You must know that this is overlord-colored domineering! Only one in a million people can have special powers!

Unlike armed color domineering and seeing and hearing color domineering, overlord color domineering is innate, can not be learned, can not be inherited by previous generations, can only be determined by fate, simply put, only people with the temperament of ‘king’ will have such domineering!

As a crew member of One Piece, although Xia Qi is no stranger to overlord-colored domineering, I have to say that Lin Yu still scared him, because the overlord-colored domineering he showed before is definitely not an ordinary overlord-colored domineering, and it can be on par with Renly!

This made her a little incredible!

Because of mastering the overlord-colored domineering, Lin Yu’s overlord-colored domineering did not hurt everyone in this bar, but those navies outside were all stunned, and they were all stunned by Lin Yu.

At this moment, Lin Yu finally became the focus of everyone in the bar, and everyone couldn’t help but be impressed by him!

Walking to the window and taking a look at the scene outside, Robin’s face suddenly changed sharply again, and then turned around, looked at Lin Yu with a shocked expression, and said, “What’s going on?” What did you do? Why did they all pass out? ”

How does she not know domineering?

Lin Yu thought with some doubts, but then he suddenly laughed again, and then picked up the glass of wine before and handed it to Robin: “You don’t care what I did, in short, I have done what you asked me to do, and now I should be able to fulfill my previous promise, right?” ”

“Nope… You don’t understand… You don’t know who you just offended, they… They are not an ordinary navy, but a navy subordinate to CP9! CP9… They’re coming soon, so get out of here as soon as possible if you want to stay alive! ”

Robin looked at Lin Yudao with a solemn expression.


When Xia Qi heard this, she immediately glanced at Robin again, and then said, “Little girl, you are really amazing!” It can actually make CP9 shoot! ”

When the other pirates heard this, their faces also changed in vain, and then they came to the bar to settle the bill, and then left in a hurry, and in a short time, only Xia Qi, Lin Yu, Robin and Qiao Ya were left in the entire bar.

“Why aren’t you leaving?”

Seeing that everyone left, Lin Yu did not have the slightest intention of leaving, Robin asked again.

Lin Yu said dismissively: “Why leave?” What is CP9? If they dare to enter here and kill them directly, what is there to be afraid of, but you don’t want to regret the things we said before. ”

When Robin heard this, he was a little speechless for a while, although I don’t know what Lin Yu did to those navies before, but what Lin Yu said just now was really too arrogant, he actually wanted to kill CP9, you must know that CP9 is a secret spy agency directly under the world government! The strong are like clouds, how can he kill alone!

“What’s going on? What the hell is going on here? Why did these guys all faint? ”

Then, just as Robin was about to leave, a somewhat surprised voice sounded again, and with the sound of this sound, Robin’s body suddenly trembled, because it was no one else who spoke, it was Spandam, the chief of CP9!

“It’s over… No one can leave now…”

After muttering these words, Robin sat down on the chair weakly, because she knew in her heart that Spandam could never come alone, and all the members of CP9 must have come here with him!

The Chambord Islands are a dangerous place, Robin already knew before he came, but for a stone tablet of ancient history that appeared in the Chambord Islands, she still ventured here, originally thinking that she would not be discovered as long as she did something low-key, but now it seems that she still underestimated the detection ability of CP9, and on the first day she came here, she was actually discovered by them!

After decades of hiding, is it really going to be arrested here?

Robin thought with some bitterness in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, a glass of wine suddenly appeared in front of her again.

“Didn’t I say I don’t drink it?”

Robin raised his head and looked at Lin Yu with tears in his eyes and said.

“Drink it!” Lin Yu said calmly: “After drinking this wine, you are my woman, in this world, no one can bully you anymore!” ”

Hearing this, Robin glanced at Lin Yu again, but what she saw in Lin Yu’s eyes was only confidence, or rather, absolute confidence, and it was this confidence that actually moved her heart, which had long been full of betrayal and deception.

“I’m afraid of you!”

Helplessly shook his head at Lin Yu, Robin took the wine in Lin Yu’s hand, and then drank it all!

Seeing this, Lin Yu laughed.

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