"We used oversized slingshots to throw ourselves into the air and escape!"

Usopp was able to complete a story, and looking at the happy smile on Kaya's face, he felt that all the effort was worth it.

As he listened, Koyade's expression slowly changed from joy to dismay, and he pointed behind Usopp and said,

"That... Is that? "


Usopp was puzzled and turned his head to look behind him.

I saw several figures, quickly taking off from outside the wall, and smashed from the air like a parabola.

"Yo roar~

" Bang ——

" Cheng: Successful landing

" "No"

Nami leaned against Luffy and slammed his head hard and yelled.

"You guys: You okay? Usopp

saw a few people, it was Luffy who knew his father, and suddenly looked a little weak, seeing Keya looking down on the windowsill, he hurriedly explained

: "It's okay, it's okay, they heard my deeds and came to me from afar, and the new members of the Usopp Pirates Group

" Hearing Usopp's words, everyone stood up, chuckled and said to Kaya:

"We are not, we want to ask Miss Koya to help come ~"

Koya asked suspiciously,


"Hmm~ we need a big ship......,"

as he was talking, he saw a man in a suit walking out of the villa at this time, and slowly said to everyone:

"You little ghosts, how can you break in without permission?"

"That... Krabatel, they: They are my guests," Koya hurriedly explained.

"Reason to say it later, for the uninvited people, please don't disturb our Miss Koya to rest, please leave here now

" Without waiting for Koya to continue speaking, named Krabatelle, he coldly continued to ask everyone:

"Or do you have any intentions?"

"That: We need a big ship," Luffy said straight back.

"No, is there really an attempt?"

Krabatel directly refused, and then pointed the spearhead at Usopp on the tree:

"Usopp, I have always heard about you, but you are just the son of a third-rate pirate, and you are not allowed to approach our young lady in the future

" "Krabatle, don't say that about Usopp."

"Why am I wrong? His father is just a third-rate pirate who abandoned his family!

Usopp gritted his teeth, took his flying claws from his hanging bag and hung them on the branches, and jumped down.

"You are not allowed to say that about my father!"

"Why are you so excited, shouldn't you continue to lie at this time? For example, he was a merchant, or he was not related by blood. Looking

at the people talking in front of him, Usopp only felt a wave of anger rush to his forehead, raised his fist, and knocked Krabatel to the ground with a punch.

I saw Krabattel's face calm, slowly stood up and continued:

"Look, I love to use violence, and it's really a mountain of raccoon

" "Shut up, I've always been proud that my father is a pirate, I am proud that he is a brave sea warrior, you are right, I love to brag, but I am proud of shedding pirates' blood, this is not fake, I am a pirate son"

Impulsively, Usopp ignored everyone who looked at him, He faced himself directly, and slowly said the truest emotions in his heart in the most simple words.

"Pirates are pirates, you are the best proof of their barbaric blood, but they are bragging everywhere, they love to use violence all their lives, and the most hateful thing is to approach the young lady for property

" "What are you talking about.. I didn't.."

"Just now your companion has already explained, and it is enough to have your father be a pirate!"

"You still dare to say it!"

Usopp grabbed Krabatel by the collar and raised his fist to swing it again, when Window Dekoya hurriedly stopped it.

"Usopp, stop using violence, Krabatel is not a bad person, he.. He just went too far for me, no.. Don't fight anymore"

Listening to Koyade's words, Usopp clenched his teeth, and although he was angry, he still lowered his fist.

"Let me go, don't go near this house again"

Seeing Usopp calm down, Krabattel's face was gloomy, and he coldly ordered the eviction of everyone.

"Needless to say, I will leave too, I will not come back"

Koya watched Usopp grit his teeth and slowly walk towards the outside of the courtyard with a low face, his eyes full of tears that he could no longer control and slowly slipped down his cheeks.

