As a human being, you have human nature.

Even Bell is no exception.

"Yes, Lord Palace Master." Bell replied.


Why did Bell call Noah "Lord Palace Master"? Noah didn't remember that Bell had become his subordinate.

Bell saw the confusion on Noah's face.

So Bell was ready to explain this matter.

"King Cobra has arranged a guard team. From now on, I will always guard Tianshu City and become a member of the Temple of War."

"If Mr. Noah minds, I will only be the guardian of Tianshu City, not a member of the Temple of War."

Bell continued.

"Next, please make a decision, Mr. Noah."

"This is very important to me."

Bell had said everything he should say.

Then what Bell had to do next was to wait quietly for Noah's answer.

After listening to Bell's words, Noah couldn't help but fall into a minute of contemplation.

Speaking of which, Noah really couldn't believe that Cobra would let Bell become his subordinate.

Although Noah knew that Cobra did this for the sake of the Kingdom of Alabasta, he was still a little surprised.

"I agree to your joining."

"In fact, I have long wanted you to be my subordinate."

Noah said.

Since Bell wanted to become his subordinate under Cobra's order, how could Noah refuse?

As Noah said, Noah did think about taking Bell under his command, but it was left unfinished later.

Now that Bell came to him, how could Noah refuse?

So Noah directly agreed to Bell.

"From now on, you are my Lord Palace Master."

"As long as I don't do anything that is detrimental to my hometown, that is, the Kingdom of Alabasta, I can do it."

"Even if I will die!"

"I will obey your orders."

Bell said firmly.

This is not Bell showing off his loyalty.

But this is Bell.

"Then, the guard of Tianshu City will be handed over to you."

Noah continued what he had just said.

"Yes, Lord Palace Master." Bell responded to Noah.

Noah's purpose of coming to Princess Vivi has been accomplished.

Then Noah has nothing to do with Princess Vivi.

So Noah left directly.


Tianshu City, core area.

After Noah returned here, he did not go out again.

Instead, he rested for three days.

Three days later, that is, now.

The Dragon Star Ship is anchored at the port.

Noah is the second one to board the ship.

The first person to board the ship is Nami

Noah and Nami talked for a while.

Big Bear came with Bonnie.

Now there are only four of them on the Dragon Star Ship, and the voyage of the Dragon Star Ship only requires the four of them.

Big Bear became the helmsman, Nami is still the navigator, and Noah uses gravity to accelerate the hull from time to time.

Because the wind direction is good, there are few time periods when Noah needs to use gravity to accelerate.

The same is true for Big Bear and Nami, except that they both have to keep an eye on the sailing of the Dragon Star Ship.

Under the orange tree, Noah is playing with Bonnie.

Just when Noah and his party left the Kingdom of Alabasta.

The incident in the Kingdom of Alabasta happened.

Navy Headquarters.

Marshal's Office.

Zengguo just received intelligence from the World Government.

The Navy is the external violent agency of the World Government, and the World Government will let the Navy handle many things.

For example, this matter now.

In the Marshal's Office, as the Navy Admiral, Zhan Guo is discussing the affairs of the Kingdom of Alabasta with the Navy's "chief of staff" Crane.

"What do you think of what happened in the Kingdom of Alabasta?"

Zengguo put down the information and looked at Crane beside him.

Crane has just read the information from the World Government.

"I don't know what to say."

"Cobra is really too much. For the sake of Alabasta Kingdom, he colluded with the World Government and the Seven Warlords of the Sea Noah to purge the killing nobles."

"Although the World Government has no clear evidence, this matter is no longer a secret."

"But, as the king of Alabasta Kingdom, I understand what Cobra did."

"This time, the World Government should go to Alabasta Kingdom to let us warn Cobra and collect evidence."

Tsuru said.

Now Tsuru is also very distressed.

The Navy should be an organization to deal with pirates, but the Navy has become a "dog" under the World Government.

Not just "now", it was also the case before.

But the Navy has noWay.

The Navy still has to do things according to the will of the World Government.

"Who should we send?"

Since Crane has finished complaining, Sengoku will not complain either.

So Sengoku directly asked Crane, the "Navy Chief of Staff", for his opinion.

"Let Aokiji go." Crane replied.

After listening to the candidate Crane mentioned, Sengoku fell into deep thought.

"This is a good choice."

"In that case, let Aokiji go."

Sengoku formally agreed to the candidate Crane recommended.

"Originally I wanted Garp to go."

"But Garp, that guy is on vacation, he won't care about the tasks assigned to the Navy by the World Government." Crane said with a little regret.

"Just like I thought, I was also considering Garp at the beginning."

Sengoku said.

It turned out that what Sengoku was just thinking about was whether to let Garp go to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

But in the end, Sengoku gave up and chose Aokiji proposed by Crane.

"In that case, I'll go tell Aokiji."

"You don't have to go."

Tsuru said.

"Okay." Sengoku replied

Sengoku really doesn't want to care about what happens in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

If this is what the Five Elders want, Sengoku won't send anyone there, but a Marine Headquarters Admiral.

An Marine Headquarters Admiral going there also means to shock the Kingdom of Alabasta.

It's ridiculous.

When the pirates went to the Kingdom of Alabasta to sabotage and plunder, the Navy didn't care. Now that the people of the noble forces have been "cleaned up", the Navy even sent the Navy Headquarters Admiral out.

This is really a funny Navy justice.

This incident also reflects what the Navy looks like now.

The Navy has long ceased to represent justice.

On the Navy Headquarters side, Marine Headquarters Admiral Aokiji has already set off.

Noah doesn't know what happened on the Navy side.

If Noah knew, Noah would probably laugh.

However, this is an internal affair of the Kingdom of Alabasta, even if Noah knows about it.

Noah will not take the initiative to intervene. Only when Cobra personally asks Noah to help him, will Noah take action.

Otherwise, Noah will never intervene.

Again, Noah is not interested in ruling the Kingdom of Alabasta.

So Noah will not take the initiative to help the Kingdom of Alabasta.

If Cobra needs Noah's help.

Noah will indeed help Cobra, but Cobra will owe Noah a favor, and Cobra will have to repay this favor in the future.

However, at that time, it depends on what Noah wants to get from the Kingdom of Alabasta.

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