One Piece: The Glory of the Murloc

Chapter 24 Otohime and the Beginning of Practice

"Then what? What's the final result?"

A bubble circle was floating in the air. Charlie was sitting on it, her slender fish tail swaying lazily. She was flipping through a magazine in her hand and asked casually.

Brett walked in front, holding a rope tied to the bubbles, and holding a rope in his other hand. These ropes were connected to a bunch of bubbles floating in the air. There was something wrapped in these bubbles, "A fiasco." ah."

Pure strength is indeed enough to compete with Brother Jinbei, but when Brother Jinbei starts to use Fishman Karate, everything changes.

Powerful skills have the ability to change the power structure, and I was completely crushed in this regard.

Even Jinbei's weapon color was only used to resist thunder attacks and was not used to attack, so he was defeated.

"But why do I feel that you are not disappointed at all?"

Charlie took her eyes away from the book and looked back at Brett.

"Nothing to lose."

Brett chuckled, "I'm already very satisfied."

Now, I have a certain positioning of my own strength.

If his abilities were fully activated on the sea surface, he should be able to have the strength of a Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters.

But of course he is the weaker one among lieutenant generals. Not to mention compared to Garp, even compared to elite lieutenant generals like Dauberman Ghost Spider, he is far inferior.

But this is not something to be disappointed about.

After all, a few months ago he was at a level that even Haggar could not match.

The ability contained in that fruit and Kaido's bloodline gave him a huge increase.

Not to mention that as various abilities gradually mature, he will become stronger at an alarming rate.

"Are you a person who feels satisfied so easily?" Charlie said in surprise.

"Because I will become stronger next time."

Brett said, "There's something, Charlie."

"I'm not good at fighting, so I can't help you practice." Xia Li lowered her eyes to the magazine again and said casually.

"Never expected anything like this."

Brett twitched the corner of his mouth. Charlie had never had a fight since she was a child. With Aaron and herself here, she didn't need violence as a weapon.

"Brother Jinbei wants to guide me in my practice, so I can't provide you with security for the time being."

"It's up to you." Charlie flipped through the book, looking unconcerned, "As long as you don't shamelessly come to me when you have no money to eat."

"Hey, hey, hey, it's so heartless. Aren't we childhood sweethearts?"

Suddenly, there seemed to be some commotion ahead.

The crowd gathered around.

With his height advantage, Bright could easily see the figure surrounded in the center who was loudly preaching.

"...Please sign the letter of intent quickly, in order to show the world our will to migrate to Fish-Man Island at the World Conference in three years' time!"

A slender woman with brilliant golden wavy hair, wearing an orange fish scale patterned robe, stood on a high platform and gave a loud speech.

"We are only in contact with a small group of biased human beings! The vast majority of human beings know nothing about us. Fear and hatred will not help. We should take the initiative to contact them!"

"I haven't given up yet."

Charlie closed the magazine, looked at the woman in the distance and sighed, "We have been giving speeches since we were children, right?"

She could see it clearly, after all, she was sitting on a bubble floating in mid-air.

Not to mention, Charlie is actually much taller than Brett with the fish tail attached. She is almost five meters tall.

Brett didn't speak, just listened quietly to the commotion over there.

"Even if Princess Otohime says so, we can't agree!"

"Yes, Brother Tiger died because of humans! Because humans refused to donate blood for him!"

"How can the human who killed Brother Tiger deserve our trust?"

The woman's name is Otohime, and she is the wife of the king of this country.

She has been giving such speeches for many years. Her lifelong dream is to let the Fish-Man Island migrate to the sea and let the Fish-Man Island and humans live in harmony.

However, although the attitudes of the fishmen and mermaids surrounding her were not fierce, their resistance was very obvious.

"Bright, you said Brother Tiger died because he refused to deliver human blood?" Charlie looked at Bright.


Bright nodded, "In order to hide the cause of Brother Tiger's death, Brother Aaron lied to mankind, and the newspapers reported wrong news."

If I remember correctly, this directly led to the birth of the law prohibiting fishmen and mermaids from donating blood to humans.

In the future, it almost caused Sanji to vomit blood after seeing a mermaid until he died of excessive blood loss.

"Did that idiot Aaron do unnecessary things again?" Charlie said with a headache, "It's a good decision to stop him from going to sea."

"It doesn't matter if you have it or not."

Brett said casually.

The relationship between humans and Fish-Man Island would not change much without this incident.

It would be better to say that Aaron had restrained himself by not directly telling the fact that Brother Tiger was betrayed and died by humans after saving humanity.

"Let's go. We've almost bought all the daily necessities. Let's go back."

Brett said.

"Won't you look at it again?"

"No need. No point."

You are so naive, Otohime-empress.

Freedom and respect can never be obtained through requests and compromises.

He and Brother Aaron can be said to be two extremes.

After sending Boss Charlie back to the cafe, Brett was preparing to go back with the daily necessities he bought.

"Bright, you can come to the store to help during your training. Apart from anything else, I can provide you with three meals and basic living expenses."

Brett was greatly moved.


"Don't make such a disgusting face."

The next day, the practice officially began.

Brett got up early. Brett went to Charlie's place to help prepare some ingredients and had breakfast. Then he went to Jinbei's residence. After meeting with Jinbei, he went to the depths of the Umi no Mori.

Of course, you need a spacious place to practice.

Most of the Forest of the Sea is outside the bubble of Fish-Man Island and in the deep sea.

However, there are many areas in the exposed parts that are covered with large bubbles and contain air.

Bright and Jinbe chose such a place.

"Get ready Brett!"

Jinbei moved his arms and legs with a smile on his face.

He believed that the man in front of him was the future of Fish-Man Island.

"It's been a long time coming."

Brett said seriously, "You can start at any time!"

"Very good! It's good to have this awareness!"

Jinbei nodded slightly, "The practice of domineering is never easy!"

"Haki is the power hidden within our bodies. I don't know the specific principle, but it doesn't matter. All we have to do is guide that power out of the body."

"And this method of guidance may be a bit rough."

A rare weird smile appeared on Jinbei's face. He raised his hands, and invisible waves were wrapped around his hands. "So, Brett, are you really ready?"

Brett smiled and said, "Come over here, Brother Jinbei!"

If you are afraid of even this, how can you become a strong man like Kaido Whitebeard?

Having gone through countless battlefields and still moving forward bravely, this is where the strong come from.

Brett was ready to wake up.

Next, Jinbei first explained to Bright how he felt when he learned the weapon color, and told Bright how to perceive the existence of the weapon color and how to work hard to guide it out.

Then comes the real practice.

"Well, Brett, take the move!"

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