoth, bowing lightly, his arms open, and his thick voice was full of pride.

“Ten years ago, when I came here, I accidentally discovered that this is a small island floating in the air, and you must have a flying tool to get out of this place.”

“For ten years, I used the materials that exist on this island to make the Apollo, the supership you see.”

“This….. It’s amazing! ”

Looking at the “Apollo” at Kisuke Urahara’s feet, Lola’s eyes flashed with a twinkle and chest. The constant squeezing sensation from the cavity clearly told Laura that he was excited —- now.

Originally, I was still thinking about when to go to the capital of seven waters to order a treasure ship, but now with this, nothing is needed.

Flying ships, give a mountain of gold and not change.

“It’s a pity that after the ‘Apollo’ was completed, I found out that when I built this underground square, I completely forgot to reserve an exit, resulting in the ‘Apollo’ being completely trapped in this square,” Speaking of this, Urahara Kisuke’s face was slightly embarrassed, and the arrogant dry cloud just now didn’t know where to go.

“It’s a hassle.”

Hearing this, Laura frowned, raised her head and kept looking at the white cloud wall around her, her eyes constantly flashing with strangeness. kind of light.

“I think, how about just making a hole in this wall?” Tentatively asking, Laura gave her own advice.

“No, if there is a large-scale destruction here, it may affect the people on this island,” it was obvious that Lola’s method Urahara Kisuke had already thought about it, but he was afraid of going to this empty island for fear of any accident, so he didn’t make a move.

To put it bluntly, Kisuke Urahara still knows too little about this world, and still sees this new world with his former eyes.

“Hahahaha, Urahara, this is not your hometown, there are more magical things in this place, and a single hole can’t affect this empty island,” After figuring out the reason why Urahara Kisuke was reluctant to do it, Laura really cried and laughed.

These empty islands are originally small islands formed by Cumulus Clouds, and even if a small piece is destroyed, they will be reborn in a fairly short period of time, and there is no need to worry about any security at all.

“Hula la”

Strong wind pressure frantically converged, and the sharp air flow shrouded Lola’s palm, forming a light cyan wind knife.

“The power of the wind, cut”

An unpretentious cyan light flashed, and this white square was instantly cut in two, revealing the blue sky outside.


With a huge tremor, the cut white clouds began to gradually dissipate, and this underground space also began to collapse.

“I know, I said I couldn’t do it, you see, it really collapsed!”

Feeling that something was wrong, Kisuke Urahara immediately rushed to the “Apollo” at his feet, quickly started it, and prepared to run.

“Hey, hurry up, get on board and go.”

Seeing that she had run into trouble, Laura did not feel any burden in her heart, waved her hand to the three Erinai behind her, and jumped on the “Apollo”.

Who called this white cloud so fragile, it collapsed with a knife, I can’t blame me.

“Let you not listen to my master, hmph, now you know that you are wrong, right?” Turning into a bolt of lightning, Anilu’s figure instantly disappeared and appeared on the “Apollo”.

“That’s right, this guy is not reliable at all,” a voice of schadenfreude sounded, and Tsunade and Erina also boarded the ship one after another.

“Isn’t that a mistake, really, you have to believe me,” Laura touched her head awkwardly, saying something that even he didn’t believe himself.


Under the endless tremor, the underground space completely collapsed, countless Cumulus clouds completely dissipated, and the white sea and sky below were visible.


Without the weight of the underground space, the “Apollo” was like a bird with broken wings, falling from the sky, and the hull was out of control, so that the completely unprepared Laura and Erinadam collided together.

“Urahara, hasn’t this thing started yet?” Laura stabilized her body with difficulty, and couldn’t help but look towards Kisuke Urahara who was standing in the cabin.

“Wait a minute, don’t you see I’m busy?”

His hands kept tapping back and forth on an electronic keyboard, and Kisuke Urahara’s always calm cheeks didn’t know when there was a hint of cold sweat.

Looking at Kisuke Urahara’s appearance, it should take some time for the “Apollo” to start, but the question is, how long can it take to fall from 10,000 meters?

Quietly glanced under him, only to see that the sea that was originally only the size of a palm was rapidly enlarging, and Lola’s heart trembled.

“I’m going, this time it’s a big deal!”

Gritting his teeth, Laura waved his hands, and a fierce wind continued to blow, trying his best to hold the “Apollo” to slow down its fall.

Unfortunately, in the face of the almost infinite falling acceleration, everything is in vain.

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