Usopp is timid and cowardly, which is not beyond Noah's expectation.

After admonishing Usopp, Noah left here and returned to the villa on the top of the mountain.

The Xiluobu Village was calm, as if nothing had happened.


In the villa, Noah saw the warmth in front of him as soon as he came back.

Nami and Kaya had only known each other for half a day, and their relationship had reached this point now.

Noah walked over.

"Brother Noah, sister Nami told me a lot of things about the sea."

While Kaya was speaking, she handed Noah a grilled skewer of meat.

Noah took the skewer of meat handed to him by Kaya and joined Nami and Kaya's barbecue party.

Nami sniffed the smell in the air, Nami smelled the blood on Noah, and sensed the faint murderous aura on Noah.

Noah felt that Nami's eyes had changed when she looked at him.

Noah glanced at Nami and signaled Nami not to mention it in front of Kaya.

Nami and Noah, they both understood the meaning in each other's eyes.

In the following time, Noah stayed with Kaya and told her about his journey on the sea.

When the night was slightly cool, Noah took Kaya back to her room.

Noah went to the gate of the villa and stood there quietly, overlooking the entire Xiluobu Village.

After an unknown amount of time, a black-clad bodyguard walked up to Noah.

"Young Master, we have not found any traces of pirate ships in the sea around Xiluobu Village."

"In that case, you should withdraw."

It turned out that the black-clad bodyguard was ordered by Noah to look for traces of the Black Cat Pirate Ship.

However, it was not found on the beach of Xiluobu Village.

It happened that the moon was bright and the wind was clear tonight, otherwise it would be difficult for the black-clad bodyguards to search on the beach.

The black-clad bodyguards retreated under Noah's order, and those black-clad bodyguards who were still searching on the beach of Xiluobu Village would also return to the villa one after another.

Noah actually guessed that Kuro was alone, and did not tell the Black Cat Pirates about his whereabouts.

But Noah was still worried, so he asked the black-clad bodyguard to search the beach.

Now Noah can finally rest assured.

Noah has sent the original navigator and helmsman of the Dragon Star Ship back to Xiluobu Village, and Kaya has also seen them.

Then, Noah should leave.

Leaving is a better reunion.

Only if Noah gets the powerful devil fruit faster, Noah can unlock the power in the Panlong Ring and cure Kaya's congenital weakness.

Noah is ready to leave Xiluobu Village tomorrow.


The next day, before dawn, Noah wrote a letter to the villa housekeeper Qing Po Po, and then left the villa with the drowsy Nami.

Xiluobu Village, Port

The Dragon Star Ship set sail in the morning light.

There was no helmsman in the Dragon Star ship, only Noah, a man as strong as an ox, worked part-time.

With Nami guiding the direction and planning the voyage, Noah only needed to show off a little strength.

The wind direction was just right, and Noah and Nami did not need to deliberately control the direction of the Dragon Star ship.

There were ten more orange trees on the deck of the Dragon Star ship, which Nami brought up when she left Kokoa West Village.

Nami wanted to relieve her homesickness, while Noah thought that oranges were an important resource for people sailing on the sea.

Regarding the orange trees, it was a joint decision of Noah and Nami.

"What is your dream?"

Noah looked at Nami who was pruning the orange tree and asked softly.

"I want to draw a world map."

Nami immediately said her dream.

"By the way, I still have a lot of money."

Nami's eyes instantly turned into Bailey's.

These two are Nami's dreams.

If Noah had asked Nami a month ago, then in Nami's dream, the first dream must be to redeem Kokoa West Village.

"Since you want to draw a world map, then during this period, we will sail in the East China Sea. You draw the map and I will escort you."

"Really?" Nami appeared beside Noah in an instant, and their faces were very close.

"Don't coax me!" Nami stared at Noah fiercely.

"It's more real than real gold." Noah said helplessly.

Then he pointed his finger at Nami's forehead and pushed her away.

"Why have you coveted me for a long time, wanting to get me, get my true heart, I don't think you dare to coax me."

Nami said proudly. If she was a fox, I'm afraid her tail would be up to the sky now.

Of course, the "true heart" Nami said was true to her, not other meanings.

"The truth hurts!"

"Next time, say something nicer."

Noah held his forehead, with a faceHe looked at Nami speechlessly.

How can a younger brother face his boss and tell the truth without considering the boss's face?

"No!" Nami looked very proud.

Since Noah rescued Kokoa Nishimura, Nami has returned to her lively appearance.

This is Nami's cutest and most beautiful look.

Nami's cuteness may only be so cute, but her beauty will become more and more fascinating with time.

Nami is thinner now...

Although Nami still loves money now, she has not reached the point where she will be three years later.

The timing of meeting a person and entering a person's heart is very important.

If Noah met Nami in 1520 of the Haiyuan calendar, that is, three years later, it would be difficult for Noah to really take Nami under his command.

Noah felt that it was a great decision to take Nami under his command.

At least it won't be boring...

Noah got up and walked into the boat.

In the main room of the ship, Noah looked at the sea chart on the table and fell into deep thought.

"It's hard to grasp the whereabouts of the Buggy Pirates. How can I find that guy Buggy?"

While Noah was talking to himself, his sight suddenly saw Orange Town.

Orange Town is not the base of the Buggy Pirates yet, Noah knew that.

But Noah suddenly thought of a way to let the Buggy Pirates find themselves without having to find the Buggy Pirates.

Orange Town is an excellent port city with a large population, convenient sea transportation, and fast information flow.

Noah only needs to spread the treasure map in his hand in the orange orchard, and then show his financial strength, then Noah can wait in Orange Town.

The treasure map plus the ready-made treasure is so tempting that Buggy can't bear it 100%.

After figuring this out, Noah walked out of the main room directly and told Nami about the next destination.

In the East China Sea, as long as Noah can capture the two Devil Fruit users in the Buggy Pirates, then Noah's "Devil Fruit Hunting Plan" in the East China Sea will be mostly completed.

For the rest of the time, Noah can accompany Nami to sail in the East China Sea.

As for the rest of the "Devil Fruit Hunting Plan", it requires luck and time, and cannot be forced.

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