“Kid, these attacks are so fancy, they won’t do me any harm at all!”

Kaido looked at Li Yi’s thousands of lightning weapons with disdain, but he was quite confident in his own defense against Kaido.

Li Yi→_→: “Zha Xiu, you seem to be very confident in your defense!”

Li Yi→_→: “Then try this trick of mine!”

“Treasure of Thunder!”

As he finished speaking, he waved his big hand, and thousands of weapons flew out from behind.

Looking at the weapons flying in the sky, Kaido didn’t even dodge, and the huge dragon rushed towards the weapon storm.


A lightning weapon shining with golden light pierced Qinglong’s body, and then burst out with dazzling light, then exploded like a bomb.

In an instant, Qinglong’s dragon scales exploded, and the destructive power of thunder and lightning exploded, raging through Kaido’s body. The hot thunder and lightning was destroying various organs.

Kaido suddenly felt a sharp pain, and his scalp felt numb as he looked at the thousands of lightning weapons flying towards him!

He wanted to dodge but found that there was no way to dodge. The huge body of the green dragon became a huge target in the air.

“Boom boom boom boom!”

Countless thunder and lightning weapons pierced Kaido’s huge blue dragon body, and a series of huge roars erupted.

The light of the explosion bloomed in the sky like fireworks, and Smoker and the Straw Hats below were stunned.

Usopp (꒪Д꒪): “Isn’t this human!”

Nami (/_\): “Be more confident and remove the yes!”

Sauron: “This is a showdown between the strongest men. It’s really exciting.”

Straw Hat Luffy: “That’s awesome, these guys are very strong, I want to defeat them all!”

Trafalgar Law→_→: “Where did you get the courage and confidence to challenge the three big guys in the sky!”

Suddenly a golden shadow flew quickly towards the sea from the sky.

Usopp: “It seems like something is flying towards us!”

After Nami heard Usopp’s words, she took out a telescope and took a look, and was almost scared to death.

Nami (=゚Д゚=): “There is a lightning weapon attack flying towards us!”

Usopp∑(;°Д°): “Nani!”

Chopper ∑(;°Д°): “I’m dying, help!”

Just when Trafalgar Law and Sauron were about to intercept it, the lightning weapon landed ten meters away from the Sonny.


The thunder and lightning weapon fell into the sea and exploded. The explosion of power caused a huge wave of 100 meters, and the resulting shock wave almost overturned the Sonny.

Trafalgar Law: “Get out of here quickly. The aftermath of their battle is too powerful, and the ship may be affected and destroyed.”

After Franky heard Trafalgar Law’s shout, he immediately took the helm and left Punk Hassan’s waters at full speed.

Smoker saw the Straw Hat Pirates’ pirate ship leaving at full speed, and immediately gave an order to follow. This kind of battle is indeed not something ordinary people can watch.

When the lightning weapon attack stopped, Kaido’s figure was revealed.

After a round of bombardment by thunder and lightning weapons, Kaido’s blue dragon body became miserable.

There was not a single good spot on his body, and he was completely charred, and the charred wounds were bleeding continuously, and the blood was falling into the sea like rain.

Aunt: “Is Kaido okay?”

Kaido: “Don’t worry, old lady, it’s just a skin injury, you won’t die yet!”

Aunt: “Then let’s go together!”


“Flame Jet!”

Auntie yelled and grabbed Prometheus, and a stream of blazing flames spurted out from Little Sun’s mouth towards Li Yi.

“You have such a small skill, but you dare to do the same thing!”

With a slight wave of the Seven-Star Sword in his hand, the jet of flames was cut open in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Li Yi’s body moved, and he appeared in front of Auntie like thunder, and the seven-star sword in his hand struck down on the head.


The Seven-Star Sword collided with Napoleon fiercely, and the two sword blades of different sizes were competing.

The aunt looked at Li Yi in shock. At this moment, the power coming from Napoleon suddenly increased again.

At this moment, Auntie felt like she was facing the ancient giant Oz, with the terrifying power of being able to move the island with her bare hands.

“Mom, this sword is so terrifying, I’m suppressed!”

The two swords collided and the Seven-Star Sword erupted with terrifying murderous intent. Under the murderous intent accumulated over thousands of years, Napoleon in Auntie’s hand trembled.

Napoleon is a Homitz created by Big Mom using her soul fruit ability and injecting her soul into it. He is an independent thinking individual who can feel everything.

Under the pressure of the Seven Star Sword, Napoleon’s sword actually had cracks.


Under the aunt’s shocked eyes, Napoleon actually broke off.

The Seven-Star Sword slashed down with one stroke, green lightning appeared on the blade, and it was easily broken.

Auntie’s body of steel.


Long scars appeared one after another, and blood spurted out.

The power erupted from the blade caused Big Mom to fall from Thunder Zeus in an instant. Fortunately, Kaido intercepted Big Mom in time.

Kaido: “The old woman is not dead, right?”

Auntie: “Why is that sword in that kid’s hand so terrifying?”

Auntie sat on the blue dragon and used the soul soul fruit ability to quickly heal her injuries.

At the same time, a large amount of souls were injected into the broken Napoleon and supplemented by the power of the soul. Napoleon’s broken sword quickly repaired itself and soon returned to its original appearance.

Auntie: “Come together, Kaido!”

Kaido: “Sit tight, old woman!”

The aunt was riding a blue dragon, holding Napoleon in both hands and waving continuously, slashing out huge sword energy.

At the same time, Kaido kept spitting out wind blades from his mouth, and for a while the sword energy and wind blades were flying all over the sky.

“The Breath of Thunder. The Shape of Nine. The Thunder Falling Meteor!”

The Thunder Breathing Technique was operating, and the thunder in the dark clouds in the sky condensed on the Seven Star Sword.

Countless thunderbolts flew out with a single swing of the sword, each one like a shooting star.


The attacks from both sides collided with a roaring sound, and each collision of wind blade sword energy erupted into a dazzling light, like a large fireworks display.

Garp and Fujitora, who were approaching the Punkhasa sea area, saw the scene of fighting in the sky from a distance.

Garp: “Wow, that kid is so fierce. He has been fighting Kaido and Lingling all by himself until now.”

Fujitora: “Mr. Karp, it seems that Mr. Li Yi is not at a disadvantage!”

Garp: “It seems our worries are unnecessary. That kid’s strength is too terrifying!”

“Report to General Fujitora that two ships have been spotted ahead.”

“One is Vice Admiral Smoker’s warship, and the other is the Straw Hat Pirates’ pirate ship.”

A naval soldier spotted a ship ahead and immediately reported it to Fujitora.

“Everyone is ready for battle, and the guns are aimed at the Straw Hat Pirates’ pirate ship!”

Fujitora immediately issued a battle order, and when the cannon was about to fire, Garp immediately stopped him and said, “Wait a minute, stop it!”

Garp pulled Fujitora to his side, put his arm around his shoulders and said, “Fujitora, please show some respect. My grandson Luffy is not a vicious pirate, so just let him go!”

Fujitora→_→: “Mr. Garp, I am a just admiral, how can I turn a blind eye to pirates!”

Karp( ̄▽ ̄)σ: “You can’t see it anyway!”


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