Although the strength of the vice admirals varies, strength is the first priority for those who can sit in the position of vice admiral.

The current Straw Hat Pirates have no way of stopping the vice admiral who is going all out. Even if they can stop him, the Merry cannot withstand it.

Protecting the Merry is the most important thing now.

"Thank you for your hard work, Merry."

Ye Cheng said to a black man in his hand.

The black man in Ye Cheng's hand is the ship spirit of the Merry. Ye Cheng also tried to communicate with the Merry before such a big little thing appeared.

Ye Cheng also came up with such an idea after experiencing the growth of the spiral body, and he didn't expect it to be successful.

"I didn't expect that I still have this ability. To be on the safe side, I have to prepare another container for it. By the way, let Franky design a small Merry."

Ye Cheng thought long-term, afraid that he might lose consciousness, so he decided to explain his ideas to Franky at that time.

In this way, everyone will think that it is Ye Chen's credit.

"Six Flower Wheel·Bend!"

Robin looked at the CP9 commander who was chasing him relentlessly and gave him a Gabencui!

"Hey! If you don't do it, you won't die. Why doesn't this villain understand?"

Ye Chen sighed and continued to look around vigilantly.

"Chopper, turn left! Franky, get ready to use that trick!"

Nami, who came out of the cabin, had completely mastered the knowledge of whirlpool currents and arranged everything in an instant.

"Everyone, get ready for the impact! Wind Cannon!"

Merry flew out directly, and Usopp released a large number of smoke bombs on the way.

"Hairnet Binding! Hair Bridge!"

Ye Chen was not idle either. He used the hairnet binding to stabilize the hull and created several buffer points.

After all, the power of the ship spirit is limited. If it dissipates for the last leg of the journey, he will become a sinner.

"Little guy, save some strength and sail with us, you still have me."

Ye Cheng smiled and touched the little guy's head.

Of course, Ye Cheng's physical strength was also rapidly consumed, and it was also to protect this little guy.

"Ye Cheng, what's wrong with you?"

Nami immediately found Ye Cheng, who was sweating profusely, and asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I'll be fine after a rest."

Ye Cheng was indeed a little over-consumed, there was no way, the consumption of the ship spirit was shared by him, and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

Fortunately, a large ship appeared in front, and it was Mr. Iceberg who came with his boatmen to pick them up.


The Merry also broke into two sections at this time.


Everyone felt a pain in their hearts.

"Uncle, save the Merry, it is our partner, and it just saved our lives."

Luffy asked Mr. Iceberg to save the Merry.

"Let it say goodbye here."

It turned out that the reason why the Merry could still sail was because of the help of Mr. Iceberg.

"I really have never seen such an amazing ship. It is really amazing."

As Mr. Iceberg finished speaking, everyone was in a heavy mood.

The bits and pieces of the Merry accompanying everyone also emerged in everyone's mind.

As the flames covered the hull of the Merry, everyone shed tears and the sky also floated with snowflakes of farewell...

"Merry, thank you~"

Ye Chen sat in the corner and gently stroked the little guy on his shoulder.

(To be honest, every time I see this, the author can't help crying. In order to make up for the regret, I quoted this setting. In the future, I will definitely let the Merry elf eat the fruit and become a real crew member. As for what kind of fruit it is, it will be kept secret for the time being.)

Amid Luffy's crying, the Merry completely disappeared at sea.



The people who returned to the Seven Water City also lived in the residence arranged by Mr. Iceberg.

"Ye Cheng, how are you?"

Ye Cheng's face was very pale at this time. After all, he had just had a huge consumption of physical strength. Fortunately, he held on.

"No, I have to eat something. Nami, help me to eat something."

Ye Cheng's diet is usually very restrained, so he doesn't eat much, but this time he must rely on crazy eating to stabilize his physical recovery.

"Sanji, Chopper."

Nami shouted immediately, asking Chopper and Sanji to come to help.

"Damn, hairy monster, what's wrong with you? Why are you suddenly losing weight?"

Sanji immediately brought out a piece of meat and sent it over.

"Let's talk about it later, help me to the table."

Ye Cheng didn't explain at all, because he found that the little Merry in his arms also looked very weak.

Then, Ye Cheng and Luffy started a food-grabbing competition.

After eating for a whole morning, Ye Cheng finallyStopping the urge to eat, the little Meli in his arms also fell asleep.

Ye Cheng used Life Return to quickly recover his strength.

"Finally I made it. Huh~ Nami, hold me and let me sleep for a while."

Ye Cheng fell asleep holding Nami.

I don't know how long he slept.

A loud bang~

Then there was a noisy sound, and Ye Cheng was also awakened by the noise.

"Nami? What's going on?"

Ye Cheng rubbed his eyes. He didn't expect that he would see Mr. Garp. No wonder he came here so quickly.

"I heard that he is Luffy's grandfather. I don't know what's going on. Huh? Ye Cheng, what are you doing?"

As soon as Nami finished speaking, Ye Cheng had already stood up and came to Garp.

"Mr. Garp, hello, please let me help you trim your hair that you haven't taken care of for a long time."

As he said that, Ye Cheng had already started.


"This Ye Chen, his occupational disease has come back again."

Nami held her forehead, not knowing what to say.

『Physical strength +6111, Six Styles proficiency increased, Observation Haki increased, Haki amount increased, because the host has not learned Haki, the value is not displayed for the time being. 』

"Hmm? Haki? Haki still has weight?"

After all, Ye Chen has not really learned how to use Haki, so although he has awakened, he has only comprehended the moves of the No Hair series.

As for Haki, you still have to let those who know how to teach you.

After all, those people have summed up so many years of experience.

"By the way, Nami, have you seen Franky?"

Now is not the time to care about this issue, he must first settle little Merry.

"Him? He should be at the port, and he also said that he would build a ship for us."

Nami said it truthfully.

"Well, I'll go find him first. I'll show you my good baby tonight, okay~"

Ye Cheng kissed Nami on the face and headed for the port.

"Good baby? Ah?! This is too fast... What should I do?"

Nami thought of something at the first moment, blushing and at a loss.

"Franky, I want to trouble you for something..."

Ye Cheng began to discuss with him the idea of ​​manufacturing Little Merry.

"Wow, you also thought of it! This is..."

Franky was also very shocked when he looked at Little Merry in Ye Cheng's hand.

He had heard of the ship spirit, but had never seen it. He didn't expect Ye Cheng to be able to make the ship spirit become a physical entity.

"Please keep it a secret for me. It's still very weak now. I want it to have its own boat. Please help me."

"Leave it to me!"

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