The small garden is not far from the Dragon Star Ship. In Noah's memory, the small garden is the second island where the Straw Hat Pirates will land in the first half of the Grand Line.


The small garden.

A huge island that preserves the landscape of prehistoric times.

The Dragon Star Ship has arrived here.

"You stay on the ship, I'll go and see it myself."

Noah's understanding of Donli and Broki only exists in his memory of Blue Star.

The power of the giant is very dangerous.

Noah doesn't want his willful behavior to leave the Dragon Star Ship unguarded, and Nami, Bonnie, and Kaya unprotected.

"Brother Noah, I want to go too." Kaya walked up to Noah and said firmly.

Noah looked at Kaya for a long time.

Finally, Noah sighed, because Noah knew that he couldn't stop Kaya.

Now that Kaya has the magic of fire, she has mastered the endless power of fire and has the power to protect herself. If Noah only takes Kaya with her, he can barely accept it.

As for Nami and Bonnie, they should stay on the boat.

Because Noah is preparing to fight the giant in the small garden this time, Nami and Bonnie are too weak to help Noah.

Big Bear is powerful. If Big Bear takes action, he will definitely be able to help Noah.

But Noah is here to challenge the giant this time, not to fight to the death. The worst result is to escape with serious injuries.

"Leave everything on the boat to me!" Big Bear said.

"I feel at ease with you here." Noah looked at Big Bear and said.

Noah absolutely believes in Big Bear's strength.

Noah walked to the bow, took the heavy water gourd on his waist in his hand, and then threw the heavy water gourd into the sea.

The heavy water gourd sank into the sea, and the endless sea water was swallowed by the heavy water gourd.

This is the ability of the God's token, the heavy water gourd, which can store a large amount of water.

Noah has the magic of water and can control water at will, but he cannot create water. This shows the importance of the heavy water gourd in land battles.

If fighting on the sea, Noah stands above the sea, and the sea is Noah's power.

Ke Ya is holding the Fiery Sword beside Noah.

The current scene is what Ke Ya has always longed for.

Ke Ya has always longed to stand shoulder to shoulder with Noah and fight together. She doesn't want to be protected by Noah all the time, and she also wants to protect Noah.

Ten minutes later.

The sea around the Dragon Star Ship was rippled because of the heavy water gourd.

"Let's go." Noah took Ke Ya's hand and stepped out of the Dragon Star Ship.

The sea water turned into a ladder standing on the sea surface. Noah took Ke Ya and walked step by step on the water surface, towards the direction of the small garden.

Everyone on the Dragon Star Ship watched Noah and Ke Ya leave quietly.

Bonnie held the hands of Big Bear and Little Bear, looking at the backs of Noah and Kaya, with longing in her eyes.

Bonnie felt that Kaya must be very happy now.

The Dragon Star ship not only has dreams, but also human touch. It is really a great destination. This is what Big Bear thinks at this moment.

For some reason, Nami also felt her envy of the scene in front of her.

Nami is indeed Noah's partner, but the relationship between the two of them is not as close as that between Kaya and Noah.

"Maybe I should take the initiative." Nami thought to herself.

I don't know what Nami wants to do in her heart.


Small garden, ground.

Noah held Kaya's hand and walked here.

When Noah and Kaya stepped on the land, the water stairs on the sea surface instantly turned into sea water and merged into the sea again.

Noah let go of Kaya's hand and looked at the sea.

Noah stretched out his right hand and opened his palm.

A whirlpool appeared in the sea water, and the sea water gathered upward. Under Noah's control, a tall sea giant was formed.

Then, Noah picked up Kaya with one hand, and jumped a few times to the shoulders of the water giant.

The water giant stepped out of the sea, stepped on the land, and a huge vibration began to spread out.

On the Dragon Star ship.

Big Bear looked at the sea giant condensed by Noah, and couldn't help sighing a few words.

Such a sea giant is really the nemesis of most devil fruit ability users in this world.

Nami didn't think so much, she just knew that Noah was very strong.

In the small garden, the sea giant was running forward.

So the movement was getting bigger and bigger.

Such a movement has awakened the two giants sleeping in the small garden.

As time went by.

The first to see the sea giant was the giant, "Red Devil" Broki.

The height and size of the sea giant are similar to those of the giant Broki.

Broki's eyesight is very good. He not only noticed the sea giant, but also paid attention toNoah and Kaya came to the shoulders of the sea giant.

The giant "Blue Ghost" Dongli also came over.

A giant formed by sea water greatly aroused the interest of Dongli and Broki.

"This is what you made."

Broki looked at the sea giant and said.

He is a giant, so he speaks loudly.


"I wonder if you can teach me a lesson." Noah looked at Broki and said.

There was a fighting spirit in Noah's eyes. Broki, as a giant warrior, was very sensitive to fighting spirit, and he felt Noah's fighting spirit.


"I also want to fight this thing."

Broki was very interested in the sea giant, and he was ready to move.

Noah couldn't help but smile when he saw Broki like this, and then jumped down from the sea giant with Kaya in his arms.

Noah landed safely, and the sea water in the heavy water gourd appeared, forming a transparent water pavilion on the top where Noah landed.

The chairs were also made of water, and the leaves were used as cushions for the chairs.

Noah and Kaya sat down, and the giant "Blue Ghost" Dongli was next to the water pavilion.

Under Noah's arbitrary control, the seawater giant had already fought with the giant Broki.

Water is soft, but if there are trees and stones in the water, then the water is "hard".

This is the current seawater giant.

Another battle broke out in the small garden, and Noah, Kaya, and the giant "Blue Ghost" Dongli were the spectators.

Broki was very happy to fight the immortal seawater giant, because he could attack without restraint, and the damage caused by the seawater giant to Broki was only minor.

In fact, if it was a real life-and-death duel, any normal person would not face the seawater giant directly, but would fight Noah, the controller of the seawater giant.

"Hey, what's your name."

"I have lived for so long, but I have never encountered the devil fruit ability that can control seawater."

Dongli asked curiously.

In fact, Dongli had a guess in his mind, but he thought this guess was a bit outrageous.

This guess is that Noah is Poseidon, the king of the sea among the three ancient weapons.

But Dongli knew that this possibility was extremely low, so Dongli did not continue to think about it.


"As for my ability, it is what you see now."

Noah did not continue to explain.

Regarding his ability to control the sea water, Noah would not explain, but let people guess.

What others think is what it is.

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