Von Clay, who was now seriously injured, was stabbed by Noah again, causing him to be seriously injured and dying, and losing consciousness, but Noah was still so skilled and decisive.

Next, Noah took Von Clay's Parahuman Mimicry Fruit directly on the spot and spent fifteen minutes.

This is a somewhat useful, but ordinary Parahuman Devil Fruit.

After Noah sacrificed the Parahuman Mimicry Fruit to the Panlong Ring.

The list of powers that Noah can exchange came out.

As Noah thought, this Devil Fruit cannot be exchanged for a single bit of magic energy.

In terms of spells, it can be exchanged for snake spells and monkey spells.

In terms of ghost masks, they can be exchanged.

There is also a third way to exchange.

That is to sacrifice this Parahuman Mimicry Fruit to the Ghost Mask·Flying Shadow Mask in Noah's hand.

If you do this, Noah can get more Black Shadow Corps.

Noah currently has only 50 Black Shadow Corps.

Finally, Noah made his choice.

The Shadow Kingdom, this is the territory that belongs only to the Shadow Corps, and it can exist in any dark place.

In the world of "Jackie Chan Adventures", those with special magic means can enter the Shadow Kingdom.

The Shadow Kingdom owned by Noah has been baptized by the world rules of the two worlds, the time and space tunnel, and finally the power of the Panlong Ring.

The Shadow Kingdom owned by Noah has been changed into a kingdom that exists in nothingness.

The Shadow Corps can enter and exit the Shadow Kingdom freely, and people wearing ghost masks can enter the Shadow Kingdom.

In addition, no other person or thing, no other means, can enter the Shadow Kingdom.

Instead, after Noah enters the Shadow Kingdom, when he wants to come out of the Shadow Kingdom, he will appear from the original place.

Such a Shadow Kingdom gives Noah absolute shelter, but the restrictions are also great, because he will be ambushed, and once ambushed, the danger will increase exponentially.

The Shadow Kingdom will increase in size as the number of Shadow Corps increases. One Shadow Corps will increase one square meter.

The Shadow Kingdom is the fountain resurrection point of the Shadow Corps.

There used to be 50 Shadow Night Bats in the Shadow Kingdom, and the current Shadow Kingdom has increased by 500 Shadow Night Bats.

This is the choice Noah made.

Noah used the Parahuman Imitation Fruit to increase the number of Shadow Night Bats by 500.

In the Shadow Kingdom, there are now a total of 550 Shadow Night Bats waiting for Noah's summons.

Now the time for Noah to fight against the entire Baroque Works is getting closer and closer.

Three hours later.

It is already afternoon.

At the gate of Yudi, people from Baroque Works have arrived.

The people from Baroque Works did not come one by one to deliver food to Noah this time, but all the cadres of Baroque Works were present.

In Baroque Works, Von Clay, Jem, and Daz Bonis were deprived of their devil fruits by Noah, so they are not in this battle.

So the current combatants of Baroque Works are:

One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, the president of Baroque Works, Crocodile.

Miss.Double Finger, Pola.

Miss.Golden Week, Mariannu.

Mr.4, Beb.

Miss.Merry Christmas, Dorophy.

Miss.Valentine, Mickeyta, the user of the superhuman Light Float Fruit.

There is also a vice president of Baroque Works, Miss.All Sunday, Nico Robin, who is covered in a black robe and wearing a mask.

All the people who can be regarded as combat power in Baroque Works have arrived.

In other words, Noah will fight these seven people from Baroque Works alone this time.

As for the 550 shadow night bats, their role in this battle is to deal with those ordinary members of the Baroque Works.

Casino·Rain Banquet, Noah is no longer on the second floor, but in front of the door of the first floor of the casino.

Noah is sitting on a chair, and there is a table next to the chair, on which there are a lot of drinks and food.

On the ground on Noah's left hand side, there is a stone sword, and on the table on Noah's right hand side is the god's token of the magic of water·heavy water gourd.

Not only that, there is a person standing next to Noah.

This person is Bell, he is the animal-type bird-bird fruit·falcon form ability user, he is under the order of Princess Vivi to help Noah.

In fact, even without Princess Vivi's order, Bell will come to help Noah.

From now on, Bell is no longer the adjutant of the Alabasta Kingdom Guard, and he is no longer a member of the Alabasta Kingdom.

HeEverything he did had nothing to do with the Kingdom of Alabasta.

This was Bell's decision, and he was ready to die in battle.

In fact, King Cobra and Bell knew a month ago that the drought and unrest in the Kingdom of Alabasta were caused by Crocodile.

But King Cobra could only remain silent about it.

Now that Noah has stood up and wants to challenge the entire Baroque Works, Bell has decided that he must also do his part for the Kingdom of Alabasta.

In addition to the reasons mentioned above, Bell made this decision for another reason.

The reason is that Noah is strong enough.

Bell voluntarily joined, and Noah acquiesced without saying anything.

Ten minutes ago, Bell came to Noah and told Noah that Crocodile had arrived in the rainy land.


Half an hour later.

Crocodile appeared in Noah's sight with his seven men.

This was the first meeting between Noah and Crocodile.

Noah stood up and walked towards Crocodile.

Crocodile asked his men to stop and walked towards Noah.

"One of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, Crocodile Crocodile."

"Pirate Hunter, Noah."

Noah and Crocodile each revealed each other's identity.

"How is my subordinate, Von Clay?"

Crocodile asked.

Crocodile didn't know much about his subordinate Von Clay, and didn't have any deep emotional ties with him.

Von Clay had only seen Crocodile a few times from a distance.

However, you have to look at the owner when beating a dog. No matter what, Von Clay is his subordinate, so Crocodile naturally wants to know about Von Clay.

Not only asking, Crocodile is also blaming Noah.

"I won't kill those who have been deprived of their devil fruits by me. Von Clay's fate is the same as those of the two under your command."

Noah openly admitted that he could deprive others of their devil fruit abilities.

Noah's answer satisfied what Crocodile wanted to know.

Now, Crocodile already knew what he was going to do next.

Noah spoke before Crocodile:

"Let's fight. If you win, I'll give you the power of taking away other demons."

"If I win, I'll give you your devil fruit and the devil fruits of your subordinates."


Noah wanted to fight Crocodile one-on-one.

If Crocodile agreed, it would solve a lot of unnecessary troubles for Noah.

If Crocodile disagreed, it would not matter to Noah. At most, he and Bell would fight against the seven people of Baroque Works.

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