Ten minutes later.

Alabasta Kingdom, East Continent, a city.

A building, the top floor.

Crocodile sat on the sofa, lost in thought. Daz Bonis and Jem had reported to Crocodile what happened in the rainy land.

Crocodile's right index finger tapped the table lightly.

"You can take away other people's devil fruits."

"Pirate Hunter Noah, you really gave me a big surprise."

Crocodile continued to think.

"If you just take away other people's devil fruits, it will only make people afraid. If you can deprive others of their devil fruits and then give them to others."

"What a terrible power this will be."

"It's even better than the three ancient weapons Pluto that I'm looking for in Alabasta Kingdom."

Crocodile said to himself, and then fell silent.

Crocodile already had an idea in his mind.

This ability to take away other people's devil fruits and then let people get devil fruits, Crocodile is determined.

"But that poisonous water!"

Crocodile expressed his biggest fear of the pirate hunter Noah.

Crocodile knew that water was a devil fruit that could restrain him.

Crocodile had decided to attack Noah, so he had to find a way to solve this "poisonous water".

"How should I solve this problem?" Crocodile said to himself.

He hasn't thought of a solution yet.

A few minutes later.

Crocodile came back to his senses.

"No, it's too late. By the time I figure out a solution, the pirate hunter may have left the rainy land."

Crocodile said that the reason he had such a worry was that even though Daz Bonis and Jem had inferred that the pirate hunter seemed to want to challenge him, Crocodile was still worried that Noah would leave the rainy land.

Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one.

The method of depriving the devil fruit in the hands of this pirate hunter, Crocodile must be determined.

"The most important thing is that I must not let other people know about this ability. The longer the time goes, the more people will know." Crocodile continued to talk to himself. "In this case, we can only use the simplest and crudest method." "Use the majority to defeat the minority." Crocodile said. This is the method Crocodile finally decided. Crocodile will take all the cadres of Baroque Works back this time, then surround the rainy land and capture Noah. Crocodile, who has made the final decision, turned into sand and left here. After Crocodile left. All the ordinary members of Baroque Works in the western continent of the Kingdom of Alabasta have been dispatched, and they are all gathering towards the rainy land. Of course, Crocodile does not expect these ordinary members to fight. Their only role is to form an encirclement. In this way, even if the pirate hunter Noah wants to escape, Crocodile can grasp Noah's movements in the first time. No matter what the final result is. Crocodile must return to the rainy land. The ordinary members of Baroque Works have already headed for the Rainy Land, and Princess Vivi has also headed for the Rainy Land.

It was supposed to be Gaga who came with Princess Vivi this time, but after Bell and Gaga discussed, Bell finally took Princess Vivi to the Rainy Land.

Because Vivi flew to the Rainy Land, Vivi must have arrived in the Rainy Land earlier than the people of Baroque Works.

In the hotel near the Rainy Land, Rainy Feast, in the Western Continent, in the Kingdom of Alabasta, Noah was leaning against the window, looking at the Casino·Rainy Feast.

The casino has not stopped operating because of Noah's actions against Daz Bonis and Jem.

Noah saw this scene, and he could roughly guess that Crocodile was coming back.

Noah did want to take action against Baroque Works, but he didn't want to implicate the civilians around the Casino·Rainy Feast for no reason.

Noah disappeared from the spot with a teleportation.

Noah was walking towards the casino.

Some members of the Baroque Works have recognized Noah as the one who defeated their commander and cadres two days ago.

More and more ordinary members of the Baroque Works came out, holding hot weapons in their hands.

Facing hundreds of guns pointing at him, Noah was not afraid at all.

"Today, today, now, it's time to move."

Noah instantly drew out the stone sword and rushed into the camp of the Baroque Works.

With each sword strike, an ordinary member of the Baroque Works fell down, either dead, alive, or seriously injured and unconscious.

Noah did notI hope that the battle between me and Crocodile will involve the nearby civilians. This is Noah's principle, not Noah's mercy and sainthood.

As for the ordinary members of the Baroque Works who stopped him, Noah did not hold back at all.

At the current Casino·Rainy Banquet, the two defeated men of Noah are in charge of the overall situation.

Daz Bonis and Jem, not to mention that their devil fruits were taken away by Noah, they are still injured and cannot do strenuous exercise.

Therefore, at the current Casino·Rainy Banquet, no one can stop Noah, and those who dare to stop him will have to pay the price.

Half an hour later.

Noah went straight to the top floor of Casino·Rainy Banquet.

The movement on the casino side affected the entire Rainy Land, and almost all the civilians near Casino·Rainy Banquet ran away.

Noah's goal has been achieved.

As for what kind of discussion there will be in the outside world, Noah does not care.

Rainy Banquet, top floor.

Daz Bonis and Jem are sitting in front of Noah.

The three of them are sitting on the sofa.

Daz Bonis and Jem cannot fight for the time being. Once they fight, their injuries will be aggravated.

"Your president, Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, should be back."

Noah asked.

Daz Bonis and Jem did not answer Noah.

How could they expose Crocodile's whereabouts?

However, Noah got the answer he wanted from the expressions and eyes of Daz Bonis and Jem.

Before, Noah was just guessing, but now Noah can be 100% sure that Crocodile will soon arrive in the rainy land and arrive at the casino rain banquet.

"You have no devil fruit ability and are seriously injured. You'd better be quiet, otherwise I will really kill people."

Noah will let Daz Bonis and Jem go the first time, but Noah will not let Daz Bonis and Jem go the second time.

Noah is not a saint.

His bottom line is flexible.

Daz Bonis and Jem sensed the murderous intent from Noah's words.

They knew that the pirate hunter in front of them would really kill people.

The "sea of ​​blood and corpses" under the casino were not fake, they saw it all.

Daz Bonis and Jem were both enduring.

Don't look at the two of them who are very obedient now. Once they are given the opportunity, they will not hesitate at all and will kill Noah immediately.

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