Ohm naturally has this self-awareness.

Kaya was also taken away by the Black Shadow Corps under Noah's order.

Noah looked up because he heard the roar of thunder and lightning in the sky.

Thunderclouds gathered above Noah's head, which was a sign that Enelu was going to take action.

The trip to Sky Island has been going on for several days, and it is finally time for the decisive battle.

It's just a pity for Kaya, because Kaya wanted to challenge the God of Sky Island by herself.

Now Kaya has no strength.

Then the challenge of the God of Sky Island naturally fell on Noah.

The contest between land and thunder and lightning really made Noah look forward to it.

Noah didn't know whether rubber was conductive or not.

However, Noah knew that land did have the ability to conduct electricity.

But the conductivity of land is affected by many factors.

These include the water content of the soil, the mineral content, and the electrolyte concentration in the soil.

In summary, the conductivity of land is not absolute, but is affected by many factors.

The land of Sky Island is moist and conductive.

Dry land, such as desert, has poor conductivity and can be regarded as an insulator.

If Noah creates rock giant soldiers with the land of Sky Island, such rock giant soldiers cannot resist lightning attacks.

Moreover, lightning attacks are not only lightning, but also high temperatures caused by lightning.

There is one thing. There was a time when Noah did not understand why lightning could not cause any damage to King Luffy's rubber.

Until later, King Luffy's devil fruit was the Sun God Nika Fruit, and Noah had to admire it.

Just as Noah was thinking, the thundercloud that spread a hundred meters above his head had gathered.

Now Noah was like being in a thunder domain.

The thundercloud was about fifty or sixty meters away from Noah.

The rolling thunder and lightning in the thundercloud illuminated the area.

As lightning, Enelu slowly fell from the thundercloud and then floated in front of Noah.

The big black wings behind Noah spread out, and Noah flew into the air, standing at the same height as Enel.

The Nature-type Thunder Fruit gave Enel the ability to transform into an element, and the elemental Enel can fly.

To be honest, if Noah could not transform into a flying ghost general, Noah really had no confidence in fighting Enel.

Because Enel can fly.

If Noah could not fly, then the power that Noah now possessed would not be able to affect Enel who can fly.

In reality, both Noah and Enel can fly, so the two of them are standing in the "fairest" battlefield.

Noah and Enel have no friendship, and Noah does not want to recruit Enel. Noah only wants to seize his devil fruit.

In this case, Noah did not talk much nonsense with Enel.

Noah took the black stone sword that was already wrapped in armed color domineering and directly attacked Enel.

Noah's direct attack was exactly what the cruel Enelu wanted.

This was the opponent that Enelu wanted, no nonsense, just fight.

The people on Sky Island were all trash, they couldn't even withstand one of his moves, and the Sky Island outsider in front of Enelu could bring him some fun.

Noah could control the power of earth and stone, and Enelu had seen it.

It was because Enelu saw that the Sky Island outsider in his eyes had the same "power of God" as himself, so Enelu felt that this battle would not be boring.

Enelu's ultimate goal was to go to the moon and the infinite continent, and he didn't mind becoming interesting in the process of making the Ark·Proverbs.

And this Sky Island outsider was the one who made Enelu feel interesting.

The battle between Noah and Enelu began.

Thunderclouds in the sky struck with lightning.

The ground rolled, and spikes formed on the ground, attacking Enelu.

This was the control and use of the two people's elemental power.

In close combat, Noah used Armament Haki to fight Enel, and Enel was suppressed by Noah's Armament Haki.

It was at this moment that Enel discovered that his transformation into elemental lightning was restrained.

Enel could only be suppressed by Noah's Armament Haki. If Enel wanted to transform himself into lightning to avoid Noah's attack, Noah could also fly.

Enel, who was invincible in Sky Island, felt fearful of a person for the first time.

After fighting again and again, Enel gradually fell into a disadvantage, and he was injured a lot.

Armament Haki does restrain the elementalization of natural devil fruits.

Besides, Enel does not know Armament Haki.

The reason why Noah can suppress Enel to such an extent.

The first point is because of Armament Haki.Domineering.

The second point is naturally because Noah has mastered the Six Styles of the Navy, which gives Noah enough speed to fight Enel.

In fact, if Enel is determined to escape, Noah still can't stop Enel.

Although Noah is suppressing Enel in the battle, the degree of pressure is not great. Noah wants to give Enel the feeling that he can defeat him.

Noah and Enel have different fighting styles.

Noah's fighting style is a combination of close combat and long-range attack. Close combat is himself under the Armament Haki, and long-range attack is the ground spikes shot at Enel on the ground.

Most of Enel's fighting style uses lightning as a long-range attack, because once Enel fights Noah in close combat, Enel will be restrained by Noah's Armament Haki.

Using the Nature System·Thunder Fruit to control the power of lightning will consume Enel's physical strength.

Enel's physical strength is being consumed, and Noah is naturally no exception.

But Noah's physical strength is higher than Enelu's.


An hour later, Noah defeated Enelu, who was knocked unconscious by Noah.

Enelu was still too arrogant, and always thought that he was the god of Sky Island and could defeat Noah, an outsider of Sky Island.

However, Enelu, who could have escaped, was unable to escape from Noah's palm because of his arrogance.

For Noah, defeating Enelu was a risky thing, because if Enelu was determined to escape, Noah could not stop Enelu at his current speed.

Now that Noah has defeated Enelu, Noah can really rest assured.

Noah took Enelu, who was knocked unconscious by him, away directly.

Noah consumed a lot of physical strength today, and now Noah is actually very tired.

But before resting, Noah had to take the natural thunder fruit from Enelu.

Twenty minutes later, Noah, who was very tired, finally sacrificed Enel's devil fruit to the Panlong Ring.

Noah placed Enel in a cave, and the Black Shadow Army was protecting the inside and outside of the cave.

Not only would Noah not kill the person whose devil fruit he had taken away in the short term, he would also let the Black Shadow Army protect him.

After Noah left the Black Shadow Army and Enel behind, he left here first. The direction Noah went was exactly where the Black Shadow Army placed Ke Ya.

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