There is a lot of gold in the Golden Town, Shandora, and Noah took Kaya for a good stroll.

Then Noah continued to take Kaya to other places.

Until three days later.

A call from Kuma's Den Den Mushi forced Noah to leave Sky Island.

It happened to be night.

Noah and Kuma's Den Den Mushi were both in the process of talking.

"Palace Master."

Kuma spoke first.

"The people of the Revolutionary Army came to see me. Their people want to enter the Kingdom of Alabasta."

So this is why Kuma wanted to contact Noah.

Kuma has two identities, one is a member of the Temple of War, Noah's partner, and Noah's right-hand man.

The other is a veteran of the Revolutionary Army.

However, since Kuma became Noah's partner, his relationship with the Revolutionary Army has become different.

If the Revolutionary Army has any action, it will not ask Kuma to join, but Kuma still knows a lot about the Revolutionary Army, and he has always been in contact with the Revolutionary Army.

Noah knows all this.

Even Big Breasts continues to keep in touch with the Revolutionary Army, which is also Noah's intention.

Because Noah is not interested in ruling the world and overthrowing the world government, then Noah will let the Revolutionary Army do these two things.

And Noah himself will also provide some small help to the Revolutionary Army.

Now that the Revolutionary Army has come to the door, then Noah doesn't mind helping the Revolutionary Army with this little favor.

The reason why the Revolutionary Army came to ask Noah's opinion is because Tianshu City is in the Kingdom of Alabasta

Noah can indeed agree to the Revolutionary Army.

But this is only the first level. The second level, which is the last level, is in the hands of King Cobra of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

No matter what, Cobra is the undisputed king of the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Since Noah has no intention of ruling the Kingdom of Alabasta, the internal and external affairs of the Kingdom of Alabasta should be decided by the Kingdom of Alabasta itself.

Noah will respect Cobra's decision.

Even if Cobra disagrees with his own opinion, Cobra is unwilling to let the Revolutionary Army enter the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Noah will not mind this.

After Big Bear told Noah about this, he also talked about the recent situation of Tianshu City.

Half an hour later.

Noah disconnected from Big Bear.

Then, Noah went to contact Cobra.

The base of the Temple of War was in the former rapeseed port of the Kingdom of Alabasta. Cobra was the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta, so Noah naturally had contact with Cobra.

Alabasta Kingdom, Royal Palace.

Cobra looked at the Den Den Mushi that had just been sent to him from next door.

Cobra was very surprised why Noah suddenly contacted him.

The reason why Cobra thought so was that Big Bear had always been the one to hand over the affairs of Tianshu City to him, and Noah, the master of the Temple of War, had never shown up.

So Cobra could foresee that Noah must have something important to contact him.

After talking with Big Bear, Cobra also roughly understood a lot of Noah's personality.

Cobra's feeling was not wrong.

Noah had something to do, so he contacted Noah.

Cobra connected to the Den Den Mushi. Instead of thinking about it, he might as well listen to what Noah wanted to find him for.

"It's been a long time since we last met, King Cobra."

Noah's voice came from the Den Den Mushi.

The scene returned to the Sky Island.

Noah had already contacted Cobra.

"Yes, it's been a long time since we last met."

"I don't know why the Palace Master contacted me?"

Cobra asked.

Noah and Cobra had already greeted each other, so it was time to get down to business.

"The Revolutionary Army is going to enter the Kingdom of Alabasta. This is the Kingdom of Alabasta's business. I won't interfere. If you don't want to, I won't say anything."

"It's the same thing I said before."

"I am the master of Tianshu City. I will do my best to protect the Kingdom of Alabasta."

"Regarding the Kingdom of Alabasta, I will not interfere in matters outside of Tianshu City."

Noah directly told Cobra about the Revolutionary Army's entry into the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Moreover, Noah told Cobra his thoughts.

Noah's thoughts on the Kingdom of Alabasta were the same as before.

"I have delivered the message. You can think about the rest yourself."

After Noah finished speaking, he put away the Den Den Mushi.

For Noah, the Revolutionary Army would not infringe on the interests of the Kingdom of Alabasta like the pirates, so Noah would not care.

If there were some dangers in the Kingdom of Alabasta that Cobra could not deal with, Noah believed that Cobra would contact him and ask for his help.Noah finished speaking and his heart was calm.

But Cobra was in a dilemma.

Alabasta Kingdom, Royal Palace, the palace where Cobra was.

Cobra was very confused.

"I let the Revolutionary Army into the Alabasta Kingdom. If the World Government knew that the World Government's member countries were involved with the Revolutionary Army, I would offend the entire World Government."

"But, in the current Alabasta Kingdom, those kingdom nobles are still oppressing civilians. I can't do anything. If I can use the power of the Revolutionary Army to clean up the kingdom nobles in the Alabasta Kingdom."

"This is a great thing for the Alabasta Kingdom."

Cobra said to himself.

This is where Cobra was confused.

Why did Cobra mention the kingdom nobles?

That's because although Cobra is the king of the Alabasta Kingdom, he is only the largest noble in the Alabasta Kingdom.

This largest noble became the royal family.

Moreover, the kingdom nobles in the Alabasta Kingdom are closely connected with the nobles of other world government member countries.

Cobra cannot touch the nobles in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

If Cobra really wants to touch the nobles in the Kingdom of Alabasta, the World Government and the Five Elders will definitely not agree.

But Cobra really wants to deal with the nobles who oppress the civilians.

So Cobra now has the idea of ​​borrowing the power of the Revolutionary Army to deal with the nobles.

Five minutes later.

"For the Kingdom of Alabasta, I take this risk."

Cobra finally made this decision.

The Revolutionary Army is the existence that the World Government wants to kill, and Cobra believes that the people of the Revolutionary Army will know how to hide themselves.

At the beginning of the matter, as long as you pretend not to know, you should be able to perfunctorily deal with the World Government and get by.

As for other risks, that is

Wait until the things get bigger.

Since Cobra wants to borrow the power of the Revolutionary Army to clean up the nobles in the Kingdom of Alabasta.

Then Cobra must have a good discussion with the Revolutionary Army.

Don't think that others are fools.

Only those who think that others are fools are real fools.

So Cobra will secretly negotiate a deal with the Revolutionary Army.

As for what the deal will be, it depends on what the Revolutionary Army wants to get from the Kingdom of Alabasta.

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