The Battle of Punk Hasa shocked the world, and the news of the two emperors’ fierce battle with the navy’s most powerful general, Lei Ming, dominated the headlines for a whole month.

The peak battle lasted for three days and three nights, and the final moves of both sides split the sky in half.

After the war, people came to Punk Hasa Island one after another, and they all took a breath of air.

Because the entire Punkhasa Island disappeared unexpectedly, collapsing and annihilating under the final collision between the two sides.

The news immediately spread throughout the world, fear arose in various countries, and such terrifying destructive power was like destroying the world.

Only a few people know the final outcome of this battle, including Yonko Red Hair, Blackbeard Teach, Vice Admiral Smoker, Admiral Fujitora, and Navy Hero Garp.

After the war, Morgans personally visited Hongfa to see the outcome. Hongfa did not give an answer, but said this evaluation of Li Yi.

“Admiral Li Yi can suppress the Four Emperors by himself!”

As soon as these words came out, all the powerful people in the sea were shocked. Who is the red-haired Shanks? He was the most domineering and domineering among the four emperors.

Although the outcome of this battle was not stated, this evaluation of Li Yi actually explained the outcome.

After hearing this, Morgans immediately wrote a manuscript and published it, and gave Li Yi the title of “Thunder Emperor”, calling the battle of Punk Hasa the “Battle of Two Emperors and One Emperor.”

The name of the Thunder Emperor spread throughout the sea and shocked the world. The pirates’ expressions changed upon hearing this, and the power of the navy increased greatly.

It has been a month since the battle between the two emperors, in the admiral’s residence at the new navy headquarters.

Li Yi was having a friendly dance physical exchange with Violet. The passionate dance made the two people’s souls and bodies blend with each other.

Violet, who was conquered by Li Yi, sang charming songs one after another, making people excited and unable to stop.

After the passion, Violet lay down tiredly, with a trace of fragrant sweat in his black hair, and a moving red aftertaste on his face with blurred eyes.

Violet: “How is Mr. Li Yi?”

Li Yi: “The beautiful Violet is so irresistible!”

Violet: “It is my honor to be with the world-famous Thunder Emperor!”

Violet kissed Li Yi passionately on the face. Now Violet has pinned her only hope of returning to the country on Li Yi.

A strong man who can suppress the Four Emperors can definitely defeat Doflamingo.

With the support of the Thunder Emperor and the navy behind him, Violet is confident that she can take back Dressrosa.

The Thunder Emperor’s claws grasped the sun, moon and stars of the girl in his arms, admiring the girl’s adoring eyes.

Fighting hard in the world of pirates is not just for the enjoyment of this moment.

Since the Battle of the Two Emperors and One Emperor in Punkhasa, Li Yi has been ordered by Wulaoxing to sit at the naval headquarters.

In fact, even if they are banned, the Five Old Stars are also afraid that there will be an emperor-level war at every turn, causing the world structure to change at any time.

In the eyes of Wulaoxing, Li Yi already has nuclear bomb-level combat power and would not use it unless absolutely necessary.

The young Li Yi now lived the life that Huang Yuan dreamed of, clocking in and getting off work at the same time.

Since Peach Rabbit went to the Holy Land of Maria to protect the Celestial Dragons, the lonely and bored Li Yi could only dance with Violet every day to communicate.

That day on Punkhasa Island, Li Yi almost killed Kaido and Big Mom, the two-king duo.

Just when he was about to make up for the last blow, the red-haired pirate appeared with his own BGM, along with all the cadres of the red-haired pirate group.

After activating the Divine Breath, Li Yi’s physical strength had actually dropped by half.

The Breath of God is a special breathing method for the awakened Thunder Emperor. During the breath, he gathers the power of heaven and earth in his body for his own use.

But even in Li Yi’s Thunder Emperor state, just one move consumed most of his physical strength.

In the end, he was repulsed by Red Hair’s divine dodge move, and Red Hair took the opportunity to rescue Kaido and Big Mom, ending the battle.

Although Doflamingo’s affair with Caesar was exposed, the world has not deprived him of his Shichibukai identity.

However, the Five Old Stars also gave Doflamingo a hard blow and sent Fujitora to patrol the waters near Dressrosa all day long.

As a result, Doflamingo’s arms business couldn’t continue, and he lost more than one billion Baileys in a month.

“You have a good rest, I’ll go check on Cyrus and the others!”

After kissing Violet’s forehead, Li Yi came to a training base at the Navy Headquarters.

This is the special training base for the Blade Team, and two figures are fighting fiercely in the base.

“Dang Dang Dang Dang”

The sound of swords clashing was endless, the green sword light was flying like a whirlwind, and the slashes were like wind blades attacking the swordsman holding the long sword.

However, facing the intensive wind blade attack, the strong man holding a long sword swept across with both hands.

The power erupted from the long sword swept across all wind blade attacks, and then struck out a


Messia: “Cyrus, your strength has improved a lot in just a few days.”

Cyrus: “Thank you for this. Without your help, I would not have recovered my strength so quickly and taken further steps.”

After receiving training and Haki instruction from the Blade Team, Cyrus not only quickly recovered his strength but also learned Armament Haki, and his strength has reached the Shichibukai level.

“Pa pa pa pa pa pa pa!”

There was a burst of applause, and the two fighting men stopped their attacks, looked at Li Yi approaching and said respectfully: “Lord Li Yi!”

Li Yi: “Cyrus, you look in good condition. How about the prosthetic leg that Vegapunk made for you?”

Cyrus: “Very good, just like the real thing. Thank you very much, Mr. Li Yi, for your help.”

Li Yi: “Continue to work hard to improve your strength. To take back Dressrosa, you must have the strength to defeat Doflamingo!”

“Brother Li Yi, you came to see me!”

An exclamation sounded, and then a beautiful figure rushed into Li Yi’s arms.

Li Yi: “Wow, my figure has changed again in a short period of time. The girls in the One Piece world have developed so well!”

Feeling the majestic mountains carrying the girl, the Thunder Emperor’s claws were ready to move at this moment.

However, suddenly I felt a hint of murderous intent behind me, but it was Cyrus (▼へ▼メ)’s eyes that wanted to kill someone.

Li Yi immediately wiped his sweat. The ancients often said that the word “sex” is like a knife in the head. Sure enough, he didn’t bully me.

If you want to serve someone else’s baby cabbage in front of their old father, it doesn’t matter whether you are the Thunder Emperor or the Four Emperors.

Li Yi (─‿─): “I haven’t seen Rebecca for a few days, and you’ve gained weight again.”

Rebecca: “It’s fat there!”

Li Yi~(‾⌣‾~): “Of course it’s the most beautiful part. You have become a mature and charming lady!”

Rebecca (。・//ε//・。): “Brother Li Yi, how good are you!”

Li Yi: “How have you been practicing your swordsmanship recently?”

Rebecca: “Very good, Major General Messia also praised my rapid progress!”

Li Yi: “How about the water breathing practice I gave you? Have you integrated the breathing method into your back-water sword dance?”

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