What kind of medicine is in Ye Zhuo's gourd?

Cobra and the other two didn't understand.

Until they caught up with Ye Zhuo's camel team.

The former was moving towards the rainy land unswervingly, without any explanation to them.

Weiwei was protected by Cobra and Ikalem in the middle.

Staring at Ye Zhuo, they caught up with the camels.

"Are you going to put us under house arrest?"

"Are you not coming out now? How did I put you under house arrest?"

Ye Zhuo felt that Wei Wei was unreasonable and had no logical thinking.


Vivi blushed and asked,"Where are you going? Is it your conspiracy to seize our Alabasta?""

"Conspiracy? Didn't I rob it openly?

How did it become a conspiracy?

You insulted my profession. I'm not a strategist, I'm a pirate!"

Ye Zhuo handed the map to the empress.

"Go all out, Yudi!"

The empress glared at the slowly walking camel.

The camel suddenly sped up.

"Rainy land? What are you doing there?"

"What is your relationship with me? Are you the ship's doctor?"

Ye Zhuo glanced at Wei Wei.

"We have no relationship"

"Then you have no right to know what I am going to do."

This sentence made Weiwei stunned.

She saw Ye Zhuo and others hurrying on their way, so she had to follow them.

Today, she had to see what Ye Zhuo was up to.

The camel was walking very fast, much faster than usual, and it arrived at the rainy land in just half a day.

"It's pretty good here, but it's too hot. It would be nice if there was a natural lake."

Ye Zhuo immediately felt that the magic of water was a good thing.

He would have to open a water park in Alabasta in the future.

Rainy land.

Alabasta has been in a drought for several years.

When Ye Zhuo arrived here, he didn't expect that a water park had been built here.

Life here is pretty good.

"Didn't you say that Alabasta had been suffering from drought for many years? Why is there a sign of rain here?"

Ye Zhuo remembered that except for the capital, Alabasta had not seen rain for three years.

Crocodile drove away the pirates as a hero.

And it was said that the reason why it only rained in the capital was because King Cobra used dancing powder.

"There is no rain in most areas, but the rainy area is special."

Weiwei said calmly.


Ye Zhuo paused.

He sorted out the timeline. Now it is still four years away from 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

That is to say, the three-year drought has not yet begun.

It's just that Alabasta is prone to drought.

Before Crocodile completely succeeds in his layout, there is no real drought in all areas.

"I came too early. Crocodile is still a hero in name only."

Crocodile returned to the Grand Line a year ago and became the hero who saved Alabasta. He became a Shichibukai only a few months ago.

After all the timelines were sorted out, Ye Zhuo was helpless.

The timeline he came was really embarrassing.

"No matter what, I am the Demon King."

Ye Zhuo waved his hand, and all the crew members took action and defeated all of Crocodile's subordinates.

Crocodile is the hero of Alabasta.

But his Baroque Studio has no idea who his boss is.

Except for Robin, Crocodile has been hiding his identity.


Ye Zhuo shouted.

All Crocodile's plans were disrupted.

From the time he landed in Alabasta, occupied the capital, to the time he arrived in the rainy land.

Crocodile hiding here was already furious.

His plan had just begun! He became a hero, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.

The next step was to use the dancing powder to seize Alabasta, and then let Robin find the secret place of the royal family and find Pluto!

All the plans were so perfect. But

Ye Zhuo suddenly appeared and directly occupied Alabasta.

How could he continue with his next plan?

The wind and sand condensed into a solid.

Crocodile, with a look of despair on his face, stared at Ye Zhuo as if he was looking at a dead person.

"How do you know I'm here?"

"I know the Haki of Observation."

Ye Zhuo didn't even blush when he was talking nonsense.

"Your observation Haki can detect me hiding in the underground secret room far away in the rainy land from the moment I set foot on the port?"

Sand Crocodile cursed

"Sorry, I'll take over Alabasta."

Ye Zhuo also felt sorry for Crocodile.

But pirates have always been robbing each other.

"You are such a reckless guy, you don't even use your brain to think. Occupying Alabasta means becoming the enemy of the world government!"

Crocodile wanted to kill Ye Zhuo.

"I am already their enemy."

Ye Zhuo answered honestly.

As he spoke, he had already used the chicken spell to control all the water in the rainy land.

Seeing this scene, Crocodile could no longer bear it.

"I heard that your devil fruit can copy various fruit abilities?"

"No, I didn't eat the devil fruit."

Ye Zhuo said the truth. He didn't want to hurt Crocodile again.

"You're talking nonsense!"

Crocodile's arm turned into flying sand. He was fed up with Ye Zhuo who lied with his eyes open.

"Desert knife!"

"Desert Water Blade!"

Ye Zhuo was too lazy to name it, he was really not good at it.

The water in the rain field was controlled in his hands, and he casually swung it to cover the armed color domineering, and slashed through.

"You stole my moves!"

Crocodile was so angry that he felt dizzy.

"Oh, then I know another one."

Ye Zhuo imitated Kizaru's movements and stood in mid-air.

All the water gathered around him and spun at high speed.

The water blade covered with the Armament Haki was extremely sharp.

"Eight-foot-tall jade hook water!"

"I'm going to kill you!"

Crocodile couldn't stand it any longer. This was Kizaru's famous move.

Ye Zhuo copied and pasted it completely, and only changed one word.


Ye Zhuo punched out, hitting Crocodile in the abdomen.

The two-color domineering aura was entangled, and the power was so terrifying.


Crocodile���Er vomited a mouthful of black blood.

Is he so weak?

He couldn't bear this punch.

Not only was there a domineering aura, but there was also flames wrapped around his fist, forming a flaming dog head.

""Hell Dog!"

Ye Zhuo said the last word.

A pillar of fire suddenly burst out from Crocodile's back.

He coughed dryly and fell to the ground completely powerless.

"You are indeed a clone who ate the replica fruit!"

"Crocodile, you talk too much."

Ye Zhuo walked past him.

Crocodile turned into a crocodile with rolled eyes!

Monkey spell, always works.


Water fell from the sky without Ye Zhuo's control.

Cobra couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw this scene.

Ye Zhuo strode forward in the rain.

At first, he was going to grow white jade hands, but his domineering power was too strong and failed.

Then many hands began to grow under his feet to try to stop him.

Robin, the son of the devil, walked out of the dark alley. She could no longer hide.

Ye Zhuo locked onto her as soon as he got rid of Crocodile.

"I can work with you and tell you some secrets that any pirate wants to know."

Robin said, she must not die here.

"I have a request."

Ye Zhuo looked at her, which made Robin a little nervous.

"You can ask."

She has been running away for many years and has long been accustomed to it.

"Robin, be my masseur!"

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