He jumped off the back of the Millennium Dragon King and landed firmly on the warship led by Smoker.

Smoker →_→ “You bastard, you finally gave up!”

Smog→_→: “I thought you were addicted to the gentle land of beauty and couldn’t extricate yourself!”

Li Yi╮(๑•́ ₃ •̀๑)╭: “I didn’t want to come, but the five old men from Mary Joan called me to urge me, so I came because I had no choice!”

Smoker(◎_◎;): “How dare you let the top leaders of the world government call to urge you, you are so awesome Bangras!”

Li Yiʅ( ‾⊖◝)ʃ: “In order to save trash like the Tianlong people, they even launched the Demon Slaying Order. What a waste of resources!”

Li Yi^-_-^: “You are really not lenient at all with the heavenly gold contributed by the franchisee countries!”

Smoker (꒪ȏ꒪;): “As a general, you dare to say such things. You are as powerful as Mr. Garp!”

Li Yi: “What’s the situation now? Waldo still refuses to let him go?!”

Smoker (▼へ▼メ): “That hateful pirate is not afraid of us at all because he has a Celestial Dragon as a hostage.”

Smoker (▼へ▼メ): “And we received information that Waldo has also captured people from Nine Snake Island, and now the pirate empress Boya Hancock is here too.”

Li Yi٩(๑ơలơ)۶♡: “Hancock is here too!”

Smoker→_→: “I suspect you are here to pick up girls!”

Li Yi o( ̄▽ ̄)d: “How can you doubt that I will save this general even if he is a trash like Tianlong? Who told me that I am the light of righteousness!”

Smog→_→: “Stop talking nonsense and rescue the Celestial Dragons quickly. The World Government is keeping an eye on them.”

Li Yi: “Turn on the warship’s horn for me!”

Smoker: “What do you want to do?”

Under Li Yi’s order, the warship’s loudspeaker, holding a microphone, shouted loudly: “Biedi Waldo, you have been surrounded by our navy, release the Tianlong people now, and then raise your hands to surrender!”

However, what Li Yi responded to was a huge cannonball. The cannonball fired from the pirate ship’s cannon. Due to the changes in Valdomomo’s fruit power, the size of this cannonball became extremely huge.

A huge cannonball with a diameter of two to three hundred meters flew towards the warship, and the huge shadow enveloped the warship. Suddenly, the soldiers on the warship showed frightened expressions.

Even Smoker is not calm. Such a huge shell can easily destroy a warship in an instant, and the power it unleashes is enough to cause huge waves. The world destroyer really deserves its reputation.

“Is it useful to be big?”

“So what if it’s magnified 100 times?”

“How dare you show off your skills in front of this general!”

“Watch me cut it with one sword!”

As soon as I thought about it, the golden light in my right hand flashed, and the Seven-Star Sword slowly appeared in my right hand!

“Breath of Thunder, Form of Five, Heat World Thunder!”

The Seven Star Sword slashed out, and the blazing golden thunder sword light cut through the space and slashed towards the huge cannonball.


In an instant, a crack was cut into the sea, and the huge cannonball was split into two. The hot sword energy melted the cannonball in an instant, and then exploded in the air.

The powerful explosion caused strong winds and heat waves.

After destroying the cannonball fired by Waldo with one sword, Li Yi waved the Seven-Star Sword again, hoping to sink Waldo’s pirate ship with one sword.

“Admiral Thunder, don’t move!”

“Don’t blame me for being rude if you move again!”

Just when Li Yi was about to attack again, Waldo held the Celestial Dragon hostage and stood on the pirate ship’s cannon, shouting loudly with a loudspeaker. At the same time, the sound of the Celestial Dragon man cursing could also be heard.

“Despicable pirate, how dare you kidnap the world’s nobles!”

“I will turn you into a slave and torture you every day!”

At this moment, the Celestial Dragon didn’t seem to understand his situation and cursed at Waldo.

Waldo was not used to these Dracos, so he went straight to a big showdown, and beat several of them in a row, beating the Dracos into pig heads in just a few blows.

When Li Yi saw this on the warship deck, he couldn’t help but give Waldo a thumbs up and praised: “Good fight, don’t give me face, fight as much as you like!”



Smoker: “Are you going to stop Waldo?”

Li Yi→_→: “Take action, the Tianlong people’s lives are not in danger, why do you take action!”


Li Yi(•ิ_•ิ)?: “That Celestial Dragon looks familiar. What’s the name of that Celestial Dragon Smog?”

Smoker: “I heard he is the cousin of Saint Charros!”

Li Yi (⊙o⊙): “No wonder, he is as stupid as that guy.”

“Report, the pirate empress Hancock is approaching our army.

ship, requesting to board the ship to meet and talk with General Lei Ming! ”

A navy soldier walked up to Li Yi and reported that Hancock’s pirate ship, the Perfume Serpent, was slowly approaching the warship on the side.

“Keep their ship close.”

“Bring me a table and chairs immediately, and prepare some tea!”

After getting Li Yi’s permission, the pirate empress Hancock boarded the warship.

With long black hair, dark blue eyes and a beautiful face, the purple cheongsam shows an extremely perfect figure. A pair of long legs paired with a pair of black high heels show the queen’s powerful aura.

In one moment, the navy soldiers on the warship were so fascinated that their eyes turned into pink heart shapes. The next moment, the navy soldiers on the warship turned into stone statues!

Hancock looked at a group of navy soldiers who had turned into stone statues, and said mockingly: “Because I am so beautiful, you will forgive me even if I turn you into stone statues!”

At this moment, there were only Li Yi and Smoker on the deck of the warship. Li Yi was drinking tea with a relaxed expression, while Smoker pulled out a knife and stabbed it into his hand.

The ability of Superman’s sweet fruit is too strong. Coupled with Hancock’s peerless appearance, the effect on men is simply magnified exponentially. Smoker can only rely on the pain of stabbing his hand with a knife to barely maintain his sanity. petrochemical.

Hancock walked up to Li Yi with elegant steps and looked at Li Yi arrogantly.

However, the next moment, Li Yi looked at her lightly and said, “Boya Hancock, you are so presumptuous!”

The sound was not loud, but in Hancock’s ears it roared like the sound of thunder from heaven and earth, followed by an overbearing and domineering aura that was like the power of heaven and earth.

Although Hancock is also the owner of Overlord’s domineering power, her Overlord’s domineering power cannot be compared with Li Yi, and she cannot shake it even if she tries her best.

Li Yi just glanced at him lightly, and a golden thunderous light burst out from his eyes. Hancock felt an overbearing and domineering impact, and his breathing became heavy like a mountain.

“Remove the petrification of all naval soldiers immediately!”

“Otherwise, die!”

Cold words came out of Li Yi’s mouth, and a murderous aura erupted and enveloped Hancock.

During the war, Hancock only watched the battle between Li Yi and Whitebeard from a distance. Now that he faces Li Yi directly, he understands his strength and terror.

The most powerful general in the navy is indeed well-deserved. Hancock always thought that Li Yi would be obsessed with his peerless appearance when he flirted with him in the war.

But in Li Yi’s heart, although I like you, it doesn’t mean you can be presumptuous in front of me!

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