Noah looked at Conis in front of him, and recalled his memories of Conis in Blue Star.

"Thank you for your reminder."

"It's just that defeating Enel is the only reason for me to go to Sky Island."

Noah said to Conis in front of him.

Noah knew from his memories in Blue Star that Conis in front of him was a kind and upright girl.

At this time, Noah suddenly thought of something, then looked into Conis's eyes and said:

"Do you know where Gan Foer, your former god of Sky Island, is?"

"I want to see him."

Noah directly told Conis the purpose of his coming here.


Conis looked at Noah curiously, with a wary look in her eyes.

Noah asked the right person, because Conis really knew where Gan Foer was and how to contact Gan Foer.

Noah could not see any malice in Noah's eyes, and since Noah had attacked the priest, Conis believed Noah.

Although Conis did not think that Noah could beat Enel, the strength Noah showed now was good.

If Noah could join Gan Foer's camp, it would be a great help to Gan Foer.

So Conis wanted to take Noah to see Gan Foer.

In fact, there was another most important reason why Conis was willing to take Noah to see Gan Foer.

This reason was told to Conis by Gan Foer.

It turned out that Gan Foer was able to escape from Enel because Enel deliberately did so.

Enel thought that Sky Island was too boring, so he asked Gan Foer to go out and cause trouble for himself.

What would happen to Sky Island, Enel did not care at all, as long as Enel found it interesting.

Anyway, even if Gan Fowl pulled everyone on Sky Island to his side and challenged Enel, Enel would not care at all.

Enel even hoped that Gan Fowl would do so.

In this way, Enel would find life more interesting.

Gan Fowl had organized several groups of people to challenge Enel, but with a casual blow from Enel, Gan Fowl and his people were completely wiped out.

Perhaps when Enel gets tired of playing, Enel will completely deal with Gan Fowl.

Gan Fowl told Conis a lot about the above things.

So Conis was not worried at all that Noah was sent by Enel to hurt Gan Fowl.

In this case, Conis was naturally not afraid to bring Noah to Gan Fowl.

Conis had already made a decision in her heart.


"I can take you to see Mr. Gan Fowl."

Conis whispered.

Connis's answer surprised Noah.

Originally, Noah's question to Connis was just a casual one, but he didn't expect Connis to really take him to see Gan Foer.

"Thank you, Miss Connis."

Noah thanked her softly with a gentle look in his eyes.

This made Connis feel that Noah was a good person, and Connis didn't want Noah to challenge Enel and die.

"Then I'll take you there now."

Connis was going to see Gan Foer, so she was ready to set off directly.

Connis took Noah for a long way in the giant tree forest.

The trees on the sky island are different from the trees under the sky island.

Trees growing on the sky island will grow very large and tall.

In the land of the sky island, the coverage rate of the giant tree forest reaches more than 90%.

Connis and Noah walked for a while and came to a hill.

The geographical location of this hill is good, and you can roughly see the entire Angel Island from here.

Led by Conis, Noah met Gan Fowl as he wished.

This was an old man with a white beard, a pale knight's outfit, and a strong body.

There was a winged white horse eating grass next to Gan Fowl, which was Gan Fowl's mount.

When Noah walked up the hill, Gan Fowl noticed Noah.

Noah was looking at Gan Fowl, and Gan Fowl was also looking at Noah.

As for Conis, she led the white Pegasus and went to the side for a walk.

Now there were only Gan Fowl and Noah in this small area, and the atmosphere between the two of them was very gentle.

It was still Noah who spoke first to break the peace between the two.

"I'll take care of Enel, and I want Sky Island."

Noah and Gan Fowl had no intersection, so Noah might as well go straight to the point when facing Gan Fowl.

"I am no longer the God of Sky Island. If you want Sky Island, you don't need to ask me."

Gan Fool said calmly

The story of Enel told Gan Fool one thing.

That is, the so-called God of Sky Island, in the absolute powerIn front of him, there is nothing.

If the outsider in front of the Sky Island really has the power to defeat Enel, then what can he do.

If the outsider in front of the Sky Island can't defeat Enel and dies in Enel's hands, then what does it matter.

Noah came with bad intentions, so Gan Fowler naturally didn't have a good tone to Noah.

"You are indeed an old god of Sky Island and can't decide the future of Sky Island."

"The reason I came to tell you is just because you used to be a good Sky Island manager."

"If I defeat Enel, I hope you can become my subordinate.

"I hate hidden dangers! "

This is the purpose of Noah's visit to Gan Foer.

Noah wants to give Gan Foer enough time to think about his invitation to him.

I hope Gan Foer can make the right decision in the future.

After Noah finished speaking, he turned and left.

Gan Foer looked at Noah's back, with a bit of murderous aura lingering on him.

At this moment, Gan Foer hoped that he was strong enough, had enough power to defeat Enelu, and had enough power to protect Sky Island.

As for what Noah just said, Gan Foer remembered it, but as long as Noah did not really defeat Enelu, Gan Foer would not consider the invitation Noah just said.

Gan Foer is an excellent Sky Island manager.

Noah was courteous to Gan Foer only once, not a second time, because the second time was when Noah completely cleaned up the hidden dangers on Sky Island.

Sky Island is the future "Temple of War God", and Noah will never allow Sky Island to There are no hidden dangers inside.

Noah has already met Gan Fool and conveyed his intentions. So the next thing Noah has to do is to wait for Kaya to meet him and then defeat Enel together.

Noah walked to the bottom of the hill, but did not wait here immediately. The person Noah was waiting for was naturally Conis who brought him to see Gan Fool.

After a while, Conis came to Noah.

Gan Fool did not tell Conis what Noah had just said to him.

Noah could not feel anything strange about Conis, but Conis seemed to be getting closer to Noah.

Gan Fool only told Conis one thing, that is, Noah came to attack Enel.

After Gan Fool's confirmation, Conis finally regarded Noah as a person in the same camp as her.

In Conis's eyes, Noah is no longer a person outside the Sky Island.

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