Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another month passes.

At this time, the back mountain has become a small base for Luo Ya and Gu Yina, and in this month, Luo Ya has arranged this open space in the back mountain a little, added a few dummys, built a few small sheds for rest and other cultivation facilities, and also carved out a special competition venue.

At this moment, on the field, Roya and Guyna are fighting, mainly Guya is attacking and Roya is defending.

After this month's conscious feeding of Luo Ya, Gu Yina's sword art grew rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It is not far from rising to LV5.

And after this month's cultivation, Luo Ya's progress has been even greater.

[Host: Roya

Age: 12

Talent: Sword Art Talent A, Physical Fitness Talent A;

Abilities: Sword Art LV7 (3268/5000); Physique LV6 (1020/3500); Cooking LV3 (100/500).

Experience: 23000].

After these months of training, with the free experience he has accumulated, Luo Ya has successfully broken through his swordsmanship talent and physique talent to the A level, and has also accumulated more than 20,000 experience points, and the harvest is gratifying.

The sword art has been upgraded to lv7, the physique has also been upgraded to lv6, and even the cooking skills have been slightly improved.

With today's two A-tier talents, Roa can gain 100 free experience points in a single workout.

It looks like a lot, but in fact it doesn't bother at all.

And after the talent is upgraded to the A level, if you want to advance again, you need 100,000 experience, looking at the series of zeros behind, Luo Ya is a little dizzy.

"Forget it, the ship will naturally be straight to the bridge, and when the time comes, go to sea to find it, maybe there will be other sources of experience points."

As for the use of the remaining experience, Roa already had a plan.

Now that the physique has reached LV6, it is time to learn domineering.

Seeing that the time had reached noon, the two stopped practicing and returned to the Taoist Hall.

After lunch, Roya found Koshiro and directly expressed his intentions.

"You're going to learn to be domineering, where did you hear about it?" For Luo Ya's intentions, Koshiro was very surprised, but he did not expect that Luo Ya, a 12-year-old child, also knew domineering.

And in fact, he also wanted to pass this to Luo Ya after a while, after all, greedy and chewy, originally he planned to wait for Luo Ya's sword skill improvement to reach the bottleneck, and then teach this out.

"Before I came to the Kendo Hall, I overheard a pirate say, he said that many strong people on the Great Passage will be domineering, but I don't know what this is." Roa explained.

Listening to Roya's words, Koshiro did not suspect that in a place like the East China Sea, domineering is a rare thing, but everyone knows when it comes to the Great Passage, and if that pirate has been to the Great Channel, it is not surprising to know this.

"Since you know, I'll tell you about it."

Coming to the courtyard, Koshiro holds a bamboo sword and demonstrates the domineering use to Roya.

"Look closely." With Koshiro's voice, I saw that his hand holding the sword suddenly became pitch black as ink, and then those black substances climbed up along the hilt of the sword as if they were alive, and instantly covered the entire sword body.

Then, Koshiro slashed the pitch-black bamboo sword at the scarecrow in front of him.

Go for it!

The special scarecrow was directly cut into two sections and fell to the ground, and the fracture was extremely smooth, as if it had been cut by a sharp blade.

"How is that possible?" Luo Ya said in surprise, "It is obviously a bamboo sword, how can it be possible to cause this slashing effect, is it because of that pitch-black substance?" "

Looking at the surprised Roya, Koshiro's mouth also brought a hint of a smile, very satisfied with Roya's reaction.

After all, this apprentice is too good, and the pressure to be a master is also great!!

In just a few months, Roya almost didn't hollow out his old bottom.

Now I have finally regained a little of the majesty of being a master!!

"Is this domineering?"

Luo Ya held the bamboo sword, silently looking for the feeling of Koshiro just now out of the sword.

"This is armed color domineering that strengthens defenses and attacks. Of course, if you want to train to the realm of being a teacher, it will take several years. Koshiro's words were a little proud, and his eyes narrowed behind his glasses.

This apprentice's swordsmanship talent is jealous, and domineering, it is impossible to be so against the sky!

Looking at Luo Ya, who was feeling it on the side, Koshiro continued in the tone of a person who came over, "Domineering practice is not something that can be learned overnight, so you need to be mentally prepared..."

However, before the words were finished, an uncertain voice sounded in his ears.

"Domineering, is it difficult?"

What the? Koshiro looked for prestige, and almost didn't glare his eyes out.

"Is that so?" Luo Ya said with some uncertainty, and the bamboo sword in his right hand was covered with a layer of pitch black at the moment, as if it was plated with black paint.

"This? .... How can it be! Looking at the domineering aura that appeared in Luo Ya's hands, Koshiro instantly lost his mind, his mouth was wide open, and he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time.

Watching Koshiro break the gong in an instant, Luo Ya's eyes flashed a trace of urgency, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned, this forced mood is comfortable!

Who could have imagined that Koshiro, a kendo grandmaster, had such a funny expression after his gaffe, and if it weren't for the great increase in Luo Ya's strength these days, he would definitely laugh.

Koshiro just calculated it, and with Luo's current strength, he smoothly captured the skill of armed color domineering.

The skill then appears in the properties panel, and then there is no more.

A rush of brains!

Bite! Bite! Bite!

Roa directly promoted him to LV6, and sure enough, the effect was barbaric!

"Ahem!" After realizing that he had gaffed, Koshiro coughed lightly to hide his embarrassment.

After passing on his domineering qualities to Luo Ya and instructing him to cultivate well, Koshiro turned around and left quickly.

If you don't convince, you can't do it!

The domineering that he only mastered in two years was now mastered in Luo Ya's hands in just a while, which was really shocking.



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