Just now, it was just temptation, and this time...

The pitch-black armed color domineering wrapped around Karp's fist, and then his arm was bent, and it was another powerful punch.

The pitch-black shiny fist smashed towards Luo Ya like a cannonball.

Looking at the teenager in front of him, Karp recognized it at a glance.

He had read Roya's newspaper at Eric before, but when he went to visit, Roya was not there.

For this figure that his friends admire in every way, he is curious and tight.

Unexpectedly, he just chased a little furry thief, and there was actually an unexpected gain, and Karp was happy in his heart.

Suddenly a tentative mind arose.

"Hahaha! Young man, show some strength, otherwise you will be beaten by the old man. "


With Karp's kind reminder, it directly bombarded over.

Luo Ya looked at Karp in front of him, and knew that he was going to be real.

The one in front of him seemed to know himself, and Luo Ya did not feel malice in him.

But no matter what, a fight is now indispensable.

It just so happens that since he went to sea, he has not moved with all his strength, and now he has a ready-made opponent who can loosen his bones.

As soon as his mind moved, the armed color domineering instantly wrapped his arm, and then spread up along the hilt, and the blade was dyed black and shiny, exuding a cold light.

Seeing the domineering, he was also driven to the maximum by Luo Ya.

"As you wish." Roya had a cautious look on his face.

The dragon slashing in his hand slashed out, slicing through a mysterious trajectory, just slashing at Karp's fist.


Time seems to be paused, the surrounding space jerks sluggishly, and the next second it is like pressing a shortcut key.

I saw that the feet of the two people exploded violently, invisible ripples spread, and the violent shock lifted the wooden planks on the deck piece by piece, spreading out to the periphery in a circular shape.

The sword qi and fist power that spilled out were wreaking havoc, and deep furrows spread throughout the deck.

"Oh! ...."

"Boom! ..."

The two are constantly colliding, punching shadows, chopping strikes. Falling to the surface of the sea at will is like pulling off a piece on a blue canvas, revealing the bottom of the black hole.

The sea is roaring, constantly tumbling, and the huge wall of waves that rolls up continues to spread around.

Feeling the amazing force coming from the opposite fist, Luo Ya felt that his qi and blood were surging with shock.

"Very good attack, but the strength is still slightly better than the old man." Karp grinned, and the force in his hand instantly flicked Roya out.

With this counterforce, Luo Ya stepped back. The dragon slasher in his hand retracted into its scabbard.

"Yes, how about trying this trick."

One knife flow, pull the knife and chop!

Cold light flashed!

The huge half-moon-shaped slash shot out and slashed straight towards the strong figure in the field.

Karp's face was rare with a positive color, the ink on his hand was half a point rich, and looking at the incoming slash, his right hand suddenly burst out.

"Iron Fist!"


The attacks of the two suddenly collided together, bursting apart, and the ship finally could not withstand the destruction of the two and was completely shattered.

The ships are sinking!

After a while, only a few planks remained floating on the water.

Not far away, the naval soldiers on the warship almost didn't open their eyes when they saw this scene.

"That's a naval hero, Karp!"

As subordinates, they clearly knew how powerful this old boss really was.

Even if they don't exert their full strength, they can't be taken by ordinary people.

Everyone looked at Roya in the distance, standing on the sea and confronting Karp, this seems to be underage!

It's already so terrifying, and it's got to grow up.

Karp looked at Roa not far away, and there was an incredible look in the depths of his eyes.

What the hell is this!

Even the elite of the Navy headquarters is not comparable to the one in front of him.

Even if you start exercising in the womb, this effect is too exaggerated.

Karp suddenly thought of Eric's old man, and when he first learned about Roa from his mouth, he still felt that it was a little exaggerated.

Now it seems that it is still said on the conservative side.

Unexpectedly, Eric's eyes were really as vicious as ever.

Seeing that Roya on the opposite side was about to attack, Karp waved his hand.

"Aha! Don't fight, you kid is really a demon. "After a short exchange, Karp's purpose has been achieved.

"Oh! You seem to know me. Luo Ya withdrew the dragon sword into its scabbard and asked with a little curiosity.

"Eric, that old guy mentioned you to me." Karp said.

Roa nodded, no wonder this one attacked as soon as he came up, with Karp's character, all this was really done.

"It's really unpleasant, though."

After all, it is an inexplicable attack, and it is a person who has mustard in his heart.

Karp on the opposite side seemed to sense Luo Ya's unhappiness and directly apologized.

"I'm really sorry just now, I made a move without asking you, and the old man made amends to you." Karp is very single.

Then out of nowhere, he felt out a package of senbei, "I'm sorry, how about the old man ask you to eat senbei." "

Looking at Kapu, who was eating senbei while clasping his nostrils, the corners of Roya's mouth twitched, 'You better enjoy it slowly.' ’

"Aha!" Karp smiled pitifully.

There was a hint of scrutiny in his gaze towards Roya, and his eyes were rolling, as if he was thinking of something.

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