It was late at night, the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the night sky was very dark.

Most of the shadow night bats returned to the darkness under Noah's mental command

However, there were still twelve shadow night bats that did not return to the darkness.

Noah had other arrangements for them.

At this time, Noah was standing on the back of a shadow night bat and flying, and there was another shadow night bat around Noah to "protect him".

Noah's destination was the casino·Rain Banquet. As for Jem, who had lost his devil fruit and was seriously injured, Noah left him where he was and left 10 shadow night bats around him to protect him secretly until he could leave by himself.

Regarding taking away other people's devil fruits, Noah has a principle, that is, as long as Noah takes away the devil fruit of this person, Noah will not kill him.

Of course, this is only for a short time.

It is because of Noah's principle that Jem can be safe and sound, and Noah even sent the shadow corps·night bats to temporarily protect him.

The shadowy night bat completely blended into the darkness, and since it was late at night, most people were asleep, so no one noticed the shadowy night bat and Noah.

Rain Banquet, the rooftop at the top floor.

This is Crocodile's private domain, and it is also the highest place in the entire rain land.

There is no one guarding here.

The shadowy night bat and Noah fell from the sky.

Noah's mind moved, and the shadowy night bat blended into the darkness, turning into a shadow to explore the surroundings.

"What a great place!"

Noah turned around and looked down at the entire rain land.

Just at this moment, the dark clouds dispersed, and Noah saw the rain land under the moonlight.

Noah stood here for a long time.

After a while.

The shadowy night bat returned to Noah, and the shadow corps could communicate with the commander of the shadow corps.

Noah had learned about the surrounding situation from these two shadowy night bats.

Under Noah's command, the shadowy night bat returned to the darkness.

Noah walked a few dozen steps and came to the door connecting the rooftop and the floor. Noah pushed open the door and walked in directly.

Nothing happened tonight's Rain Banquet because of Noah's arrival.

And no one noticed that Noah was already on the top floor of the Rain Banquet.


The day fell and the sun rose for a long time.

However, the Casino Rain Banquet, which should have opened for business long ago, did not open its doors today.

Because the ordinary members of the Baroque Works in the Casino Rain Banquet could not find Jem, an important cadre of the Baroque Works who was now in charge of the casino.

Many of these ordinary members have gone outside to look for Jem.

After an hour, these ordinary members of the Baroque Works finally noticed something was wrong.

After another two hours, they finally found Jem, who was seriously injured and unconscious.

This is a big deal. How can these ordinary members of the Baroque Works be able to solve it? They can't make the decision.

So they went directly to contact other cadres of the Baroque Works.

In Baroque Works, these ordinary members cannot contact Crocodile. They have not even seen Crocodile, the president of Baroque Works.

Jem is Mr. 5 in Baroque Works. In addition, his devil fruit is very powerful. Among all the cadres of Baroque Works, his strength can be said to be one of the best.

But he still didn't know who beat him seriously and made him unconscious.

At first, the ordinary members of Baroque Works in the casino Rain Feast contacted Miss. Double Finger, Pola.

Pola has been undercover in Alabasta as the owner of the Spider Cafe for a long time.

When Pola got the news, she directly told the news to Mr. 1, Daz Bonis, who was closest to the rain land.

Daz Bonis, a superhuman-type fast-cut fruit ability user, was once a very famous killer. Later, he was recruited by Crocodile and joined Baroque Works.

Daz Bonis is the strongest chief commander of Baroque Works, and he is also the most loyal person to Crocodile.

Daz Bonis already knows about Jem's affairs, and he is on his way back to Rainy Land.

Rainy Land, Rainy Banquet is the base camp of Baroque Works. Now that such a thing has happened, Daz Bonis must come back to take charge of the situation.

However, Daz Bonis did not tell Crocodile, who was busy with "Dancing Powder", about this.

Daz Bonis wanted to solve this matter himself and not let Crocodile worry about it.


Rainy Land, Casino·Rainy Banquet.

Because only Crocodile can enter the place where Noah is, and this is a forbidden place in Casino·Rainy Banquet, so no one comes to disturb Noah.

Noah is quiet.Waiting here quietly.

Noah has dispersed the Black Shadow Night Bats, who are in the dark of Casino·Rainy Banquet, watching Casino·Rainy Banquet all the time.

If there is any unusual movement in Casino·Rainy Banquet, Noah can know it in advance.

Noah has learned about the movements of Baroque Works from the ordinary members of Baroque Works in Casino·Rainy Banquet.

Noah has already thought about it.

If Crocodile comes back, then Noah will leave directly.

Not facing Crocodile directly is not because Noah is afraid of Crocodile, but because Noah wants to play a long game and catch big fish. Now is not the best time to attack Crocodile.

If it is not Crocodile who comes back, but other devil fruit users in Baroque Works return to Casino·Rainy Banquet, then Noah will not be polite.

Fishing should be patient and should be cautious.

Most of the morning has passed, and the afternoon is the time for Daz Bonis to return to the rainy land.

It was already dusk when Daz Bonis returned to the Rainy Land and returned to the Casino·Rainy Feast to take charge of the situation.

Black Shadow Night Bat had already told Noah about Daz Bonis.

On the rooftop of the Casino·Rainy Feast, Noah was looking at the sunset in the sky.

It would soon be dark.

And the person Noah was waiting for finally arrived.

Noah didn't know why Daz Bonis came back to the Casino·Rainy Feast alone. Noah only knew that Daz Bonis's return was in line with Noah's plan.

The current situation of the Casino·Rainy Feast is a world apart from Noah's current leisure.

Daz Bonis has learned more specific information from these ordinary members of the Baroque Works.

The problem facing Daz Bonis is that the Baroque Works searched the entire Rainy Land, but did not find anyone who seriously injured Jem, and did not get any valuable clues.

If Jem can wake up, then all doubts will be answered.

However, what bothered Daz Bonis the most was that Jem was seriously injured and in a coma. The doctor had told Daz Bonis that if Jem wanted to wake up, he would have to wait until tomorrow.

Daz Bonis had no choice but to wait for Jem to wake up tomorrow.

Perhaps Daz Bonis didn't have to wait until tomorrow, because Noah would attack Daz Bonis tonight.

Soon after, it was dark.

Noah wrote a sentence on a piece of paper and asked the shadow night bat to deliver the letter.

The recipient was Daz Bonis who came to the casino Rain Banquet today.

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