Noah looked at the Panlong Ring on his right index finger, his eyes revealing strong confidence and endless ambition.

With ten ghost masks, the immortal black shadow army, the eight magic spirits, and the twelve spells.

Whitebeard can sit on the throne of the strongest man in the world, and so can Noah.

Even the throne of the void, which represents the king of the world, can be sat by the Celestial Dragon Im, so why can't Noah sit on it?

The throne of the void will be taken turns, and it will be my turn next year.

One day, Noah will become the strongest man in the world and sit on the void king.

Our ancestors once said: Build high walls, store up food, and slowly become king.

A few years ago, in Noah's entrustment, Kaya's parents spent a lot of money to bribe Colonel Mouse to get the training methods of the Navy Six Styles from the Navy Headquarters, as well as the cultivation methods of Observation Haki and Armament Haki.

The Navy Six Styles are not a secret in the Navy Headquarters. Colonel Mouse took a month to get it from the Navy Headquarters.

The training methods of Observation Haki and Armament Haki are not a secret.

In the headquarters of the Navy, even the most ordinary marines have many people who can use Armament Haki.

In the Grand Line, there are even more people who can use Armament Haki, for example, most of the female warriors on the Nine Snake Island under the rule of Boa Hancock, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, can use Armament Haki.

Armament Haki has a lot to do with one's own physique.

The magic of fire has made Noah's physique stronger and his strength increased year by year.

Therefore, it took Noah only two years to learn how to cover and entangle with Armament Haki.

Armament Haki covering is to cover the surface of your body with Armament Haki to enhance your own attack and defense.

Armament Haki entanglement is to wrap Armament Haki around the weapon in your hand.

Not only that!

After several years of training, the gifted Noah has mastered the finger gun, shaving, and iron block in the six styles of the Navy.

One of the Navy's Six Styles, Shaving, can continuously stomp the ground at high speed dozens of times in an instant (0.36 seconds) to generate explosive reaction force to move at high speed. Once performed, it is like teleporting.

One of the Navy's Six Styles, Finger Gun, can gather the strength of the whole body on the fingers, and use the hardened fingers to release a blow in a flash.

The power of this technique is comparable to the attack power of a bullet, and it can easily penetrate the human body.

Based on the "Finger Gun", Noah fused the power of fire to create a "Flame Finger Gun" that can attack remotely and burn the enemy's body.

One of the "Six Navy Styles" defensive skills, Iron Block, its principle is to accelerate blood flow and speed up muscle movement. It can boost strength in a well-trained body and make its body as hard as iron.

"Iron Block" can be combined with the power of the Fire Demon.

In addition to allowing Noah to master the power of fire, the Fire Demon has another function.

That is, demonization!

Noah can transform into a dragon-man with horns on his head and green skin, like a dragon and a lizard.

When Noah is demonized, his whole body strength will be doubled, and there will be no side effects, similar to an ordinary person who has just eaten an animal-type devil fruit.

With the doubled physical strength, the hardness of the "iron block" will be doubled.

Even "shaving" and "finger gun" will be greatly enhanced.

These three "six styles of the navy" give Noah the ability to attack and defend.

This is why Noah first practiced these three "six styles of the navy".

Count the powers that Noah has mastered.

The power of fire magic, three types of navy six styles, and armed color domineering.

Such Noah already has the power to venture into the Grand Line.

In the first half of the Grand Line, the seven warlords of the sea Crocodile and Gekko Moria, Noah really wanted to challenge them.

Noah never thought of becoming a pirate.

Whether it is the navy, the world government, or the pirates, they all have the devil fruit that Noah wants to hunt.

So Noah wants to become a bounty hunter, and then form a force similar to the "Cross Guild".


Under Noah's gaze, the Panlong Ring fell from Noah's hand and flew to the ground. The Panlong Ring emitted a dim light, and a formation engraved with black strange runes was thrown from the Panlong Ring to the ground.

This is the sacrificial formation.

The sacrificial formation is a formation that sacrifices the devil fruit and unlocks the seal in the Panlong Ring.

The Panlong Ring is not a storage ring, it is a sealed magic weapon with a sacrificial formation.

About sacrificing devil fruits.

The first way is to get a complete devil fruit directly and put the devil fruit in the sacrificial formation.

The second way is to beat the devil fruit ability user to the brink of death, put the ability user into the sacrificial formation, and the sacrificial formation canThe devil fruit in the body of the ability user is forcibly taken out for sacrifice.

The devil fruit taken out by the sacrifice formation cannot be absorbed by people and become a new ability user.


Noah can eat a devil fruit first, and then use the sacrifice formation to replace his devil fruit ability when he gets a more powerful devil fruit later.

No matter which method.

Once the devil fruit is sacrificed, it will disappear forever in the pirate world.

Eight magic powers, ten ghost masks, nine black shadow corps, twelve spells, devil fruit replacement.

All these powers are in Noah's hands.

Noah deserves his endless ambition.

The sacrifice formation disappeared, and the Panlong Ring returned to Noah's hands.

Noah's thoughts shifted from his ambitions. He was now thinking about what Kaya would do if he left Xiluobu Village.

Kaya was weak and could not accompany Noah to sail.

Even if Noah knew that Ke Ya longed for the outside world, he would not bring Ke Ya with him.

Noah thought for a long time, and finally set his eyes on the God's token in his hand, the Fiery Sword.

He had some thoughts in his mind.

Noah did not go to find Ke Ya immediately, but continued to stay in the training room to exercise and strengthen his body.

Most of the day passed.

When Noah walked out of the training room, the night had fallen for a while.

Under the bright moonlight, Ke Ya sat on the grass outside the training room and looked at the starry sky.

As soon as Noah came out of the training room, he walked straight to Ke Ya, looking very familiar.

One "he" was practicing, and one "she" was quietly waiting outside.

It felt great to be always in someone's heart, and Noah's heart was warm.

Noah sat next to Ke Ya, and the two looked at the stars together, then Noah told stories, and Ke Ya listened to stories...

An hour later...

"Let's go!".

"I'll take you to a place."

Noah suddenly took Ke Ya's soft little hand, looked at Ke Ya with his eyes, and asked for Ke Ya's opinion.

Ke Ya didn't give Noah time to ask for her opinion, and got up and left with Noah.

Villa, Noah's training room.

Noah took Ke Ya's hand and returned here again. When Noah pushed open the iron door, the lights in the room lit up.

The God's token, the Fiery Sword, was inserted in the middle area of ​​the training room.

Noah brought Ke Ya to the Fiery Sword.

Noah first let go of Ke Ya's hand, and then a wisp of purple gas floated out of Noah's body and gathered on the Fiery Sword.

In a blink of an eye, the blade of the Fiery Sword was surrounded by a layer of purple gas.

This purple gas is the magic of fire.

The Fiery Sword is a token of God. The magic of fire and the Fiery Sword are originally one. In the whole world, only the Fiery Sword can carry the power of the magic of fire.

Noah put one third of the magic energy of fire into the Fiery Sword.

From now on, the Fiery Sword will have endless fire power.

The Fiery Sword, the token of the gods, has spirituality. Noah is its master, and it will continue to protect Ke Ya on his behalf.

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