Immediately afterwards, the yellow ape outside finally spoke.

“Hey, cp9, what are you doing here? How did you still make such a big move? ”

The yellow ape looked at Lu Qi and asked.

The yellow ape is a naval admiral, the highest combat power of the naval headquarters, facing him, Lu Qi naturally did not dare to offend the slightest, and hurriedly replied: “We found the trace of Nicole Robin on the island before, and then followed her to this bar, originally planning to arrest him here, but unexpectedly stopped by this guy in front of him!” ”

Nicole Robin?

Hearing this name, the yellow ape was also a little interested at once, and then looked up at the bar not far away, and in the next second, a look of surprise suddenly flashed in his eyes, because according to the previous rumors, One Piece’s deputy captain Hades Renly seemed to live here.

However, according to the current situation, Pluto Reilly does not seem to be in this bar at this time, otherwise CP9 would have been / killed long ago, right?

“Hey, yellow ape, what the hell do you mean? I don’t need the admiral to intervene in this matter, you still go back where you came from! I can solve this matter myself! ”

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yu finally spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone, including Lu Qi, looked at each other, no one could understand what was going on, why this man in front of him dared to say such a thing to the admiral.

When the yellow ape heard this, he was not angry, and while letting CP9 wake up Spandam, he walked to Lin Yu and said, “Hey, His Highness Locke, this matter has gone a little too far, right?” I don’t want CP9 to be wiped out by you/grandpa! ”

Locke… Your Highness… He… IS HE A DAY LONG PERSON?

When they heard the yellow ape call Lin Yu like this, whether it was CP9 outside or Xia Qi Robin in the room, they were completely shocked, and Robin even broke the wine glass in his hand, and they didn’t believe what they just heard.

But that’s just the way it is.

Robin looked at Qiao Ya on the side with a shocked look and said, “He… IS HE A DAY LONG PERSON? ”

Seeing that the yellow ape had already said Lin Yu’s identity, there was no need to hide it any longer, Qiao Ya nodded and said: “That’s right, he is a Tianlong person!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Robin was shocked again, and Xia Qi was a little calmer, because according to what happened just now, he probably guessed Lin Yu’s identity.

Next, Lin Yu’s voice sounded again.

“This is between me and CP9, what is it about my grandfather?” All in all, Yellow Ape, you better get out of here quickly, don’t get in my way anymore!” ”

Lin Yu said with a frown.

“That’s not okay! After all, as an admiral, I have the obligation to protect you, anyone who strikes against you, I must kill, this is my duty, no matter who it is! ”

The yellow ape said slowly, but his eyes looked towards CP9 behind him, hearing this, a layer of fine sweat beads appeared on Lu Qi’s face, and the secret road in his heart was so dangerous, fortunately he didn’t make a move with the Tianlong people just now, otherwise at this moment, I am afraid that he would have been killed by the yellow ape a long time ago.

Although Lu Qi is known as the strongest in the eight hundred years of Justice Island, his strength is very weak in front of the admiral, and he has no parry power in the face of the yellow ape

“Wave… Senior General Borusalino, you… How did you get here? ”

Immediately at this moment, Spandam finally sobered up, and the moment he woke up, he saw the yellow ape, and then cried out with an incredulous face.

But in the next second, he seemed to have thought of something, and then he got up and came to the yellow ape, only then pointed to Lin Yu and said: “General Borusalino, I have enough evidence to prove that this guy is protecting Nicole Robin, please kill this guy now!” Then we can catch/hold Nicole Robin! ”

Hearing this, the yellow ape immediately looked at Spandam with a helpless look and said, “Spandam, you better shut up!” I’m taking care of things here.”

“It’s not… What I’m saying is true! Nicole Robin is in this bar now, and this guy just shot at us, you see, these navies who fell to the ground were all knocked unconscious by him, I’m not lying, they can all testify about this CP9! ”

Spandam said again, not meaning to shut up.

When the yellow ape and cp9 on the side heard this, their hearts suddenly felt a deep helplessness.

However, at this time, Lin Yu laughed, and then said loudly: “Joya, bring Nicole Robin out!” ”

Hearing this from afar, the three people in the room were slightly stunned at the moment.

To be honest, at this moment, Robin doesn’t want to go out at all, but Lin Yu has already named her to go out, how can she not go out? And from the situation just now, Lin Yu seems to want to protect her.

That’s it, fight once!

Thinking like this, Robin walked towards Joya, and then the two walked out of the bar together.

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