As the golden giant sword burst out with devastating power, Barrett was completely defeated, and the war on the top ended. However, what happened on the battlefield had an earth-shaking impact on the sea.

Whitebeard’s words before his death that “One Piece” exists caused the sea to boil, proving that One Piece existed, making pirates from all over the world ready to move. After the war, the number of pirates heading to the New World increased dramatically, causing the New World to fall into chaos.

And because of Whitebeard’s death, the vacancies among the four emperors attracted the attention of all parties. Pirate fights were staged every day in the New World, and countless countries in the New World suffered as a result.

They wrote letters to the World Government asking the navy to suppress the pirates. Since Marinevando had been completely destroyed after a great war, it was no longer suitable to be the headquarters base of the navy.

After discussing with the Warring States Period, Commander-in-Chief Sora decided to set up the G1 base in the New World as the new naval headquarters, which directly deterred the pirates who continued to pour into the New World.

Although the navy suffered heavy losses in the Battle of the Summit, it was only the destruction of Marinevando, several giant vice-admirals who were severely injured, and a large number of ordinary soldiers who were killed or injured, but not even injured.

More importantly, after the Battle of Malinfando, the world saw the strongest combat power of the navy. The man who is now dubbed the strongest on the sea is Thunder General Li Yi.

In the top battle, Whitebeard, the strongest man in the world, was defeated in one battle, Red Redfield, the legendary pirate, was defeated in two, and Barret, the descendant of the devil, was defeated in three.

The three battles established Li Yi’s strongest position, especially the divine power shown in defeating Barrett. The power of destroying heaven and earth left an indelible impression on the hearts of everyone who watched the live broadcast in the world.

On the second day of the war, the photo on the front cover of Morgans’ World Economic News newspaper was a huge mushroom cloud standing between heaven and earth. The headline read “Destroy all evil, the strongest.” The force of justice!”

After the naval headquarters was established in the New World, the Warring States Period decisively sent various major generals and lieutenant generals to attack and capture the pirates who entered the New World from the first half of the Grand Line. These guys took advantage of the chaos and made the entire New World a mess.

As the navy headquarters attacked, these guys were arrested one by one, causing Impel Down to be overcrowded for a while. However, many pirates without devil fruit abilities would be captured to build bridges for the Celestial Dragons or work as slaves.

As the navy’s strongest combat power and representative of the strongest force of justice, Li Yi was of course assigned a task by the Warring States Period to intimidate the King’s Shichibukai!

In fact, to put it bluntly, he beat Tenyasha Doflamingo. After the war, this guy danced the most and made a fortune in arms. Not only did many countries buy arms from him, but even pirates who had just entered the new world also came to him. Buy arms.

This guy took Kaido’s lead and became Kaido’s arms dealer, making a lot of money. Of course, Kaido also got the artificial Devil Fruit from Doflamingo.

In the heights of King Dressrosa, in the palace balcony swimming pool, Doflamingo is holding a phone bug in his left hand, with orchid fingers on his right hand. He is surrounded by various sexy ladies in bikinis, looking at the port with high spirits. A fiery sight.

The port of Dressrosa was crowded with ships, some were pirate ships, and some were warships from various countries. Boxes of gold coins and jewelry were received by members of Don Quixote’s family, and boxes of munitions were then shipped to the ship.

Doflamingo is very happy to have made a lot of war fortune. The more chaotic the world is, the happier this guy is. This guy has huge ambitions and wants to become the Celestial Dragon who dominates the world again.

Just as Doflamingo was immersed in his dream, his dog-headed military advisor Torebol ran up to Doflamingo with a runny nose and a panic face.

Torrebol Σ(ŎдŎ|||)ノノ: “Something is going wrong in Dover. Admiral Thunder is coming to Dressrosa.”

Doflamingo!!!∑(°Д°ノ)ノ: “What, why is that guy here!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the originally clear sky in Dressrosa suddenly became covered with dark clouds and thunder and lightning. Everyone in Dressrosa felt a heavy pressure on them. The dark clouds shrouded them like the will of the gods. , staring across Dressrosa.

On the sea, Li Yi’s warship Sharp Blade cut through the sea like a sharp sword and came at great speed, and soon docked at the port of Dressrosa.

A large number of soldiers on the Sharp Blade warship quickly boarded the port and lined up in two rows with guns and blades in hand. Then Li Yi slowly walked off the warship, followed by the Sharp Blade team.


“The most powerful general, Lei Ming!”

The pirates on the port were trembling now. They wanted to run but found that their feet were shaking and unable to move.

“Dressrosa is quite lively!”

“Hey, the sale and purchase of weapons have begun to promote sales.

Sales activities! ”

“Dig a hole, buy one get one free!”

“But you know you are breaking the law by doing this!”

“Punish you with thunder!”


Golden thunderbolts fell from the dark clouds in the sky, killing every pirate in the port on the spot. In just a moment, the port was filled with charred corpses.

“Although they are all pirates, their crimes are not worthy of death!”

Suddenly a small voice sounded. It was a naval soldier wearing a soldier’s uniform. If he looked carefully, it turned out to be Kerby.

This guy prevented Akainu from killing Straw Hat Luffy during the battle at the top, and was almost captured and shot by Akainu after the war.

If Garp hadn’t stopped him, he would have been buried in Marineland by now. However, he was demoted to the rank and file for violating military discipline. This was also for Li Yi’s sake.

“Are you pretending to be stupid? These are all pirates!”

“Not every pirate is like the Straw Hat Pirates. Keep your eyes open.”

“They are buying weapons and then plundering unarmed civilians. Each of their hands is stained with the blood of innocent people!”

“You’re actually telling me now that their crimes are not worthy of death?”

“Everyone lying here is a heinous scumbag. What do you think they are doing at sea?”

“Looking for OnePeice to become the Pirate King, don’t be ridiculous, you really think that all pirates who go to sea are just pursuing their dreams!”

“They all go to sea for the treasure!”

“If it weren’t for Garp’s sake, I would have wanted to strike you with a thunderbolt right now!”

Li Yi grabbed Kebi and scolded him. Why did you make such a big mistake on the battlefield? If I hadn’t protected you, would you still be in the navy?

“From now on, you have to kill a hundred pirates for me, otherwise you will be a handyman for the rest of your life!”

“I don’t need a marine soldier who is full of kindness, morality and compassion in my Blade Team!”

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