Noah's departure was the beginning of the turbulence in this sea.

A new day began.

The news that Noah became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea officially announced to the whole world.

Newsbirds are delivering newspapers all over the world.


In the first half of the Grand Line, there is an isolated island in a certain sea area.

Crocodile built a wooden house alone in the forest by the sea.

It turned out that there were several former members of the Baroque Works who followed Crocodile, but Crocodile abandoned them. Now Crocodile only believes in himself.

Without the natural sand-sand fruit, Crocodile lacks a sense of security.

A newspaper today is opened in Crocodile's palm.

Crocodile, who was once aloof, smart, and calm, is now also angry.

Crocodile became the stepping stone for Noah to be promoted to the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

Although the World Government did not explicitly abolish Crocodile's position as Shichibukai, everyone knows that the reason why the World Government did not abolish Crocodile's position as Shichibukai is simply because the World Government has not found a new replacement member of the Shichibukai.

Once the World Government finds someone who can replace Crocodile, then Crocodile will inevitably be abolished from the Shichibukai.

The current Shichibukai include the following.

Pirate, King of Dressrosa, Don Quixote Doflamingo.

Pirate, King of Nine Snake Island, Boa Hancock.

Pirate, Fishman, Jinbei.

Pirate Hunter, Noah.

Pirate, Crocodile.

Pirate, Gekko Moriah.

Pirate, Hawkeye, Mihawk.

In other words, the current Shichibukai has just seven members, and this is with Crocodile, who was defeated by Noah.

Once Crocodile is abolished, there will be one more member missing from the Shichibukai.

The World Government does not want to leave the position of Shichibukai vacant, so the World Government will not cancel Crocodile's position of Shichibukai for the time being.

Noah became Shichibukai as a pirate hunter, which is the decision of the World Government.

As for the candidate of Shichibukai to replace Crocodile, the World Government has set its sights on strong people outside the pirate camp.

The Five Elders want to change the Shichibukai system so that the Shichibukai can be truly used by the World Government.

Noah's joining is the best sign. Pirate hunters are hostile to pirates, and with the deliberate propaganda of the World Government, Noah is now in a situation where he is irreconcilable with pirates.

Now Crocodile has received the news that Noah has become one of the Shichibukai, and he is only angry with Noah.


The first half of the Grand Line, the Calm Belt, Nine Snake Island.

The territory of Boa Hancock, one of the Shichibukai.

Today, Boa Hancock is in Nine Snake Island.

In the Nine Snakes Island, the one who cares most about the outside news is not the Nine Snakes Pirates, but Granny Zha.

Granny Zha also got today's newspaper. She just finished reading it. She thinks Boa Hancock needs to know the content of today's newspaper.

However, Hancock doesn't care about these at all. She just glanced at it and didn't care.

The existence of Noah, at most, just made Hancock remember that there is such a person as Noah.

If Noah did not become a running dog of the World Government and became one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, but went to beat up the Celestial Dragons.

Then Hancock would definitely remember Noah and would have a high degree of favorability towards Noah.

It is absolutely impossible for one person to do things to satisfy everyone.

Noah became the Seven Warlords of the Sea only because the identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea is useful at this stage.

For example, Noah promised Cobra, Vivi, and Bell to protect the Kingdom of Alabasta. If Noah did not have the identity of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the trouble would definitely be not small.

The reputation can suppress the villains and avoid many unnecessary troubles.

Of course, there are other benefits, which I will not list one by one.


Noah and the World Government are not on the same path. Even if the two sides have friendly interactions now, Noah will sooner or later go to the opposite side of the World Government.

It should only take a few years to reach this situation. Of course, it may be faster.

Originally, the World Government just wanted to use Noah to make the Seven Warlords of the Sea system more useful and stabilize the situation in the sea.

However, since the World Government knew that Noah could seize the Devil Fruit of the Devil Fruit ability user, the World Government's plan for Noah has an extra layer.

Noah's current friendly relationship with the World Government is just a false existence on the surface.


Another person who pays close attention to Noah is naturally the fishman Jinbei.

Don't forget that the Dragon Pirates were destroyed by Noah.

Jinbei clearly came to find Noah a long time ago, forWhy Jinbei hasn't appeared in front of Noah yet?

That's because Jinbei is now in the "Dragon Grave" near the Cocoa West Village in the East China Sea.

Jinbei has been traveling in the villages near the ruins of Arlong Paradise for some time.

During this period of travel, Jinbei can be said to have been called for killing by villagers one by one.

By now, Jinbei has known what Arlong and his Arlong Pirates have done in the East China Sea.

It is precisely because Jinbei knows that Jinbei has not been looking for Noah for a long time.

Jinbei is confused at this time.

Until Jinbei read the newspaper delivered by the news bird this morning, Jinbei finally made a decision in his heart.

Jinbei's decision is that he will go to Noah in person and fight with Noah.

But it is limited to a fight. Jinbei is not here to avenge Arlong and the Arlong Pirates.

Jinbei only wants to give an explanation to himself and Fishman Island.

This explanation is not revenge.

Among the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Doflamingo has a very special relationship with the World Government.

Doflamingo also knows that Noah can take away the power of other people's devil fruits.

So Doflamingo has sent someone to contact Noah.

Doflamingo is determined to take away the power of the devil fruit from the devil fruit user.

As for who Doflamingo sent?

When Noah returns to the Kingdom of Alabasta, Noah will know.

There is an essential difference between the CP9 sent by the World Government to Noah and the people Doflamingo wants to send.

Because their purposes are different.

The World Government sent CP9 to Noah to grasp Noah's movements, not so that Noah can take away the power of the devil fruit.

Because the World Government has this ability itself.

Doflamingo sent his subordinates to lurk around Noah, simply because he was interested in Noah's ability to seize the devil fruit.

This is why Doflamingo, as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, pays attention to Noah.

The remaining two Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gekko Moriah and Hawkeye Mihawk, do not pay attention to Noah.

Hawkeye Mihawk is simply not interested in Noah.

Gekko Moriah does not want to pay attention to the outside world at all. Gekko Moriah only has his zombie army in his heart.

As for who becomes the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Gekko Moriah has no interest at all.

Some of the six Seven Warlords of the Sea have the same reaction to Noah, the newly joined Seven Warlords of the Sea, while others have different reactions.

As for the people at the level of the "Four Emperors" in the pirate camp, they just remember that there is a person like Noah on this sea.

Noah has already entered the sight of the "Four Emperors".

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