After Noah finished reading the newspaper, he put it on the bookshelf hanging outside the boat.

This bookshelf is used to place daily newspapers.

There are already quite a few newspapers on the bookshelf.

The Dragon Star ship subscribes to a newspaper, and those who have finished reading it will put the newspaper on the bookshelf, waiting for those who have not read it to take the newspaper on the bookshelf to read.

After a while, Big Bear picked up the newspaper on the bookshelf.

Big Bear is a person who likes reading. Reading the daily newspaper and understanding what is happening in the outside world has become Big Bear's daily routine.

A few minutes later, Big Bear finished reading the newspaper, put the newspaper back on the bookshelf, and then Big Bear walked to Noah.

At this time, Noah was leaning on the orange tree, looking at the coast getting closer and closer.

The Dragon Star ship has already set sail, and the wind direction is blowing towards the coast, so the Dragon Star ship can sail to the coast as long as it sets sail.

Before, Big Bear and Kaya had been to Rapeseed Harbor, but Noah had not.

For Noah, this docking was Noah's official landing in Camellia Harbor, and it was the first time that the "War God Temple" entered Camellia Harbor.

On the coast, Bell was looking at the Dragon Star ship getting closer and closer to him. He was waiting for Noah. He wanted to have a good talk with Noah about the deal between them.


On the Dragon Star ship.

Noah had already seen the big bear appearing beside him.

"The content of that newspaper has the voice of the world. They should make you the successor of Crocodile to the King's Seven Warlords."

"What do you think?"

The big bear asked.

Noah's decision was related to the future of the "War God Temple". The big bear needed to ask, but what specific plans Noah had for the future, the big bear felt that he needed to have a good talk with his temple master Noah.

The big bear already regarded himself as a member of the Dragon Star ship.

He already regarded himself as a member of the "War God Temple".

He really regarded himself as Noah's subordinate.

He really brought himself into Noah's partner.

That's why Big Bear appeared in front of Noah and asked Noah what he thought and planned.

Big Bear's question made Noah's mind move.

Big Bear didn't say that Noah had forgotten that he had not told Big Bear, Kaya, Nami, and Bonnie about his specific plan to go to the Kingdom of Alabasta.

"It was my negligence. I have been planning the devil fruit recently and forgot to tell you about my plan and the future of the Temple of War."

Noah apologized directly to Big Bear for his mistake.

In this matter, it was indeed Noah who was fascinated by the devil fruit and ignored the people on the Dragon Star Ship.

A captain of the Dragon Star Ship, a master of the Temple of War, and his own boss, could apologize to him so sincerely. Big Bear found it hard to imagine.

In Big Bear's cognition, there are almost no powerful bosses like Noah.

Such a Noah always has a special charm.

"I won't say anything else."

Noah interrupted what Big Bear wanted to say.

"Now let's talk about my plan and the future of the Temple of War."

"Find or hunt devil fruit users, and seize their devil fruits, so that I can become stronger."

"This is my main task."

"The purpose of the Temple of War is to collect the strong people in this world, or we can cultivate strong people ourselves, and then become the strongest force in this world."

Noah did not mention the heavens and the worlds when he talked about the "Temple of War" this time.

Because you should do your job in your position, since Noah is now in the pirate world, it's good to plan the things of the pirate world.

It's enough to mention the heavens and the worlds once to let Da Xiong know, otherwise Noah would really be drawing a super pie.

"The Kingdom of Alabasta, Tea Flower Harbor as the first base of the Temple of War is what we have to do recently."

Noah said it very clearly, and Da Xiong understood it as soon as he heard it.

Da Xiong is a follower of Noah, and Da Xiong will assist Noah in completing what Noah wants to do.

Now Da Xiong already knows what he is going to do next.

"Alabasta Kingdom, Tea Flower Harbor, the base of the Temple of War, leave it to me!"

"Didn't the Palace Master say before that he wanted to go to Sky Island?"

"The Palace Master has flying troops under his command, so there should be no problem going to Sky Island. I won't go with him."

Big Bear said.

What Big Bear said was exactly what Noah wanted.

"The one who understands me is Big Bear!"

"Hahaha." Noah laughed.

It is extremely pleasing to have a partner like Big Bear.

Noah's words also agreed with what Big Bear said.

Big Bear is transforming into Noah's right-hand man.

After the two finished talking, a few minutes later.

The Dragon Star ship docked.

Noah saw on the shoreBell was waiting for him, so Noah went to the bow deck a little earlier.

As soon as the Dragon Star ship docked, Noah immediately jumped down from the bow deck of the Dragon Star ship.

Noah came to greet Bell in person, which was enough to show how much Noah valued Bell.

"Mr. Noah." Bell saluted Noah with a fist.

Noah was a strong man who could defeat Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea. Such a strong man personally greeted him and gave Bell enough respect. How could Bell be an ignorant person?

Others respect him one foot, and Bell returned him ten feet.

"The follow-up of the Casino Rain Banquet should be dealt with!"

Noah asked Bell directly and got to the point.

"Mr. Noah, it has been handled. In two or three days, the treasures will be delivered to Camellia Harbor."

"Our king has agreed to let Camellia Harbor become the base of your forces. I will assist you in building the base in Camellia Harbor."

Bell told Noah the two things he wanted to say.

However, Bell had not mentioned his own affairs.

"It seems that your King Cobra is a good person." Noah said happily.

In any case, Cobra is the king of the Kingdom of Alabasta. With his consent and help, the construction progress of the "War Temple" base will be several times faster.

This is exactly what Noah wants.

"His Majesty the King will agree to your request. I think you should know why the King agrees to your request."

Bell continued.

"And I also want to make a deal with you. The content of the deal is that you must do your best to protect the Kingdom of Alabasta."

Bell finished.

Obviously, Bell no longer needs to stand up at this point, but he still stood up.

And just for a promise from Noah, he was willing to give his devil fruit to Noah.

"Okay, I'll give you this promise."

Noah couldn't really understand what Bell was thinking, but Noah still agreed to Bell's conditions.

Since Noah gave Bell this promise, Noah would not break it.

Obviously Bell and Noah were not familiar with each other, but Bell believed in his heart, and he believed that he would not make a mistake.

This was the first time that Noah made an outsider believe so much.

This really surprised Noah.

"Then we..."

Before Bell finished speaking, he was interrupted by Noah's words.

"I'm not in a hurry for your devil fruit. You accompany me to the Tea Flower Harbor first. You lead the way. I need to find a good base for my War God Temple."

"Let's go!" Noah patted Bell's shoulder and left first.

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