The three little guys shared the same hatred, and after the captain's father was insulted, he immediately jumped out

, "Mixed account butler, the captain is not such a person, mixed account

" "Baga! ~"

Doyle looked at Luffy with an excited expression and roared with the three imps, grabbed him, and said out to everyone.

"Let's go too

" ---

"I'll go see the guy"

Everyone walked down the country road, Luffy looked at Usopp who was running farther and farther, and hurriedly followed.

"Let him go, after all, there is also our relationship"

Doyle and the others stopped, looking at Luffy who was walking away, speechless.

Usopp on the cliff on the shore ------

sat by the tree, looking at the endless sea, quietly distracted.

"Yo~ So you're here"

Luffy suddenly walked out from behind him, and sat casually on the side, also looking at the sea.

"It's you, that guy just now actually insulted my father!"

"Ah~ I hate that guy too, no matter who says, Jesus Bu is an excellent pirate!"

"That's it!"

Hearing Luffy's praise, Usopp stood up and said with a serious expression

, "My father who still insisted on his ideal of going to sea in the era of pirates, I am really proud of him, but that guy actually trampled on my pride

" "I definitely can't spare him... That butler... He.. How did he get here?

Luffy stuck his head out and followed Usopp's gaze to look down, only to see Krabattel, whom he had seen in the villa before, and a strange man walking backwards, slowly stopping at the bottom of the cliff.

"Hey! Zango, the plans are all arranged, right!?

"Of course, we can act at any time, as long as we give an order, we will rush into the village to create the illusion of attacking the village, and then go to the villa to assassinate Miss Keya!"

I saw that the person facing Krabattel was wearing a bowler hat, a pair of heart-shaped glasses, and a suit, and his face was calm at the moment.

"Don't use such ugly words as assassination, and the problem is not to kill her, let Miss Keya just suffer misfortune and die accidentally, but don't make a mistake

" "Anyway, tomorrow morning we will start attacking, and then solve Miss Keya, and then let you inherit the property!"

"Idiot, I'm just an outsider and how to inherit, you have to hypnotize her with your hypnosis, let her write down all the property to the steward of Krabattel

" "In this way, I can naturally inherit that huge property, for this purpose I have been a housekeeper here for three years, don't make a mistake for me

" "Yes~.. Be~... After all, you were mine before.." Listening

to the conversation between the two under the cliff, Usopp muttered with disbelief,

"Actually... It's really bad to hear such a terrible thing, they are serious

" "Obviously.. It is clear that he was not arrested and executed by the navy three years ago, is it all planned, since three years ago, he wanted to seize the property of the Keya family, so, Keya: . Koya will be in danger

" Luffy listened to Usopp's muttering, stood up straight and shouted at the two people under the cliff, "Hey,

you two don't want to kill Miss

" "Huh?"

This immediately attracted the attention of the two people under the cliff.

"Ah, isn't this Usopp and his companions? I should have heard it, Zango, you solve them"

Usopp panicked and immediately fell to the ground in fright.

"There's no way,"

the man named Zangao said as he took out a circle from his arms and swung it against the cliff.

"Hey, look at this circle carefully, 1, 2, you will want to sleep after Zangao, look good!"

"1,2, Zango

" "Nani?"

At the critical moment, Usopp's timidity saved him, and he fell on the ground because of fear and just escaped hypnosis.

Only Luffy looked at the circle quietly, and he felt that the trajectory of the swing seemed to be imprinted in his head, his eyes became heavier and heavier, and sleepiness gradually filled his brain, until he could no longer hold on and fell from the cliff.

Boom, planted directly in front of Zango.

"There's one left, do you want to solve it?" Zangao looked at Usopp and asked Chloe.

"No need, no one will believe anything he says anyway

" "Just tomorrow morning, Zangao, attack at dawn, I will wait for you in Zhuangzi"

Chloe held his glasses with his palm up, looking at Usopp sinisterly, his face full of disdain.

"Oh, Usopp, no matter what you hear, you can't stop my plan..."

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