The two sides of the river are still in the same place.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru intends to visit Kuri, but it takes time to prepare.

There are many etiquettes for formal visits between daimyo. Since he is going to go, he cannot go empty-handed, and it is best to inform the other party in advance by letter.

If the daimyo who are familiar with each other visit privately, it will not be so troublesome.

If he visits the Shimotsuki Yasushi family, he may suddenly remember it one day, pack up and set off.

It is really a troublesome thing for him to prepare a gift for the daimyo of Kuri. Kuri's current economy has come from behind and has long surpassed places like Suzugo and Hime. It is difficult to prepare a gift that the other party likes.

The key is that Suzugo seems to have nothing worthy of praise.

If I have to say the same thing, it is weapons.

There is a very special place in Linghou, that is the North Cemetery. The North Cemetery is where countless samurai are buried after death. After these samurai die, their bodies will be buried in the frozen soil, and the swords they have worn for a lifetime will also be left here, and the blades seem to have become their tombstones.

Over time, the North Cemetery has become a real mountain of swords.

The quality of these samurai swords varies. The best sword among them is the black sword Qiushui, which is called the "national treasure" of Wano Country!

Qiushui is now enshrined in the Sword God Temple in the North Cemetery. The samurai of Wano Country who left the legend of slaying dragons, Shimotsuki Ryoma, is the existence that is worshipped as the sword god in this country.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru naturally could not give away such a treasure. In fact, the swords in the North Cemetery must not be moved. These swords carry the honor and disgrace of the deceased owner's life, and the souls of the deceased should not be easily disturbed.

Fortunately, this is not a problem, and forging swords is also a common thing for him.

However, there are too many skilled craftsmen in Wano Country. Although there is only one person who has successfully forged a large sword, Kozuki Sukiyaki, there are still two or three people in the country who are capable of forging a good sword. Even if there are none, it is not difficult to buy a good sword handed down from the past.

I heard that when the Daimyo of Kuri visited the general not long ago, the general gave him a magic sword.

"I'm afraid that ordinary swords will hardly catch the eyes of the Daimyo of Kuri." Shimotsuki Ushimaru sighed. The value of a good sword is probably several platinums. This money is a huge sum for ordinary samurai, but it is simply a small amount for the wealthy Kuri now.

Maybe the current Daimyo of Kuri has a collection of many good swords.

I heard that when the Daimyo of Kuri visited the general before, he brought gifts worth a total of ten thousand gold. In comparison, the value of a magic sword given by the general is not even one-tenth of these gifts.

Actually, this can't be completely blamed on Sukiyaki's stinginess. It's just that Xia Lin's gift was too generous, so Sukiyaki didn't have time to prepare a commensurate gift. The value of the second generation of Kitetsu is not cheap, but after all, it was handed down from his ancestors. For Sukiyaki, the meaning of the sword itself is greater than its true value.

After thinking about it, Shimotsuki Ushimaru still wanted to try whether he could forge a real big sword with his own strength and the power of Suzuki.

In history, those who can forge big swords are enough to be recorded in the annals of history. Shimotsuki Ushimaru has forged several swords before, and he can be regarded as a good craftsman.

But his level is still far from forging a big sword.

Moreover, forging a good sword is not something that can be completed in a short time. In addition to the trial and error in the early stage, Shimotsuki Ushimaru felt that if he could succeed within ten years, it would be very good.

It is more likely that he will not be able to forge a big sword until the end of his life.

If the big sword could be made so easily, the number of big swords in the world would not be so rare.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru immediately ordered his servants to prepare the materials for forging the sword. Unlike the island country where Xia Lin lived a good life in his previous life, the mineral resources in the land of Wano Country are not barren. On the contrary, the mineral resources of this country are very rich.

Not only are there abundant seastone minerals, but some rare metals are also widely distributed in this country.

High-level forging skills, coupled with high-quality raw materials, this is why the weapons forged in Wano Country can become the best weapons in the pirate world.

Shimotsuki Ushimaru started to try to forge a big sword here, but

Xia Lin's need for a knife was not very urgent. For him, no matter what kind of knife it was, even if it was just a stick, as long as the strength of the domineering power was enough, it could become indestructible.

This is why many pirates in the New World held knives that were not famous swords, but would not break in the collision with famous swords.

In addition, the energy attached to the sword of Ame-Kume-no-Kume made the sword not very necessary for him. However, a good knife can indeed enhance the strength of a swordsman.

And the feel of a good knife in the hand is completely different.



At night, the wind and snow blew again in Linghou. Several warriors wrapped in thick clothes shrunk their heads into their clothes, exhaled white hot air, and squeezed into a room together.

"Hua La——" After reaching out to close the shoji door, the noisy wind outside seemed to be isolated.

One of them took off his hat and raincoat, shook off the snow on his body, and then bent down to light a fire. The room suddenly became bright, and the flames drove away the cold air from the outside.

Several people placed their knives at their feet and sat down.

The owner of the room poured some hot tea.

"What do you think our daimyo is thinking? He actually wants us to work in the fields!"

After warming up his stiff body with tea and fire, one of them said dissatisfiedly.

In fact, the group of people sitting here now are the leaders of the famous underworld forces in Linghou. They are underworld, but also samurai, and they have a close relationship with the daimyo.

"You've lost your mind." One of them sneered, "The daimyo is so high up, we samurai may not be taken seriously by him."

"You can't say that. Lord Niu Wan is still very good. He used to treat us without interfering with us. And we are convinced of his strength. I think the problem is still with Jiuli. The samurai over there are simply a disgrace and set a bad example."

"Jiuri? Where are the samurai in Jiuli? They are just slaves of the daimyo Jiuli." One of them laughed.

In fact, this sentence is not wrong. Those people have become Xia Lin's slaves in a sense, and they are a kind of submission from the physical and mental level.

"We must let our daimyo see the consequences of doing this!"

The sinister expressions of these people were looming in the dancing flames.

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