East Sea, Kingdom of Goya, near the windmill village, home of the Golbo Mountain Thief.

The mountain thief Kali Dadan was holding a cigarette, and while cooking, he kept chanting in his mouth: “Luffy, that little bastard doesn’t know if he found his partner, and he doesn’t know if he eats on time…”

While muttering, suddenly—

“Big sister Dadan, go to the village, someone over there has installed a big screen, and now it is broadcasting the war in the Chambord Islands!”

The anxious shouts of a younger brother suddenly startled Cali Dadan.

“What war in the Chambord Islands?” Cali Dadan asked with a puzzled look, “What kind of war is there in the Chambord Islands?” ”

The little brother said anxiously: “It was reported last month that the guy who captured the Draco and challenged the navy is at war with the navy in the Chambord Islands!” ”

As soon as he heard this, Da Dan suddenly opened his mouth wide, and the cigarette he was holding in his mouth fell to the ground at once.

She asked with a confused look, “Isn’t that thing a rumor?” Also, why is it that in such a small place as ours, there are also battlefield broadcasts ?! ”

“That’s all the rhetoric of the Navy, now that the war has begun, if you don’t go, I’ll go see it first!” After the little brother finished speaking, he directly turned his head and rushed towards the direction of the windmill village.

“Wait, wait for me!” Da Dan immediately shouted, quickly put on his shoes and stumbled after him.

When they arrived in the middle of the village, they found that many people had already gathered here.

Everyone was watching the big screen intently, and no one noticed their arrival at all.

Da Dan and his group immediately looked in the direction of the big screen, and just saw a large piece of white absolute falling from the sky, and then Lin Xuanshi exhibited the rebirth of filthy soil, turning into a big cocoon!

Such a strange scene suddenly made them all hold their breath.

And when they saw these cocoons break open one by one and a person came out of them, they suddenly widened their eyes.

“Oh my God, what’s going on?”

“Why do those white people form cocoons, and then now they all change their appearance!”

“Wow, the Navy got its hands on it!”

“Nani, they are so powerful, the navy is not an opponent!”


One after another, the voices of exclamation and discussion continue to rise and fall in this windmill village.

This scenario is playing out all over the world.

East Sea, West Sea, South China Sea, North Sea…

Windmill Village, Cocosia Village, Sirobu Village, Magnetic Drum Island, Alabastan…

Whitebeard Pirates, Red-Haired Pirates, Kaido Pirates, Mama Pirates…

Around the world, eyes at this time have focused on the Chambordi Islands because of the temporary erection one by one, or the display screen directly sent to the door.

It is also because of this that when they witnessed the strange way of the Ninja Realm powerhouse descending and the picture of the powerful confrontation with the navy, they instantly contributed 30 million prestige points to Lin Xuan!

When receiving the system’s income prompt, Lin Xuan couldn’t help but sigh: “Live broadcast is indeed a good thing!” It seems that it is still necessary to take advantage of the fact that the navy has not reacted, causing a few more waves of shock and harvesting more prestige points! ”

He knew that the reason why he was able to turn on such a live broadcast in an instant and let him gain so much prestige now was because the Navy did not know that he was cooperating with the “truth-seeker” newspaper in live broadcasting.

Once the navy finds out, the Sengoku will definitely contact the garrisons to interrupt the live broadcast, and it will be difficult for him to reap the reputation value so quickly.

The focus of the Warring States at this time has always been among the people in the ninja world who have just appeared.

They found two figures they had been looking for!

Between Uchiha and Senjuku!

Before they were still thinking about it, what did Lin Xuan send these two people for? Or in what way the other side will enter the battlefield.

Unexpectedly, even these two people appeared like this!

Until now, the Warring States did not understand how Lin Xuan got them out.

In addition, Sengoku also noticed that in the crowd, there were several black-haired men with scarlet eyes like Uchiha.

“This kind of eyes again!” Warring States’ face became a little more solemn.

If these people’s eyes can also perform the so-called pupil technique of Uchiha Madara, it will be a disaster for them!

However, he quickly regained his strength, because he knew very well that at this time, as a naval marshal, he must not mess with himself!

No matter how strong the enemy is, they will never lose!

“Although the way these people appear is very strange, they can’t all be as powerful as Lin Xuan, or Uchiha and Thousand Hand Pillars, but there are only a few hundred people, and we can completely defeat them all!” Sengoku shouted.

Lieutenant General Kapu and Crane on the side heard from his voice that the confidence of the Warring States was not very sufficient.

Of course, they won’t expose it, and if morale collapses at this time, then they are really going to fail!

They all know very well that this group of people who suddenly come out will really make the whole world turbulent!

This battle must be won no matter what!

The Warring States quickly issued a new order for all the navies to shoot, saying: “Do it, try their strength!” ”

The navies below quickly moved to attack the people of the ninja world.

And at this time, these Ninja Realm powerhouses who had just been reborn from Lin Xuan’s filthy soil also came back to their senses one after another and finished digesting the information in their minds.

Without exception, facing the new world makes them all feel excited.

At this moment, seeing a large swath of the navy flying towards them, ready to attack them, everyone’s expressions were still calm, and there was no fear at all.

You know, they are all elite powerhouses of the ninja world!

At this time, the Thousand Hand Pillar suddenly tilted his head and glanced at the Thousand Hands Pillar beside him, and said, “Qianyama, didn’t you say that you have prepared a small surprise for the navy of this world?” ”

Hearing this, Uchiha and Uchiha Senna, who was also reborn from Uchiha spot, as well as many people nearby, looked at Senjuma.

“That’s right!”

A rare smile appeared on Qianshouji’s indifferent face, and said, “Let’s offer them this surprise now!” ”

After saying that, his figure flashed, and he suddenly flew forward.

At the same time, many people from the ninja world also came to his side together.

Uchiha can see at a glance that these people seem to be ninjas who are proficient in water escape, such as the second generation of water shadow ghost lamp phantom moon!

His heart moved, and he couldn’t help but guess: “Is it difficult…”

Just when he thought of something, he heard a thousand hands in front of him say loudly: “A small gift, not a respect, please put it away from your naval friends in front, I hope you will like it!” ”

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